Month: July 2021

Nancy Pelosi Rejects Jim Jordan And Jim Banks For January 6 House Committee Investigation, And Kevin McCarthy Pulls All Five Appointees!

It looks as if the January 6 House Committee investigation of the US Capitol Insurrection will only have one patriotic, principled Republican on the committee, Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who already has been stripped of her third ranking position as House Republican Chair by order of House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy!

By McCarthy selecting Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio and Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana, both out to cover up the Insurrection scandal and Donald Trump, to the committee shows McCarthy is not serious, and already, the two earlier Republican leaders, Speaker John Boehner and Speaker Paul Ryan, have condemned his desire to defend Donald Trump and undermine any investigation.

So Speaker Nancy Pelosi is courageous and proper in refusing those two appointees to the House Committee, and McCarthy has withdrawn all five members and refuses to participate on the committee.

This will not work out well for McCarthy, who is a disgraceful leader, only interested in his own advancement to the Speakership in the next Congress.

McCarthy also has the gall to call Pelosi the “lame duck Speaker”, so cocksure of himself that the Republicans will win the House of Representatives in 2022.

No one is smart to bet money on Nancy Pelosi losing the Speakership, although she might decide to retire at the end of the 117th Congress, but that is unknowable at this point!

It is more likely that McCarthy will fail to become Speaker, and might even be rejected by his GOP colleagues even if the party were to win control, and he could also come under indictment for failing to explain his interactions with Donald Trump on January 6, and his fawning obedience to Trump ever since January 6, even though he condemned Trump on January 13, when Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives!

Liz Cheney just defended Nancy Pelosi, and condemned Kevin McCarthy, and kudos to her for that, as she is seriously interested in learning all of the facts and truth about January 6, so it does not happen again!

Six Month Anniversary Of President Joe Biden: A Positive Change And High Public Opinion Ratings!

Today, July 20, marks the six month Anniversary of the Joe Biden Presidency!

What a vastly different six months these have been, and Joe Biden’s public opinion ratings rank in the high 50s to low 60s, depending on which assessment is examined.

Many problems have arisen, as with any President who comes into office, but Biden is pushing ahead on infrastructure legislation, and wants a large “human infrastructure” bill, based on “reconciliation”, 50 Democratic votes and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema continue to present problems in trying to overcome the filibuster, and may prevent progress on voting rights, very sad indeed.

Foreign policy issues are rearing their ugly head, including new ones on Cuba and Haiti in just the last few weeks.

This along with the usual foreign policy challenges, with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.

Environmental progress has been outstanding, and while the unvaccinated remain a problem with the Delta Variant of COVID 19, and the unhelpful propaganda against vaccination by right wing media, it is still amazing how many Americans have already shown patriotism and common sense on this matter.

If only Joe Biden had the conditions of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933-1936 and Lyndon B. Johnson from 1964-1966, he would have been able to accomplish much more, but still there is optimism, and the hope is for greater progress in the next six months!

The Insanity Of The South And Western Rural States Defying Common Sense And Science On Vaccines!

It is mind boggling that the rural states of the South and West are defying common sense and science on the subject of vaccines and the COVID 19 Pandemic!

These states are Republican states and very ‘Religious” states, at least in theory, but their population wallows in ignorance and hatred of science, education, facts, and truth!

The 13 lowest states in vaccinations are from Number 51 (including DC) down to 39 the following:

West Virginia
North Dakota
South Carolina

Only 33 to 40 percent of the population in these states are fully vaccinated, as the Delta Variant is spreading like wildfire, endangering not only those states, but people all over the nation.

Only 20 states and DC have 50 percent or more of its population fully vaccinated, and they coincide with Democratic or “Blue” states, making this pandemic political, as if the rural South and West are striking out against modernity, urbanization, science, facts, and truth!

This “head in the sands” mentality is undermining the long term future and health of America!

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Should Retire, For Secure Survival Of Liberal Wing Of Court

It was very disappointing news that Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has announced he has no plans to retire, as he reaches age 83 on August 15.

Breyer has served long and well on the Supreme Court since being appointed by Bill Clinton in 1994.

Already he is one of the longest serving Justices in American history, 25th longest of a total of 115 Justices who have served.

His arguments for remaining on the Court are that he likes being the Senior Justice of the liberal wing, and that his health will determine how long he stays.

But he fails to recognize that health can change rapidly, and when one is in his or her 80s, he or she needs to consider the impact of a sudden death, as with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s sudden passing, which led to a rapid appointment of a Justice (Amy Coney Barrett) who was rammed through in record time, instead of leaving the appointment to the winner of the Presidential Election of 2020.

With a Court now more conservative and right wing than it has been since the 1930s, it is alarming to think that Breyer is gambling the effect on the liberal wing of the Court by refusing to retire.

Joe Biden should be given the opportunity to replace him, but if even one Democratic Senator dies before 2023, then the Republicans will take control of the US Senate, and prevent any Biden nominee.

And if the Republicans win the Senate in 2022, then Joe Biden will be denied any appointment, even if a vacancy, as Mitch McConnell denied Barack Obama the opportunity to replace Antonin Scalia with Merrick Garland in 2016!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Raising Campaign Funds Attacking Dr. Fauci’s Pandemic Leadership!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is presiding over more than 20 percent of new COVID 19 cases, with no concern about that reality.

And he is raising money for his 2022 Gubernatorial campaign by selling shirts that attack and ridicule Dr. Anthony Fauci on his COVID 19 Pandemic leadership!

His lack of respect for knowledge and science, and his willingness to sacrifice public health and safety is shocking!

Clearly, he is acting like a Fascist authoritarian, with no concern except the stroking of his massive ego, and willing to dictate to local governments in a way that endangers all Floridians!

This maniac has to be cut down to size, and should face prosecution in the future for his maniacal, dictatorial leadership of the third largest state, as all he cares about is his dream to be the next Republican Presidential nominee in 2024!

Infrastructure Bill Greatest Since Great Society Of Lyndon B. Johnson: But Will It Become Law?

The potential now exists for the passage of a Democratic Party massive infrastructure bill, which would be the greatest legislation since the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson nearly six decades ago.

Not only would the need for physical infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels, transit, broadband) be finally dealt with after decades of talk, but no action.

But also “human infrastructure”, including two years of “free” community college; two years of universal preschool education for three and four year olds; but also Medicare reforms, including dental, vision and hearing aids, and possibly lowering the age for Medicare to 60 from 65 would be part of the broader plan.

Additionally, giving middle and lower income parents monthly stipends for each child (additional child tax credits), and providing home care for seniors who need it, and support for those who needs young children to have care subsidized, so women can go back to work, as crucial for their family’s ability to thrive, would be included.

It would also provide paid family and medical leave.

This legislation would halve child poverty and spend $500 billion on “green” public works.

And it would not raise taxes for those earning less than $400,000 annually.

The question is whether this legislation can make it through “reconciliation”, and whether the physical infrastructure portion will be supported by enough Republicans.

Happy 25th Anniversary For MSNBC: A True Treasure!

Today marks a quarter century of an exceptional news source, MSNBC, which began on July 15, 1996.

It started as a partnership between Microsoft and NBC (National Broadcasting Corporation).

It is one of the two major cable channels, alongside CNN (Cable News Network) to be committed to promote facts and truth, and the battle for facts and truth is a constantly evolving battle, due to the rivalry of Fox News Channel, which has spent its entire history since October 1996 to promote distortion, lies, and evade the truth.

It is hard to imagine news coverage in 2021 without appreciating the people and the coverage of news that MSNBC offers. It has enriched all viewers and readers, and is an indispensable source alongside CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, the NY Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and many other online sources listed on this website, all on the right side of the page!

So congratulations to MSNBC in its constant battle against the forces of evil that are out there in the media world!

Voting Rights Repressed In 17 GOP States And Counting, As Joe Biden Gives Strong Speech At The National Constitution Center In Philadelphia!

Joe Biden gave a stirring speech at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia yesterday, condemning the attack on the most basic right every American should have—-the right to vote.

The 15th, 19th, 23rd, and 26th Amendments, along with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were designed to insure that no state could deprive anyone who is a citizen and at least 18 years of age, of the right to vote.

But 17 states (Southern and Western and Republican controlled) have made it more difficult for many Americans, particularly young, disabled, poor, or people of color to vote, including the following states:


Republicans currently control both chambers of 30 state legislatures, and the number of states that are attempting to add to this list is alarming.

Texas Democrats have left the state, and face the possibility of arrest and fines when they return, but the idea that this could happen makes the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, practically a dictator of Fascist orientation.

But the Democrats have every right to fight against the authoritarian bent going on in Texas and elsewhere.

The only way to stop this is national legislation, as with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which has now been emasculated by the right wing Supreme Court, which has gone way beyond normal limits.

The John Roberts Court has brought us back to the 1930s!

It is urgent for the Democrats to unite and end the crisis in Texas and elsewhere by passage of (HR 1) For the People Act, and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, (HR 4)!

The Fight For National Voting Rights Is Intense!

Texas Democrats are in Washington, DC as they work to prevent the state legislature from passing massive limitations on voting rights.

Many Republican states have done or are doing the same, promoting the return of “Jim Crow” laws, as if the Voting Rights Act of 1965 under Lyndon B. Johnson had not become law six decades ago!

But the disgraceful right wing Supreme Court has done great harm to that signature law, and has complicated the fight to restore and preserve national voting rights.

So the Democrats, with their razor thin majority MUST push to end the filibuster, at least for the basic right to vote, and Joe Biden gave a speech in that regard today in Philadelphia.

Pressure must be brought against Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona to do the right thing, as otherwise, what is the point of having a majority?

The Lunacy Reigning In The Republican Party In Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio, Alaska

The Republican Party in many states is going total lunacy, as they work at praising Donald Trump and continuing to promote the “Big Lie” about the Presidential Election of 2020.

In Texas, the move is on to create the greatest restrictions on voting rights, which might force legislative Democrats to leave the state in order to prevent action.

Also, total whacko Allen West, the former head of the Texas Republican Party, after earlier being a nightmare in Florida politics, including one term in Congress a decade ago, is now challenging right wing governor Greg Abbott for the gubernatorial nomination in 2022, as if Abbott is not far enough to the Right!

Additionally, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held a gathering this weekend, including Donald Trump ranting and raving about the election being stolen.

In Oklahoma, Senator James Lankford, a solid conservative but not extreme in rhetoric, has been condemned by the state Republican party chair, and is now facing a primary to kick him out, totally off the wall!

And in Ohio, with Senator Rob Portman, a mainstream conservative retiring next year, the battle is on between extremist right winger Josh Mandel, who swears total loyalty to Donald Trump, and now the entry into the race of author and activist JD Vance, who had been very critical of Trump in 2016, but now swears loyalty to Trump, and says all Republicans must “suck up” to Trump, demonstrating that he is a total coward and phony with no basic principles except to advance his desire to be a United States senator!

Finally, in Alaska, Senator Lisa Murkowski was rejected by a vote of the state Republican Party, who endorsed her challenger, Kelly Tshibaka, but Murkowski overcame a similar situation in 2010, and ran as a write in, overcoming a Tea Party candidate, so do not count Murkowkski out.