Georgia And The Outrageous “Jim Crow” Voting Limitations Against African Americans

The state of Georgia once had a forward looking, decent Governor named Jimmy Carter, a half century ago.

The state of Georgia has, at present, two decent US Senators in Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock.

But it also has a corrupt, racist Republican state government, which has now passed outrageous “Jim Crow” voting limitations against African Americans, and without shame.

And as the legislation was signed, a Democratic legislator was arrested for simply knocking on the door of the office in which corrupt Governor Brian Kemp was in process of signing the legislation, which includes making it a crime for anyone to offer food or water to anyone waiting online, often for hours in hot weather, or simply elderly and needing food or water, as they wait to cast their vote in the elections.

This new legislation allows the state government to ignore election results, and declare the losers the winners of the election.

This is unadulterated racism, white supremacy, and Fascism, and will be appealed, and MUST be rejected and declared unconstitutional!

No decent person would support such a restriction on voting in a democracy, and it makes it more urgent that the Democratic Congress pass H.R 1 and H.R. 4, to guarantee voting rights to all Americans and flexibility in voting regulations!

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