Donald Trump put on a performance of lies and deceit yesterday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, and it is clear that he remains a menace, as he spread conspiracy theories and Fascist authoritarianism!
Trump claimed Joe Biden has had the worst first five weeks as President in American history, a totally moronic and preposterous statement, as reality is just the opposite, so it demonstrates how Trump is living in an alternate reality, but with millions of crazy people who seem him as a God like figure!
Trump spoke of having “won” two elections, when he lost the popular vote by a massive margin twice, and his two impeachments also add to the reality that never has Trump “won” anything in his political life, other than the Republican Presidential nomination twice! He has never had a majority public opinion rating, while Joe Biden now has a 59-63 rating, depending on which public opinion polls one follows!
It was sickening seeing the absolute flattery and obsequious nature and sycophancy displayed by the long list of Republicans who are acting slavishly to Donald Trump, and the the thought of any of these disgraces being the next Republican Presidential nominee if Trump does not run, which is likely reality, is enough to make one vomit!
Unless the Republican Party pursues the nomination of a mainstream conservative, such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, or Ben Sasse, they are doomed to die in the next few years!
Mike Pence wrote an op-ed praising Trump, despite what happened in January.
Trump’s stupid cult followers think he’s going to be inaugurated today, March 4.