President Donald Trump is not hiding his dictatorial desires, having declared on Twitter yesterday his wish to delay or cancel the Presidential Election of 2020 until the legitimacy of the election can be insured.
That makes it very clear that Trump is a Fascist, trying to stay in office without accountability and responsibility for his multitude of crimes against his oath of office.
Trump was trying to take attention away from the escalation of the CoronaVirus Pandemic to all time highs in Florida, Texas, Arizona and California, and the growing number of cases erupting in the Midwest.
Trump is also trying to make us forget that the Gross Domestic Product dropped a shocking 33 percent in the second quarter of April, May and June 2020, the all time record since statistics were kept starting in 1947, after World War II. Five years of growth were wiped out all at once!
All this plus the illegal, unconstitutional sending of unidentified military forces to Portland, Seattle and threats to other Democratic run cities, over the fake threat to federal buildings conjured up by Trump. Who are the threats he suggests? Retired military veterans, housewives, and other decent Americans are taking a stand against racism and for freedom of assembly, while the unwanted and unconstitutional forces are provoking violence and detaining people, shoving them in cars, in a manner reminiscent of Nazi Storm Troopers!
For the first time, however, Republicans in Congress rebuked Trump on the idea of delaying or suspending the elections. This included Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, as well as many others in a party that until now has bowed down to every whim of Donald Trump!
Trump’s suggestion that the results of the election might take months or years is truly delusional, as he forgets that Inauguration Day is 78 days after Election Day, and that the Electoral College meets in December.
It took 36 days in 2000 to resolve the winner in that election, and even in 1876-1877, while it took four months to decide the winner, it occurred with two days to go until the inauguration on the then later date of March 4!
The reason why Trump is acting hysterically is his realization that he will be indicted by a New York grand jury, which cannot be stopped by a Presidential pardon, and will, most likely, go to federal prison, where he belongs, along with a a whole group of family members and many major figures in his administration.
It is only Donald Trump who thinks there will be a “rigged” election, as he well knows that his election in 2016 was “rigged” by Russian collusion, pointed out in the report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in 2019, but covered up by Attorney General William Barr, who will also end up in prison as the worst, most corrupt Attorney General in American history!
Absentee and mail balloting will go forth in this upcoming election, and the issue of corruption is a “red herring”, and Americans will have the right in much of the nation to vote, and not endanger their lives in this pandemic to do so!
Many major conservative groups, such as the Federalist Society, denounced Trump for the suggestion of delaying the election, and said he was acting like a Fascist, and should resign.
So finally, Republicans and conservatives are rising up against Trump!
Another thing that’s disturbing. Trump wanted the Pentagon to label the media and protesters as “adversaries”.
In addition to the pandemic, the economic crisis, and the wannabe dictator in the White House, we have a hurricane headed to the East Coast.
LOL! Trump went to Florida and had yet another puny crowd!
Re: the hurricane
Trump will pull out his sharpie and direct it somewhere else. LOL!
For their poor handling of the virus –
Trump and Kushner Must Be Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity
Joe Biden narrows down his VP list, with Karen Bass emerging as one of several key contenders. His pick will be announced next week.
Instead of dealing with the pandemic and the economic crisis, Chump’s top priority is banning a video app called TikTok.
Sometimes, Professor, it feels really, Really good to be able to say “i told You so.” And at other times ~ like these ~ it really, Really su…..; doesn’t.
If You go back to early-to-late March and look, You will find several comments that i made to several of Your Blogposts that floated the idea that The COVID-19 Event could and would provide Trump with the perfect opportunity to declare a national emergency, martial law, cancel the election, and declare himself America’s First [and Last] President-For-Life: POTUS Maxximmuss XLV.
As i recall, You casually and caustically dismissed that as Chicken Little/DoomsDay Dollie/Tin-hatted Conspiracy Theorist babble. And now its a subject of one of Your pronouncements. How the proverbial Worm turns, eh? You wrote:
“That [delaying or cancelling the Presidential Election of 2020] makes it very clear that Trump is a Fascist, trying to stay in office without accountability and responsibility for his multitude of crimes against his oath of office.”
Wanting to stay in office without accountability and responsibility does not, in itself, make Trump a “Fascist.” There are ~ historically and currently ~ infinite examples of Communist, Socialist, classical and modern Social Democrat, modern Liberal and Conservative, neo-Liberal and -Conservative, corporatist crony capitalist and unionist, welfare/warfare state politicians and bureaucrats who similarly seek to stay in power without accountability and responsibility.
That is, after all, what politics ~ and government and governance ~ is all about, isn’t it? The pursuit of the Power to direct, command, and control Wealth and the processes by which Wealth is created. And the purpose of getting that Wealth being the pursuit of more Power for the purpose of gaining more Wealth, for the purpose of seizing even more Power, in order to Etc. But without ever any personal accountability or responsibility for all the unintended consequences ~ like “externalities” and “collateral damage” ~ suffered by the governed.
Who at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue [or anywhere else in Swampland] is or has ever been held personally and legally “responsible and accountable” for anything that has ever happened in or to this Nation, this Country, this Peoples?
To take the most blatant and glaring example: How many elected politicians, entrenched civilian or military bureaucrats, or anointed political appointees were held personally accountable and responsible for 9/11: the biggest failure of America’s law enforcement, intelligence, counter-terrorism, and national defense systems in its history, if not in the entire history of the Planet? Can anybody name even one?
How many have been held accountable and responsible for what this Nation, Country, and Peoples have inflicted upon the rest of the Planet, particularly over the last 76 years [starting in a couple days on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Days], in a purely bipartisan manner. Especially since 9/11.
Floating the idea of postponing or canceling Election 2020 does not make Trump a “Fascist.” It makes him just another politician playing out the ultimate fantasy of politicians everywhere and throughout history: To have access to total and complete Power and Wealth, so as to inflict a particular Version of cultural, social, economic, and, above all, political and legal “Truth,” so as to thus propagate a Vision for the “Future” that lasts forever. Or at least until the next election cycle.
But most of all, to make maximum use of and take maximum benefit from having one’s fingers on all those buttons of Power and Wealth; again, without the slightest bit of personal accountability or responsibility. Now wonder people aspire to be politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, or staff pukes for those folks.
Putin’s done it; or at least thru 2036. Xi already had it. Why wouldn’t POTUS Maxximmus XLV want to do it? The interesting thing is how many Americans tonite think that PFL Maxx XLV might just be exactly what America needs; especially if it is to ever really ever get Great Again. You continued:
“Trump was trying to take attention away from the escalation of the CoronaVirus Pandemic…. Trump is also trying to make us forget that the Gross Domestic Product dropped a shocking 33 percent…. All this plus the illegal, unconstitutional sending of unidentified military forces to Portland, Seattle and threats reminiscent of Nazi Storm Troopers!”
And, with the help of the media, he is doing a fine job of it, isn’t he?
“Trump’s suggestion that the results of the election might take months or years is truly delusional, as he forgets that Inauguration Day is 78 days after Election Day, and that the Electoral College meets in December.”
What does that have to do with how long it is going to take to get the final results? In any event, if You check those early COVID-19 comments i made, You will also see reference to the question: “And even if the election does happen, will an inauguration take place the following January 20; regardless of who loses?”
How many Americans right now honestly, seriously. and sincerely believe either:
a. That “If Trump wins, the election was fixed,” on the one hand; or,
b. That “If Biden wins, the election was fixed,” on the other?
The Electoral College meets 42, not 78 days after the election: Does anybody actually, really, realistically think that it will be able to provide a definite answer to the question of who really, actually won that election by that date? And then have a statistically-significant number of Americans who believe what it comes up with?
And then the Question becomes: “So what do we do with all those people who refuse to believe, accept, acknowledge, or act like and that that Trump [or Biden] won, as opposed to their guy?” Hence, the concern and question about prospects for an inauguration next year. You declare:
“The reason why Trump is acting hysterically is his realization that he will be indicted by a New York grand jury, which cannot be stopped by a Presidential pardon….. .”
Trump isn’t “acting hysterical.” He is reading his scripts and playing his role to the tee as choreographed and directed by his owners and operators. And whether an indictment from a New York City Grand Jury can or can’t be stopped by a Presidential pardon [Can it? i don’t know; do You actually?], do You agree that a subsequent conviction of whatever crimes may have been committed can be overturned by a pardon? You continued:
“It is only Donald Trump who thinks there will be a “rigged” election…, Absentee and mail balloting will go forth in this upcoming election, and the issue of corruption is a ‘red herring.'”
Not quite on that “only,” Doc: “If Biden Gets Mail-In Vote Advantage, Majority of Trump Voters Say They Won’t Accept His Win: Poll” []. See my comments above.
And “the issue of corruption” in anything to do with the American political system of government and governance ~ at all levels, but particularly at the Federal ~ is no “red herring.” Be it corruption of the electoral system, the judiciary, the legislature, or the executive branch, or anything and anybody else.
Corruption was and is built into the system and its structure, and has been since the Constitution became the Law of The Land. That was one of its major accomplishments: to institutionalize within itself the framework of and agency for private and special interest group corruption through access to governmental leaders, be they politicians or bureaucrats. You continued:
“Many major conservative groups, such as the Federalist Society, denounced Trump for the suggestion of delaying the election, and said he was acting like a Fascist, and should resign.”
The Federalist Society op-ed in the New York Times did not call for Trump to resign. It called for him to be impeached.
Do You think that thought ever has or ever will crossed Speaker Pelosi’s and the Democrats’ Ruling Elite’s minds? i seriously and sincerely doubt it. Or that it ever would or will. If nothing else, there’s all them Democrats to contend with, for example, who refused to go along with the proposed 10% Defense budget cut, eh? Plus; floating just another dog whistle is hardly an impeachable offense.
But if Madame Pelosi and Company do decide to impeach, hopefully they’ll do a better job on this try than they did on the last, eh? You concluded:
“So finally, Republicans and conservatives are rising up against Trump!”
How many Trumpatista Voters are rising up against Trump? And flocking to that corporatist, crony capitalist, neo-liberal/-conservative alternative that same Ruling Elite is giving America this year?
Just like it did in 2016, when the choice was The Donald or The Hillary? 330-plus million people in this Nation, and those two are the best we could come up with?
As Jefferson once put it [albeit in a different context]: “If there is a rational, logical, and just God, I tremble for my country.”
Jeffrey G. Moebus made several good points. The following is the one I most want to address: “If nothing else, there’s all them Democrats to contend with, for example, who refused to go along with the proposed 10% Defense budget cut, eh?â€
U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D–Minnesota #05) introduced a bill ( for “completion of accelerated transition of United States combat and military and security operations to the government of Afghanistan.â€
The bill failed in the U.S. House where over 100 Democrats ( joined nearly all Republicans (exceptions among them were Mo Brooks of Alabama #05 and Thomas Massie of Kentucky #04) in voting it down.
The Democrats, who won their majority pickup in 2018 for control of the United States House of Representatives—so this means, the Democrats do have control of the U.S. House (with their leader being speaker Nancy Pelosi)—were not willing to cut the budget by as little as 10 percent.
The U.S. Senate, controlled by the Republicans, and quite likely to switch to the Democrats with the results of Election 2020, passed a $740.5 billion budget for the National Defense Authorization Act. 37 of the upper chamber’s 47 U.S. Senate’s Democrats joined the GOP.
The Republican Party is horrible—yes?!
What does this say about the Democratic Party?
Democratic Party is better than ReThuglicans in many, many ways.
Exactly, Rustbelt.
Shows where the two parties overall stand on the issues:
Like this guy, I laugh at people who falsely claim the two parties are the same.
Another post by him on the matter.
The rest of us do the same, Pragmatic.
Here’s his most recent postings. He quite often nails how we feel.
Democrats in our neck of the woods are not ultra left. Tim Kaine and Mark Warner are representative of how most Democrats are in our neck of the woods.
Once again, the Professor nails it!
The rest of us second that, Southern Liberal.
Mr. Shook nails it in his column about how to build up a progressive government. It’s imperative to get rid of the GOP.
E J Dionne also nails it. The far left and the center left need to be united.