Day: June 18, 2020

Donald Trump Reeling From Supreme Court DACA Decision, And Fox News Poll, Showing Joe Biden Winning By 12 Points!

Donald Trump is rapidly deteriorating mentally and physically, as he sees himself losing on so many fronts.

The latest is the Supreme Court decision on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), allowing those immigrants who came to America as young children, and were threatened with deportation by Trump, to remain in America, at least for the time being. Hopefully, their status will be finally resolved in 2021 by a President Joe Biden and a Democratic Congress.

Chief Justice John Roberts again proved how “unreliable” he is for conservative values, making the decision 5-4.

And now, Trump is not only declaring war on the Supreme Court, with his utterance that the Justices do not like him, but also on Fox News Channel, which just published a poll showing Joe Biden leading Donald Trump by the massive margin of 12 points nationally.

Donald Trump is suffering mightily as everything is going against him, and it could not happen to a better person!