Month: May 2022

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul Delays Authorizing Military Aid To Ukraine Against Russian War Crimes!

Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul has been a nightmare and embarrassment to the US Senate since he was elected in 2010.

He has followed the so called “Libertarian” mentality that his father, former Texas Congressman Ron Paul, pursued during his years in Congress, a total of 12 terms.

He has been a critic of any federal actions on the COVID 19 Pandemic, and now is holding up much needed military aid of $40 billion to Ukraine in its struggle against the Russian Federation and its horrendous war crimes!

It is clear that Rand Paul has no soul, no ethics, no morality, no decency, no compassion, and he is an embarrassment to the US Senate, one of its worst members!

He sought the Presidency in 2016, and came across as an embarrassment to his home state of Kentucky.

He was elected in the time of the Tea Party Movement, and has always been outrageous in his utterances and actions, including refusal to accept the results of the Presidential Election of 2020, promoting the “Big Lie” that Donald Trump won and Joe Biden lost that election!

He faces reelection in November, and it is hoped that his Democratic opponent, Charles Booker, will be able to defeat him, although the odds are against it!

Profiles In Courage Awards Of JFK Presidential Library 2022–Defending Democracy

The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library has given out “Profile In Courage” Awards since 1989.

The award recognizes public officials at the federal, state, or local level whose actions demonstrate the qualities of politically courageous leadership in the spirit of John F. Kennedy’s Pulitzer Prize winning book of 1957.

This year, Congresswoman Liz Cheney, Republican of Wyoming; Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Democrat of Michigan; House Speaker Russell “Rusty” Bowers, Republican of Arizona; Wandrea’ ArShaye Moss, Elections Department Employee, Fulton County, Georgia; and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine are being given the award for “Defending Democracy At Home And Abroad”.

All of the above, except for Zelenskyy have been involved in fighting Donald Trump and the “Big Lie” about the Presidential Election of 2020.

Liz Cheney has been unwavering in her support of the investigation of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol, despite having lost her House leadership position, and facing a tough reelection primary in Wyoming.

It is worrisome that too many Secretaries of State across the nation are being challenged for reelection, with the purpose being to “fix” the results of upcoming elections, including the 2022 Midterms and the 2024 Presidential Election. This struggle includes Jocelyn Benson of Michigan.

And Elections Department employees are being threatened in their commitment to fair and unbiased election counts, including Wandrea’ ArShaye Moss of Georgia.

And some Republicans on the state level are resisting Donald Trump conspiracy theorists about the election of Joe Biden, including Arizona House Speaker Russell “Rusty” Bowers.

And Zelenskyy has been miraculous and courageous in defending Ukraine against Russia, seen by many as a modern Winston Churchill!

Possibility Arises That Neither Joe Biden Nor Donald Trump May Run In 2024

With the complex issues faced by Joe Biden in the Presidency, and with the issue of cognitive alertness becoming more discussed regarding both him and Donald Trump, the possibility has arisen that neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump may run for President in 2024.

So the possibility of a massive number of Democrats and Republicans announcing for the Presidency, once the midterm elections are done this November, is starting to be discussed.

There could be more than 20 members of both parties deciding to take a stab at the White House, and there is no way to project who might have an advantage on either side.

Ordinarily, one would think Vice President Kamala Harris and former Vice President Mike Pence would be in the forefront, but to believe either of them would have an edge is to go out on a limb, as it would seem others would have an advantage.

Of course, if Kamala Harris was to succeed to the Presidency during the term, she would have the edge for 2024 as Lyndon B. Johnson had in 1964 after succeeding John F. Kennedy suddenly in November 1963.

But unless that unfortunate situation were to occur, all bets are off for 2024 if neither Biden nor Trump run!

Five Republican House Members, Including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Subpoenaed

The January 6 House Committee has subpoenaed Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and four other House Republicans, to testify about the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

The others are Jim Jordan of Ohio, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Mo Brooks of Alabama, and Andy Biggs of Arizona.

All clearly committed treason and sedition, or have agreed to cover up on the truth and facts of that fateful day!

All of them should face penalties, and being barred from facing election in the future, unless they cooperate in the January 6 investigation!

Abortion Rights Fails In US Senate, And So Called”Supporters” Collins And Murkowski Bail!

Abortion Rights has failed in the US Senate, by a vote of 49-51, not surprising, but two so called “supporters”, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, bailed on the legislation on technical grounds, along with Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia!

Basically, both Senators showed they talk the talk but do not walk the walk.

So it seems certain that women will lose their rights to their own bodies’s autonomy, and there will be botched abortions and suicides rapidly increasing!

This is extremely tragic as women’s rights are going backwards, and yet, at this point, nothing can be done to stop it, unless by miracle, the Supreme Court backs away from its draft decision from February.

This would require Chief Justice John Roberts to influence at least one of the five Justices in the majority, likely either Brett Kavanaugh or Amy Coney Barrett, to join him and the three Democratic appointments on the Court.

But there is no way to know if Roberts might in the end join the five other conservatives, and make the final vote in June 6-3 instead of 5-4!

Republicans At It Again: Out To Destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid!

The Republican Party at large, since the 1930s and Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, have tried to destroy Social Security.

The Republican Party at large, since the 1960s and Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Society, have tried to destroy Medicare and Medicaid.

Individual Republicans have not followed the party lead over the years, but substantially even in 2022, most Republicans want to cut and destroy these programs, which have done so much for the middle and lower classes.

So the battle is on for the midterms, to insure that these programs promoted by FDR and LBJ, are not undermined!

Right Wing And Republicans Gone Mad: The Threat To Destroy Modern Times!

It is becoming very clear that right wing conservatism and Republicans have gone mad, as they wish to destroy modern times, and the advancements of the New Deal, Great Society, Warren Supreme Court, and promotion of change under Barack Obama and Joe Biden!

If they had their way, and it is becoming more likely, we would see women’s rights, civil rights of racial minorities, gay and lesbian rights, and privacy rights of the past generations being erased!

And corporate domination over workers’ rights would be worse, and agencies designed to make America a better place, such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Consumer Product Safety Commission, would be denied the ability to do their work, or even maybe be eradicated!

And the role of evangelical religion would grow ever more rapidly, despite the fact that the majority of the nation is far less religious over time than it has been in the past!

It is difficult to be optimistic about the future in a nation which has gone into reverse on so many issues, both within Congress and in the federal judiciary, due to appointments by former Republican Presidents, including George W. Bush and Donald Trump!

May 8, 1945—VE Day And Harry Truman Birthday In White House

Today is the 77th Anniversary of VE Day, Victory in Europe over Nazi Germany in World War II, and also the birthday of President Harry Truman, who has ascended to the Presidency less than a month earlier, on April 12, 1945, upon the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Truman would go on to serve seven years and nine months, and take us through the end of the war against Japan, and the early days of the Cold War against the Soviet Union, and the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), all relevent to today when the Russian Federation is at war against Ukraine, and has committed horrendous war crimes.

The US and its NATO partners are doing everything possible to combat the Russian military action in Ukraine, and World War III could be coming soon, if Russia invades any NATO nation!

Conservative Counter-Revolution Against 20th-21st Century Constitutional Law!

America is facing a conservative counter-revolution against 20th-21st Century Constitutional law!

We have Supreme Court Justices and their right wing ideologues who wish to bring back the 18th century Constitutional Convention of 1787, a time when women were totally under the control of their fathers, husbands, or other male relatives.

They also want to bring America back to a time when African Americans were slaves, or if that is not tenable, then back to the era of segregation and lynching.

They also want to bring America back to a time when interracial marriage and gay marriage were forbidden.

They also want to bring America back to a time when there was no right of privacy, because such a term was not mentioned in the Constitutional Convention or in the document produced for ratification in 1787.

The concept of originalism is preposterous, that all constitutional law since 1787 is null and void unless it applies to the exact language adopted 235 years ago!

It would put America back to a time when democracy was only for white male Protestants of property!

This battle is one that must be fought all the way to victory, as otherwise, how is America any different than an authoritarian dictatorship, run with the backing of powerful corporations and wealthy people, and based on the concept of theocracy, allowing so called “religious” values to dictate the lives of 330 million Americans?

The Growing Crisis Of Housing Prices: Rise Of Homelessness, A Cancer For America!

America is facing a growing crisis of housing prices, both mortgages and rentals.

Soaring costs are leading to a rapid rise in homelessness, a cancer for America!

This is particularly true for those who are poor, or lower middle class, and more so for racial minorities, and single mothers with children.

Instead of figuring out ways to take away basic human rights, the Republicans should be cooperating with Democrats to solve the housing crisis.

What good is having more children born to poverty and deprivation, when doing everything possible to make life better for those already born or wanted should be the goal of government!