Day: August 7, 2022

43 States Would Vote For Abortion Rights If Given The Opportunity!

A study by the NY TIMES indicates that if the voting population of the 50 states were able to vote on whether abortion rights should be insured, that 43 states would vote in the affirmative, following the example of Kansas, a solidly Republican state, which last Tuesday by a vote of 59 percent, chose to keep abortion rights in the state Constitution!

Only seven states would vote to end abortion rights, including:


But even in four of those states, the support for abortion rights would be in the high 40s–49 percent in Arkansas and Utah and 48 percent in Oklahoma and Wyoming.

Support for abortion rights would be in the 70s in the Northeast and Pacific Coast states and much of the Mountain West; in the 60s in Pennsylvania, Virginia and most of the Midwest; and in the high 50s in Florida, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota; and in the lower 50s in much of the South and Idaho and North Dakota.

What the Supreme Court did in late June, and what the so called “Pro Life” Movement has brought about after a half century of efforts, is anti Democracy, trying to impose its will on American women, despite overwhelming support for a woman’s right to choose to be pregnant, and control her body!