The “Clear And Present Danger” Of A Fixed Presidential Election In 2024!

The Republican Party under Donald Trump has become anti democratic organization, bent only on winning and maintaining power, no matter what the cost involved!

With so many Republican states working to limit voting rights, and many such states trying to gain control of the counting of votes in elections by putting Secretaries of State in office who will do the party’s bidding, whether for Donald Trump or someone else, we could have the national Presidential election of 2024 with a true constitutional crisis!

Republican state legislatures could work to deny a Democrat the electoral vote of a state even when such Democrat has won the popular vote!

Also, the presidential election could be contested to the point that neither candidate wins a majority of electoral votes, and the election goes to the House of Representatives, with gerrymandering likely insuring a majority of states having Republican controlled state delegations in the House, and leading to 26 or more states with a Republican majority choosing to give their electoral votes to the Republican nominee, no matter what the vote count demonstrates!

So the possibility of a “clear and present danger” of a fixed Presidential Election in 2024 is real, not imagined, and is very worrisome!

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