Right Wing Extremists Taking Advantage And Provoking Violence In Protests About George Floyd Murder Nationally

The last few days have seen mostly right wing extremists taking advantage and provoking violence in otherwise justifiable protests against the George Floyd Murder by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

And Donald Trump is trying to claim falsely that it is extremist left wing groups, the so called Antifa group, which is responsible for the violence against journalists and the destruction of property.

Donald Trump is trying to exploit the situation, and his Attorney General, William Barr, is an eager collaborator.

It is essential that the leadership of the nation change in November, or else, we are moving toward a civil war, with all of the firearms out there, as many as the population of the country!

16 comments on “Right Wing Extremists Taking Advantage And Provoking Violence In Protests About George Floyd Murder Nationally

  1. Princess Leia May 31, 2020 7:32 pm

    Very typical of Trump and one of the numerous reasons why I hate him.

  2. Jeffrey G Moebus June 1, 2020 9:04 am

    On what basis, Professor, do You claim that it has been “mostly right wing extremists taking advantage and provoking violence in otherwise justifiable protests”?

    Probably on the same basis that Trump claims that Antifa is behind it all. Ie: None.

    Extremists of both the Right and the Left are active in this whole goatrope; BOTH sides are at play in the Fields of America as the COVID-19 Event moves on to its next Phase And right in the middle of them all ~ scripting and choreographing this whole reality-tv extravaganza ~ is SwampLand, ably aided, abetted, and assisted by its subsidiary media.

    And “provoking” violence is one thing; allowing oneself to be provoked to acts of violent lawlessness [destroying property by trashing or burning, and especially looting] is quite another. The outrage of Black Americans at law enforcement abuses, outrages, and abominations can in no way whatsoever serve as legitimate justification for the theft and destruction of the property of another. Ever.

    In any event and on top of all that, the 2020 Hurricane Season starts today. It may be a very long, very hot, and very stormy Summer, eh?

  3. Ronald June 1, 2020 11:33 am

    Jeffrey, I agree there is absolutely no justification for destruction of property under any circumstances, so your implying that I was endorsing that shows that YOU are part of the problem, with your hyperbole!

    There may be some on the left involved, no question, but not on the level of the vicious right wing fascists!

    There are many reports of white supremacist gangs stoking trouble, backed by David Duke, Richard Spencer, and other racists, and they are thrilled that Trump is blaming everything on Antifa, because he thinks the people who stoked violence at Charlottesville are “good people”, so he has no desire to avoid further turmoil!

    And your attack on the news media is only encouraging distrust, and yet it is the media that keeps us free, so I condemn any such irrational statements! 🙁

  4. Southern Liberal June 1, 2020 12:19 pm

    Without the proper context, it is impossible to understand the mushroom cloud of uprisings that are exploding across the country in the wake of the deaths of George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others.
    To contextualize the anger, frustration and desperation that forced protesters to recreate the lawlessness and chaos that black people experience on a daily basis, The Root has created a timeline of some of the events that led up to black people across the country collectively saying:
    “Aight, den.”


  5. Jeffrey G Moebus June 1, 2020 12:57 pm

    RF: Jeffrey, I agree there is absolutely no justification for destruction of property under any circumstances, so your implying that I was endorsing that shows that YOU are part of the problem, with your hyperbole!

    i “implied” nothing, Professor. What i stated was that regardless of who is “provoking” the rioting ~ the extreme Right, the extreme Left, the federal, state, and local governments, China and/or Russia, whomever ~ the rioters, arsonists, and looters are Criminals just like those Cops who killed those Blacks are. And both sets of Criminals need to be dealt with as the Criminals they are.

    Call that “hyperbole,” if You will. But calling it hyperbole makes You part of problem, Doc; not just me.

    RF: There may be some on the left involved, no question, but not on the level of the vicious right wing fascists!

    Again, You make these quantitative and qualitative assertions with absolutely no substantiated evidence to back up Your claim. Who’s engaging in hyperbole now?

    RF: There are many reports of white supremacist gangs stoking trouble, backed by David Duke, Richard Spencer, and other racists, and they are thrilled that Trump……so he has no desire to avoid further turmoil!

    “Many reports,” eh? And how credible are the sources of all those reports? Any more credible than the assertion that the Antifa is behind it all? How is the credibility of those many reports blaming the “vast Right-wing conspiracy” for all this insanity and stupidity any more to be accepted than that of that Right-wing conspiracy blaming the Left-wing conspiracy?

    RF: And your attack on the news media is only encouraging distrust, and yet it is the media that keeps us free, so I condemn any such irrational statements!

    Which “media” is that, Doc? The one peddling the conspiracy theories of Trump and His Gang, or the one peddling the other meme that it’s Trump and His Gang who are behind it all?

    And “keeping us free” from what?

    Given the historical and current track record of America’s media ~ left, right, and muddled middle; print, electronic, digital, and social ~ on the matter of reporting the TRUTH, i would say that “encouraging distrust” of that media is exactly what Americans need more of these days, and not less.

  6. Rustbelt Democrat June 1, 2020 7:08 pm

    Trump made a speech. Instead of trying to unite the country, he was browbeating.

  7. Princess Leia June 1, 2020 7:46 pm

    Peaceful protestors near the White House were tear gassed and shot at with rubber bullets that the sh–gibbon could have a photo-op at a church across the street!

  8. Pragmatic Progressive June 1, 2020 7:55 pm

    He makes me completely disgusted.

  9. Rustbelt Democrat June 1, 2020 8:20 pm

    CNN is reporting that this whole stunt by the dick-tater is because he was embarrassed about the news that he had to be taken down to the bunker last night.

  10. Former Republican June 1, 2020 8:29 pm

    He’s obviously trying to act like Mr. Tough Guy and throw red meat to his base of idiots.

  11. Rustbelt Democrat June 1, 2020 9:10 pm

    Putin would be proud of his puppet.

  12. Princess Leia June 2, 2020 8:07 am

    Hillary would not have done something like this.

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