It has been a wonderful 24 hours since Joe Biden announced he was selecting Senator Kamala Harris of California as his Vice Presidential running mate.
We will have a Vice President who is a female, of immigrant parents from India (her mother) and Jamaica (her father), and is married to a Jewish lawyer, Douglas Emhoff, who would be the first Jewish “Second Gentleman” and, of course, the first spouse of either the President or Vice President who would be male.
Also, Emhoff is exactly one week older than Harris, both born in October 1964, and Emhoff has two adult children, one son and one daughter, who are very close to their “second mother”, and with good relations between Emhoff and his former wife, and also between the former wife and Harris.
Harris has had 17 years in public office in California, seven as District Attorney of San Francisco; six years as California Attorney General (representing one out of every eight Americans, a greater jurisdiction than any other state attorney general, and with only the appointed Attorney General of the United States having impact over more people); and four years now as US Senator.
Harris is also only the second black woman elected to the US Senate, after Illinois Senator Carol Moseley Braun in the 1990s.
The likelihood is that Kamala Harris will eventually be President, either possibly by succession (as is the possibility of every Vice President), or by election following Joe Biden’s time in office.
Harris is a woman of great empathy and compassion, and in that regard, is the same as Joe Biden, and it is a blessing to have such traits in what will, hopefully be the next President and Vice President of the United States.
They are a great team, and give America hope in a time of unparalleled challenges with the CoronaVirus Pandemic, the Second Great Depression, and racial turmoil.
The Biden-Harris Ticket Is the Antithesis of Trumpism
It takes direct aim at the racist foundation of the president’s political ascent.
Kamala Harris as VP completely blows up the Trump campaign’s strategy, if it ever had one.
Kamala Harris’ powerful first appearance as Biden’s running mate is a must-watch.
Right-Wing Media Is Already Hurling Racist, Misogynist Fire At Kamala Harris
Biden Has ‘Best Grassroots Fundraising’ Day Ever After Harris Pick, Campaign Says
ActBlue, the main donation platform of the Democratic Party, raised $10.8 million in just four hours, according to reports.
It was wonderful to hear COMPLETE, COHERENT SENTENCES from people who will soon lead us out of this horrific mess impeached donnie got America into! Feeling a little upbeat already.
It will be interesting to see how many votes the Democrats lose because there are any number of Americans for whom the idea of a Black [let alone Indian/Jamaican] Woman being a heartbeat away from the Oval Office is completely unthinkable, and a complete no-brainer non-starter.
On the other hand, as i noted in a recent Comment, Harris’ downvote of Sanders’ proposed 10% cut to the Defense Budget probably picked the Dems up some votes, as well [especially among the military-industrial class].
And then there’s this angle:
“As Kamala Harris Joins Biden Ticket, Wall Street Sighs in Relief; Wall Street’s warm welcome to Joe Biden’s running mate reflects a belief that tougher financial regulation isn’t a top priority; Many on Wall Street see Kamala Harris as a noncontroversial partner to Joe Biden, closely aligned with him on the issues closest to them.”
When Joe Biden announced California Sen. Kamala Harris as his vice presidential pick, he pointed to her tough-on-banks record. Much of Wall Street cheered anyway.
The warm welcome reflects some relief that in choosing Ms. Harris, Mr. Biden has—for now at least—fended off the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party that has called for tougher financial regulation.
During her own primary campaign, Ms. Harris managed to impress a Wall Street set that tends to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal. As Mr. Biden’s running mate, they see a noncontroversial partner—closely aligned with him on the issues nearest and dearest to their hearts—and an asset with big donors. Continued at:
How Racists Will Try To Smear Kamala
We have one in our presence already.
And clearly sexist too.
The voters who are racists and sexiists are going to be out numbered by those of us voters who aren’t.
That remains to be seen, PragProg. That remains to be seen.
Exactly, Pragmatic! There are many voters out there who are fed up with Trump constantly spewing racism and sexism and they are going to vote him out in 82 days!
And who, exactly, Rustbelt Democrat and Princess Leia, are You two calling a “racist” and a “sexist”?
So anybody is a racist sexist who doesn’t jump on the bandwagon and claim Ms Harris to be the greatest possible next Vice President and, if elected and when Biden either dies, steps down for “health” reasons – physical and/or mental ~ or gets impeached the greatest possible next President? That automatically makes somebody a racist and a sexist?
Well, i guess, then, that that will make everybody who Doesn’t vote for Biden/Harris in November [assuming there is an election] a sexist racist as well, eh? How many tens of millions of Americans do You think that will be?
And You people honestly, actually, sincerely believe that.
The longer i hang around this Blogspot, the more i understand what “progressivism” really, actually is. And understand why it is the failure that it is.
No wonder this Nation is in terminal decline; and has been for a long, long time: probably dating back to all those Progressive initiatives like the Spanish-American War and Manifest Destiny, the Income Tax, the Federal Reserve, the War to End All War and Make the World Safe for the British, French, and American Empires, the News Deal that didn’t end but prolonged the Depression, and so forth.
Well, Wall Street and the Pentagon approve of Kamala and apparently, according to the news, so does Silicon Valley. Maybe that will be enough to overcome all those racist, sexist
“deplorables” out there, to use the term that cost The Hillary a couple of critical States in 2016.
Racist and sexist, eh? FMTD..
Leia and Pragmatic – You ladies nailed it!
OK, RatLeft: So who are YOU calling a racist sexist? And on what basis?
i won’t volunteer to hold my breath until i get something beyond a 6th Grade-level response from anybody.
And if Y’All take that to be an insult, so be it. i take being called a racist sexist by a bunch of self-styled, self-proclaimed, so-called “progressives” a far greater insult.
That makes us even, eh? Have a great day.
Trump’s latest racist and sexist comment is his “housewife” tweet. I second what Dana Bash said in this video.
Tweets like that are one of the many reasons Trump is losing support.
How The Political Class Underestimated Joe Biden
Kamala Harris is to the left of Biden.
How Trump Is Once Again Colluding With Russia
Trump is destroying the Postal Service to rig the election and Senate Republicans are allowing it.
A cluster of red states are cutting testing for COVID-19, just when it’s needed the most.
Destroying the postal service. Cutting Covid testing. Yet more reasons why it’s extremely important to get rid of Trump and his Republican cronies! Vote Blue up and down the ballot in November!
I hear that Lindsey Graham is losing in polling in SC!
I’ve been thinking about this as well. Possible cabinet positions in Biden/Harris administration.
Some of my choices:
AG – Adam Schiff
Secretary of Treasury – Elizabeth Warren
Secretary of State – Susan Rice
Secretary of Defense – Tammy Duckworth
Surgeon General – Anthony Fauci
He’s just bitter because nobody was interested in his girl, Tulsi.