Day: July 22, 2020

The CoronaVirus Pandemic Will Be Known To History As The Trump Pandemic: A Total Failure Of Presidential Leadership, Causing Massive Loss Of Life Unseen Since World War II And In Five Months, Not Years!

It has come to the point that with more than five months of the CoronaVirus Pandemic, and more than 140,000 American lives lost, more than any time since World War II, and no sign of any decline in deaths or infections, that we can say this virus can be called the Trump Pandemic.

For the leading nation in the world, or so we claim, the concept that America has the largest number of cases and deaths by far is mind boggling.

Donald Trump had a chance to deal with this crisis in a manner that would insure reelection, but he has proved to be totally incompetent and uncaring about the loss of life.

We have never had a President like Donald Trump, not even Richard Nixon being comparable.

So history will record the Trump Pandemic, and it will stick to Trump, as Herbert Hoover was saddled with the Great Depression, that he was unable to resolve, as conditions became worse 90 years ago.