Mike Pence A Sycophant With No Presidential Future

Former Vice President Mike Pence is a sycophant, unwilling to challenge Donald Trump in his four years in the Oval Office, and unwilling to condemn Donald Trump for failure to protect him at the time of the Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021.

Trump did not give a damn about Pence, who could have been killed by the Insurrectionists that stormed the US Capitol, and did not contact him for five days after the horrid events of January 6.

Trump has continued to criticize Pence for refusal to stop the Electoral College vote that showed Joe Biden having won the Presidential Election of 2020.

Pence was doing his constitutional duty, and for that, he should be commended, but beyond that, there is no way that Mike Pence has a Presidential future.

Knowing that his wife was disgusted by the behavior of Trump during the Presidential Election campaign of 2016, and was unhappy that her husband was going to be his Vice President, one wonders how Pence has not openly criticized and condemned the treason and sedition encouraged by Trump.

The man has no ethics, morals, scruples, or common decency, not only regarding the situation that he faced working under Trump, but also willing to sell his soul to try to become President in 2024.

But with his hypocritical views regarding his “good Christian” image, where he promotes hate and division, Pence has zero chance of becoming the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024 and beyond.

Pence will go down as one of the worst Vice Presidents in modern history, with narrow minded and bigoted views on so many issues, and could never unite the nation.

So Mike Pence will not stand out in American history as other recent Vice Presidents have, and will be a footnote in American history!

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