America has had 45 men who have been President.
All of them had human frailties, as all of us have.
Some have been seen as horrible in their time in office, and lacking character.
This would include Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, and Richard Nixon for sure.
And others would be seen as failures in other ways, including Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, and Herbert Hoover for sure.
But there is no President quite like Donald Trump!
This is the “truthful” President, who has lied more than 30,000 times since 2015, more than any President by far!
This is a “genius” who hides his college grades!
This is a “businessman”, who had six bankrupticies!
This is the “billionaire” who continues to hide his tax returns!
This is the “Christian” who never goes to church!
This is the “father” who has been a terrible role model for his children!
This is the “philanthropist” who has defrauded charities!
This is the “patriot” who dodged the draft!
This is the “playboy” who pays for sex, and has had three wives, while ‘cheating” excessively!
This is the “employer” who cheats those he employed for his properties!
This is the “innocent man” who refuses to testify, utilizing the 5th Amendment!
And beyond these eleven statements, there are so many more, and that the total is uncountable!
The question is how Donald Trump can be so horrendous in character, and live within his own skin!
Clearly, he has no conscience, and the thought that he could become President again is a literal nightmare!
Trump violated the Espionage Act!
Wow! This would make Trump the first former president, or president period, under investigation for espionage by the United States Justice Department.
Can’t wait to see how his MAGA allies are going to try to spin this!