Day: June 24, 2020

Donald Trump More Concerned About Reelection Than Public Health Or National Security

Donald Trump, the ultimate narcissist in American Presidential history, is making it very clear that he is more concerned about reelection than he is in public health or national security.

This is evidenced by his ignoring the growing rate of COVID-19 in many states, stating the stupid, inane idea that if there was less testing, there would be fewer cases!

Also, from John Bolton’s book, just out, we learn he was working to gain Chinese government support for his reelection, and therefore was willing to overlook Chinese government crackdown on human rights.

Never has any President had such a mentality to put his own advancement ahead of his own nation’s interests.

There will be plenty of reasons to pursue Donald Trump legally once he leaves office, and that will be in the hands of Joe Biden’s Attorney General, arguably the single most important appointment the new President will make, in order to work toward the undoing of all of the damage wrought by Donald Trump and his corrupt underlings in his cabinet and elsewhere!