The official unemployment rate reported this week is 14.3 percent, but that is not reality!
It does not not include the last two weeks of unemployment applications, as a result of the CoronaVirus Pandemic.
There are now, officially, 36.5 million unemployed people, and with a working population of about 156 million people, that means, using basic math, that the actual unemployment rate in mid May is 23.4 percent, just a point and a half lower than the all time high of 24.9 percent in February 1933, the worst moments of the Great Depression before Herbert Hoover handed over power to Franklin D. Roosevelt!
it is clear that as soon as another 2.5 million Americans file for unemployment this week or next, the unemployment rate will be at 25 percent or more, an all time high in American history!
The Boston Globe had a column today that left me with a chuckle. Trying to define the Trump years. Revealing that the 1810-20 period was called “The era of good feelingsâ€; 1890’s was called “The Gilded Ageâ€; “The New Deal†defined the 1930’s etc., Michael Cohen came up with the defining tag for the Trump Years-“The Era of Stupidâ€.
HAHA, a good laugh, Paul, while in mourning for all the lost lives, which could reach more than the 1.4 million in all America’s wars, before it is over, if ever over!
Trumpty Dumbty got rid of another Inspector General over the weekend. This one was with the State Department and he was investigating Pompeo.
Rump got scared and is taking hydroxychloroquine.
Maybe he’ll get some bad side effects from the drug.
Yet another bizarre moment by morbidly obese fake “president” Plump. At a meeting with some potato farmers today, fake “president” Plump attacked Governor Northam, babbling something about using the Second Amendment to protect potatoes.
Let’s all start calling Trumpty Dumbty Mr. Potato Head now!
Is he crazy enough now? What is the level of crazy to force him to resign or 25th him?
Rump’s new slogan for 2020 – Make Spuds Great Again.
Either that or we call him Hydroxy-Moron!
Rump only cares about potatoes because they make fries to go along with his daily hamburder!!
First he’s lying about taking hydroxy. But he should be taking anti psychotic medication and put in a rubber room. Apparently his brain has been mashed.
Virginia isn’t even swing state anymore…Trump hasn’t even polled within the Margarine of Error once there.
Good play on words, Southern Liberal.
Maybe he heard “Virginia” and remembered hearing the staff at his golf club in Loudoun County softly singing “Carry me back to Old Virginny, there’s where the cotton and the corn AND TATERS grow…” as they went about their duties in the big house, and made the connection that evidently potatoes are very important to us here in the Old Dominion, and just took it from there. One very stable genius.
Good point, Rustbelt.