Joe Biden Arguably Has Faced The Worst Set Of Crises Other Than Lincoln And FDR!

Abraham Lincoln faced the breakup of the Union and the Civil War in his Presidency from 1861-1865.

Franklin D. Roosevelt faced the Great Depression, the growing threat of Fascism and Nazism, and World War II, from 1933-1945.

Other than Lincoln and FDR, the question arises which other Presidents faced crises on a level as dangerous and challenging as those two Presidents.

One could say George Washington facing the challenge of making the Constitution work, and the nation able to survive as a republic from 1789-1797.

One could say Harry Truman, facing the challenge of sudden elevation to the Presidency in a time when World War II was not yet resolved, and having to deal with the threat of the Soviet Union during the Cold War years from 1945-1953.

One could say John F. Kennedy, facing the threat of the Soviet Union, including the Berlin Crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis, which dominated his time in the Presidency, from 1961-1963.

One could say George W. Bush, facing the challenge of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, and the dual wars fought during his Presidency in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Great Recession which developed in his last year in office, from 2001-2009.

One could also say Barack Obama, facing the challenge of the Great Recession, the worst economic downturn since the 1930s, and the constant domestic resistance from the right wing Tea Party Movement, and the growing extremism of the Republican Party, from 2009-2017.

But one could also argue that Joe Biden, facing the COVID 19 Pandemic; the growing epidemic of mass murders by firearms by domestic terrorists and mentally disturbed people; and the threat of nuclear war in the midst of the greatest foreign policy crisis (The Russia-Ukraine War) since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, is the greatest challenge and crisis other than Lincoln and FDR!

12 comments on “Joe Biden Arguably Has Faced The Worst Set Of Crises Other Than Lincoln And FDR!

  1. Princess Leia June 4, 2022 11:19 am

    Speaking of Covid, Former Republican has tested positive for it. He’s having mild, cold-like symptoms. Southern Liberal and I have been exposed to him.

  2. Ronald June 4, 2022 12:12 pm

    Princess Leia, I send my best wishes and hope for quick recovery to all of you, loyal to this blog!

  3. Princess Leia June 4, 2022 8:37 pm

    Southern Liberal is having symptoms now. She and Former Republican describe it as being like a cold meets the flu.

  4. Pragmatic Progressive June 4, 2022 8:57 pm

    Leia – I hope y’all feel better soon.

  5. Rustbelt Democrat June 4, 2022 9:15 pm

    From what I’ve heard, compared to previous variants, omicron seems to affect the upper respiratory system rather than the lower respiratory system.

  6. Rustbelt Democrat June 5, 2022 2:36 am

    Another thing I’ve heard about omicron is that it seems to be better at evading the vaccines and boosters, which is why y’all are having a breakthrough case.

  7. Princess Leia June 6, 2022 3:11 pm

    I tested positive as well and also developed cold-like symptoms. My suspicion is that we were exposed when we ate out at a local restaurant during Memorial Day weekend.

  8. Rustbelt Democrat June 7, 2022 3:33 am

    While Biden is a nicer person than Trump was, I’m still of the opinion that all these crises happening at once is too overwhelming for him. Gives me the impression that he’s a weak old man. I think Democrats are going to get walloped in the mid-terms.

  9. Pragmatic Progressive June 7, 2022 11:59 am

    I feel like Biden’s going to be like Carter, a one term president.

  10. Rational Lefty June 8, 2022 10:13 pm

    House has passed a sweeping gun reform package that is likely to die in the Senate.

    Five Republicans voted for the bill: Reps. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, Fred Upton of Michigan, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Chris Jacobs of New York. Good to see a few of them doing the right thing for a change!

    Two Democrats — Reps. Jared Golden of Maine and Kurt Schrader of Oregon — voted against it. Shame on them!

  11. Former Republican June 9, 2022 10:56 am

    My isolation period is over. I can venture out now, but I have to wear a mask for 5 days. Worst of my symptoms is over. Now it just feels like I have a head cold that keeps lingering.

  12. Princess Leia June 10, 2022 12:57 pm

    Southern Liberal and I end our isolation period this weekend. We feel the same way Former Republican described. All of us have nasal congestion that is lingering.

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