Day: July 19, 2023

Donald Trump Indictments Mounting Up

Former President Donald Trump has already been indicted twice, and it now seems clear that he will be indicted in the next couple of weeks at least twice more–by Jack Smith regarding the January 6 Insurrection in Washington, DC, and in Georgia for interference in the election results in that state in the Presidential Election of 2020.

Additionally, “fake” electors in Michigan have been indicted by the Michigan Attorney General, and more such indictments may follow in other states that Trump supporters challenged in an unethical, illegal fashion–including Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump is taking the Republican Party down with him, as even now, the leaders in Congress, including Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, Congressman Jim Jordan, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, and many others continue to claim that Trump has not engaged in corrupt behavior, but that Joe Biden has done so!

And except for Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson, no other Republican contender for the White House is willing to show guts and courage, and denounce Trump, and call for him not to be allowed to compete for the Presidency!