Day: April 18, 2021

Urgent Action On Gun Violence Needed, As America Has Become A Slaughter Grounds Unlike Any Advanced Nation!

America has become a daily slaughter grounds unlike any other advanced nation in the world in 2021.

When other nations had a few massive losses of life due to gun violence, they took action, but America, despite the multitude of horrific events, we only have “thoughts and prayers”, which is simply not enough!

There is no need for civilians to have weapons of war, such as AK 47s and AR 15s.

So called “Pro Life” advocates only concern themselves with fetuses, but not the lives of human beings who have been born.

At the least, a “Brady Bill”, which was law from 1994-2004, needs to be revived, as the lack of concern for the loss of life, due to mentally ill people, and domestic terrorism, is destroying the lives of millions of Americans!