Day: July 19, 2022

Best Result For 2024 Would Be Different Candidates For The Presidency

This author and blogger is a lifetime fan of Joe Biden, and think he has not received enough backing and endorsement, considering the challenges he has faced being President in a very difficult time.

Having said that, this author and blogger really believes the best situation for 2024 would be different candidates for the Presidency than Joe Biden in the Democratic Party, and especially, Donald Trump in the Republican Party.

It is time to move toward younger candidates, not people in their 70s and nearing or reaching their 80s!

So despite a lot of support, the thought of Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren, and others for the Democrats born in the 1940s and early 1950s running again for President seems totally unwise! And the same applies to the Republican Party, and such as Mitt Romney!

There are enough candidates in both parties who are younger, and it seems time to move on!

Having stated that, of course, if Joe Biden ends up as the nominee, this author and blogger would support him, but there is a strong feeling of the need for change!