Through all of the outrages and obscene words and actions of Donald Trump, even through his impeachment trial, the sense is there that Donald Trump has now endangered public health and his own disgraceful Presidency’s ability to survive.
His acting like a Medical Doctor, and giving his stupid, cult like followers advice on medications and now on ingesting or injecting disinfectant into their bodies has led to some hospitalizations and likely deaths. Others are not understanding that the President is totally unhinged and dangerous, and that they should ignore his ranting and raving in his daily, disgraceful displays of insanity!
Trump is now being given advice to stop participating in the daily updates, and on Friday, he took no questions and ended the press conference within a few minutes.
If he has not lost all credibility now, and if he continues to have a “Jim Jones” type effect on his lunatic followers, then those morons will deserve to die, and at least clean our nation of people who support his racism, nativism, and misogyny. The danger he presents to our domestic progress represented by the New Deal of FDR and the Great Society of LBJ, and to a stable foreign policy in support of our allies in NATO and in East Asia is massive.
And now, he threatens to destroy the Postal Service; stop all immigration when it is an essential part of the American success story and necessary for economic growth; eliminate all environmental laws on the books; and to bomb Iran. The latter is a ploy to gain an image as a wartime President, making it possible for him to be reelected, but he must be prevented from any such action.
The pressure to resign, and let Vice President Mike Pence finish the term, will start to grow to prevent a total destruction of the Republican Party, and the sense that he might finally have reached the point, where the nation’s safety and security is at stake.
Clearly, anyone who still will take the view that Trump should be reelected, as Joe Biden and his potential female running mate have this or that fault or shortcoming, is a sign that such person has severe mental illness, and cannot see what is essential for the nation!
That is the resignation of Donald Trump, far more dangerous now, than Richard Nixon was, when he resigned on August 9, 1974!
Trump doesn’t want to work with the rest of the world on a vaccine.
A President of the US telling people to drink bleach is definitely a major WTF?! moment.
The rest of us second that, Former Republican.
This doesn’t surprise me. This is the same guy who thinks exercise kills you, windmills cause cancer, and that we should try dropping a nuclear bomb into hurricanes. He is an idiot and has been for a long time.
Governor Hogan of Maryland said that people were calling the poison control hotline, asking if it’s ok to drink bleach.
God gave people brains. Obviously some still don’t know how to use them.
No. They’re like the scarecrow. They don’t have any brains. Only straw.
Yes, Rustbelt Democrat.
Trump has gathered all of the dregs of society around him, people who like cults, like Jim Jones in 1978 in Guyana, and all these extremist preachers, who get poor and gullible people to give up all they have for him!
Trump is very dangerous, and is a master of the Big Lie Technique of Adolf Hitler!
i wonder, Doctor, if You haven’t forgotten that time-old and -tested admonition: “Be careful what You wish for because it might come true.”
Any removal of Mr Trump from the Oval Office ~ by whatever method, means, or mechanism ~ has a very good possibility ~ if not probability ~ of igniting The Second American Civil War. See my concluding statement below. Like the Chief Inspector said: “Somebody will do something stupid…; and when they do, things will get nasty.”
Also, on what basis do You assume that a President Pence would pursue a course of action on anything that is any different from that of Trump? The same people who own, operate, control, and script write for The Donald selected his running mate ~ a wrapped-in-the-flag, carrying a bible and a cross, fundamentalist evangelical who looks forward with eager anticipation to “The Rapture” ~ for him.
RF: “Trump has gathered all of the dregs of society around him, people who like cults, like Jim Jones in 1978 in Guyana, and all these extremist preachers, who get poor and gullible people to give up all they have for him! Trump is very dangerous, and is a master of the Big Lie Technique of Adolf Hitler!”
Trump is an amateur compared to Hitler; better examples would be Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. Hitler had Goebbels; all Trump has is Fox, Breifbarf, Limbaugh, Hannity, and the like.
And given that a solid average of 45% of Americans ~ when asked by various polls from numerous sources, past and present ~ approve of Trump and the job he has done, is doing, and promises to keep on doing; that makes for a huge number of “dregs of this society” with all their “cults,” wouldn’t You say?
What do You propose to do about them when the revolution comes and we’re all eating peaches and creme? Send them to the extermination camps? Or merely to re-education facilities?
There aren’t enough pejorative adjectives in the English language to describe what an idiot Trump is. And that’s not sarcasm.
Here’s the motivational bumper sticker I want (although it’s still a bit wordy)
“Democrats: Obamacare!
Republicans: Shove a flashlight up your rear & inject bleach!”
Here’s the motivational bumper sticker I want
Something simple. Perhaps;
Joe Biden 2020
Make America Healthy Again!
Vote Blue Or The Grim Reaper May Come For You!
Or we can just do a rerun of “Had enough? Vote Democratic,â€. It works with every GOP President.
Check this out. God is on Twitter. Here’s what he has to say about the situation –
“In an ideal scenario the President of the United States and the worst human being in the world would be two different people.”
The “Grim Reaper” has already come for a bunch of people in the Blue States. Close to 85% of all the Deaths in the US have occurred in states that went to Clinton in 2016.
Agreed, Leia. The solution to almost every problem in the United States is to simply vote out Republicans.
Speaking of polar opposite presidents, failed President Little Donnie Pass-the-Buck’s tweets about winning the Nobel prize strongly suggest that he remains extremely jealous of President Obama.
Can we just give Donnie an Ig-Nobel prize and be done with it. It’s not like he’ll know the difference.
What is your point, Jeffrey, in making that statement?
Do you think those who voted for Hillary were somehow evil, and should die?
Remember, the “Blue” states gives much money to the “hick” states, are very generous, and don’t be so sure that the “red” states will not suffer more later due to their Tea Party connections trying to undermine the recovery!
The United States has now passed 1 million confirmed COVID-19 cases with over 56,000 deaths, and while the pandemic has appeared to slow in locations practicing social distancing measures, it is expected to surge in areas where those measures are weakening.
No, Ronald; i don’t think that about people who voted for Clinton.
That was a reaction and response to PR’s “Vote Blue or Die” bumper sticker proposal. It was a simple statement of fact about which States have the most deaths by a considerable margin.
But why do i suspect that You and Your colleagues, cohorts, and compeers on the Left feel that all people who voted for Trump and support him today [those dregs amounting to 45% of Americans] are not just “somehow,” but demonstratively “evil, and should die”?
And which “Tea Party connections” are trying to undermine which “recovery!”? The recovery from the collapse of the economy, or the recovery from the COVID-19 Event?
We have two crises going on at present, not just one.
Jeffrey, the Tea Party is preventing a recovery from the COVID19 Virus.
And I just say that divine intervention should come into play for hateful people who advocate the racism, nativism, misogyny, Islamophobia, homophobia and antisemitism, that many Trump supporters advocate!
New data analysis shows that the very areas of the country where the coronavirus was initially slow to spread -the Midwest and the South – are now experiencing a notable uptick in cases.
Trump’s decision to hold an in-person graduation at West Point proves he is unfit.
Let’s see how big those “upticks” turn out into Cases and Deaths on the same scale ~ and at the same Rate per 1 million population ~as has already occurred elsewhere.
As i’ve said: this is the perfect opportunity for an experiment to see who is right about what.
It also demonstrates that the leaders at West Point, in the Army, and at the Department of Defense are also unfit.
i sincerely hope that at least a few of those Cadets, their professors, and leaders refuse to attend the ceremony, and tell Trump and the media exactly why.
Corporal Bonespurs strikes again, eh? What a f[expletive deleted]ing joke.
The “Tea Party” is preventing a recovery from COVID-19?
How is it doing that? Are all those people in those churches, on those beaches, at those protests, and wanting their livelihoods back all “Tea Partiers”? Or is that just another label for dregs, lunatics, deplorables, and so forth?
Given that the “Tea Party” is not an officially recognized political organization of thieves, freeloaders, thieves and other criminals like the Democrat and Republican parties, how do You distinguish a Tea Partier from anybody else?
Well, keep praying to Your God for that divine retribution, Doc. But just remember that any kind of operation like that involves lots and lots of collateral damage.
Leia – That definitely gets filed under “We told ya so”.
FR: “Speaking of polar opposite presidents, failed President Little Donnie Pass-the-Buck’s tweets about winning the Nobel prize strongly suggest that he remains extremely jealous of President Obama.”
Glad You brought that up, FR. Obama was awarded that “Peace” prize after being in office for less than one year. What did he actually DO during that year that justified giving him that award [ and the $1.4 million that went along with it]?
And, what did he do in and to Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria [among other places] over the rest of his reign that is absolute proof that he needs to give that Prize and the money back?
My impression is that he came up with this at the spur of the moment, as a way to deflect from the explosive reaction to his bleach commentary. He didn’t think it through and apparently didn’t tell the people at West Point in advance. I’m hopeful that between Cuomo and the Commanders at West Point, they’ll find a way to talk him off this idea, hopefully doing it in a way he can declare as a victory for him.
FR: “Speaking of polar opposite presidents, failed President Little Donnie Pass-the-Buck’s tweets about winning the Nobel prize strongly suggest that he remains extremely jealous of President Obama.â€
That’s why Trump keeps undoing all the achievements Obama made.
Data shows Trump’s efforts to weaponize COVID against governors harming him more than the governors.
The United States has to test like no other nation, because Trump screwed up like no other leader.
Republicans in Disarray
There is dissension brewing between GOP senators and their leaders.
Trump is planning to reopen meat processing plants that shut down because many of their employees were getting sick with the virus. I guess the employees will be coming in to work sick.
Fringe anti-lockdown protests stoked by Republicans take aim at … Republicans
I actually don’t think this is a bad idea. If there are food shortages, people are going to start to panic. However, the key is not f—ing it up. If the fed is going to force meat processing plants to stay open, then it’s on the fed to ensure that employees are safe and protected while they work. The Trump administration hasn’t proven it’s capable of doing that so far.
He hemmed and hawed over using the DPA to produce PPE and ventilators, but jumped right to action when there is the slightest threat to his beloved hamburger!
Trump: We are forcing you to stay open! Here’s PPE we’ve been stealing from the states!
Plant owner: But what happens if a large section of our employees fall sick and can’t work?
Trump: Force them!
Plant owner: And what if they die?
Trump: We will shield you from all liability!
Obviously, Trump figures that insuring the availability of plenty of meat in our diet is one of the nation’s top priorities. So my suggestion is that he send Jared, Ivanka, Don, Jr. and Eric out to work for a few weeks at a meat processing plant. Heck, he could take a couple of mornings off from Tweeting and watching Fox News and go spend a day working in one himself. Of course, no member of the Trump clan could last an hour doing that work, but at least before they dropped from exhaustion or accidentally cutting off some portion of their anatomy, they’d be doing something useful — which is more than they’re doing now.
There is a very simple reaction and response to the proposed forced opening of meat processing plants. And it doesn’t involve Governor’s of the affected States telling Trump to stick his Executive Order in his ear. Altho that would certainly help.
And it doesn’t even involve the owners of those plants telling Trump the same thing. [Which is the actual, bottom-line, bullet-hits-the bone issue here: By what authority does the President of the United States have the power to tell private business owners what they can and can not ~ let alone MUST ~ do? But that is a separate rant.]
The simple, quickest, and easiest solution is for every American who is outraged by this to publicly declare and demonstrate their BOYCOTT of any and all products that come out of those commandeered plants.
The question is: How many Americans are prepared to do that? How many are prepared to put their stomachs [and money] where their mouths are?
It will also be very interesting to see where Organized Labor comes out on all this, and how it handles the situation. My guess is that ~ corporatist crony capitalists that American Organized Labor is ~ those folks will go right along with whatever Swampland dictates, as long as it gets its fair share of all the rescue, relief, bailout, subsidy, and stimuli loot being passed out.
Imagine this!
i agree with Former Republican but also Jeffrey on their most recent comments!
It’s all about one of the earliest Learning Objectives in Economics 001, Doc: If there is no Demand, there will be no Supply.
Our town hasn’t experienced any food shortages but there are toilet paper shortages.
Heard on the news tonight that a dog got the virus. The dog had mild symptoms of a cough and runny nose.
We’ve been trying to order face masks. Tried Walmart. Never received them. I’ve heard reports that Trump is confiscating masks, and I fear that’s what happened to the ones we ordered from Walmart.
Now, we’re trying to obtain face masks from Amazon. Those have yet to ship.
If we don’t get the ones from Amazon, Pragmatic and I are going to make our own for our families, using old T-shirts.
DOC!!! What was that You were saying about Mike Pence as a great replacement for Trump?
“Vice President Mike Pence tours Mayo Clinic without coronavirus mask even though he was told to wear one”
Princess Leia, it is disgraceful that you have not been able to get face masks, and I hope you will soon.
Jeffrey, I was over optimistic, and confess I was wrong on Mike Pence, who I have never liked one iota, but thought he was more sensible than Donald Trump!
With one million CoronaVirus victims, and nearly 59,000 dead, it is a disgrace that the Vice President of the United States has no ethics or morals, despite being such a “good Christian”, and maybe God will decide to intervene and punish both of them for setting a horrible example for the American people!
The governor of Iowa is calling people who refuse to return to work, because they are scared of the virus, “quitters”, and told them they’ll lose their job benefits.
Cruel and heartless is how I would describe that governor.
Model shows that Georgia’s daily coronavirus deaths will nearly double by August with relaxed social distancing.
Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren’t going to show up
Republicans are the party of Scrooge. They don’t care one wit about your health and safety.
The Misinformation Being Used to Pressure Us Into Re-Opening the Economy
The people who are intent on re-opening the economy in the midst of the coronavirus crisis are relying on a lot of faulty science and outright lies. I thought it would be helpful to shine a bit of sunlight on some of their claims.
As an example, there are those who are suggesting that social distancing hasn’t worked to stop the spread of the virus, so we might as well end the practice. But that is based on a false premise. As you might recall, the reason given for social distancing was that it is a way to “flatten the curve,†ensuring that our health care system did not become overwhelmed. To demonstrate, here is the graph that went viral at the time.
(see graph in article)
Tom Friedan, head of the CDC under President Obama, made it clear that these efforts were designed not to prevent widespread transmission, but to “prevent explosive transmission and anything that overwhelms the health care system.†By taking those protective measures, it has always been assumed that the number of cases would remain the same, but would be spread over a longer period of time.
Even more widely circulated is the disinformation coming from two doctors, Daniel Erickson and Artin Massihi, who are the owners of an urgent care clinic in Bakersfield, CA. They produced an hour-long video which basically claimed that the mortality rate for COVID-19 patients was so low that restrictive stay-at-home measures are unwarranted. You can read a bit about how they cooked their numbers, but it is even more important to know that not only did Youtube remove the video from their platform for violating its community guidelines on spreading coronavirus misinformation, but two groups representing emergency medical professionals took the unprecedented step of condemning their presentation.
[The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) jointly and emphatically condemn the recent opinions released by Dr. Daniel Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. These reckless and untested musings do not speak for medical societies and are inconsistent with current science and epidemiology regarding COVID-19. As owners of local urgent care clinics, it appears these two individuals are releasing biased, non-peer reviewed data to advance their personal financial interests without regard for the public’s health.
COVID-19 misinformation is widespread and dangerous. Members of ACEP and AAEM are first-hand witnesses to the human toll that COVID-19 is taking on our communities. ACEP and AAEM strongly advise against using any statements of Drs. Erickson and Massihi as a basis for policy and decision making.]
Finally, there is a lot of chatter about how social distancing is actually hindering the process of developing “herd immunity.†That is an epidemiological term used to describe “the state where a population…is sufficiently immune to a disease that the infection will not spread within that group.†Most commonly, herd immunity is reached when a critical number of people have either been vaccinated or have developed natural immunity. Given what we know about COVID-19, that critical number would have to be at least 70 percent of the population.
Since a vaccine for coronavirus hasn’t been developed yet, those who are suggesting that we re-open the economy in order to develop herd immunity are relying on the assumption that people who have contracted COVID-19 have developed the antibodies necessary to give them natural immunity. But as Brian Resnick writes, that might be a faulty assumption.
[Recently, the World Health Organization put out a buzzkill of a statement: “There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection.â€â€¦
But experts in immunology and virology tell me that the WHO is right: The detection of antibodies to Covid-19 is not enough to declare a person immune because we don’t yet know how immunity to this virus works.]
In addition, many people promoting the idea of herd immunity rely on two other factors: (1) that it is only the mortality rates for those over 60 that need to be taken into consideration, and (2) that people over 60 can be quarantined while the rest of us get back to normal life. Nowhere do you hear them address the long-term health effects we are seeing with those who have survived COVID-19, nor do they deal with the reality that many elderly people live with their children and grandchildren—something that is especially prevalent with low income elderly and people of color.
In exploring the possibility of developing herd immunity, Thomas Friedman looks to the example provided by Sweden. But it is important to note what that country has actually done.
[Tegnell [the country’s top infectious disease official] explains that Sweden is not just blithely letting all Swedes get the disease to achieve herd immunity, but rather is pursuing a designed strategy for the most sustainable way to navigate through this pandemic. So colleges and high schools are closed, but kindergarten through grade nine are open, as are many restaurants, stores and businesses.
But the government has also issued social-distancing guidelines, which many people are abiding by, encouraged working from home and discouraged nonessential travel. Most important, it has encouraged everyone over 70 to stay at home and banned gatherings of more than 50 people and visits to nursing homes.]
Given all of that, here are the results so far.
[The death rate in Sweden has now risen significantly higher than many other countries in Europe, reaching more than 22 per 100,000 people, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University, controlled for population.
By contrast, Denmark has recorded just over seven deaths per 100,000 people, and both Norway and Finland less than four.]
It is also helpful to remember that, in the hands of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the U.K.’s experiment with herd immunity turned into a debacle.
Hopefully, all of this provides you with some factual information that helps to dispel some of the misinformation we’re hearing from those who are intent on re-opening the economy in ways that disregard the best advice from scientific experts.