Month: June 2024

June 27 Presidential Debate Most Important Ever Held!

We are six days away from the most important Presidential debate in American history.

Presidential debates took place in 1960, and then every four years since 1976.

But none have mattered as much as the upcoming debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

This is the first time two Presidents, with one being a former President trying to return to office, have competed for the Oval Office since 1892, when President Benjamin Harrison was challenged by former President Grover Cleveland, who went on to defeat him decisively, but with no debates in that era.

Why is this the most important Presidential debate ever in our history?

Because Donald Trump represents a dire threat to the American Constitution, the rule of law, American Democracy, and to world peace and stability.

Donald Trump is a threat to women, African Americans, all immigrant groups, Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, Health care, gun regulations, the environment, labor rights, federal government agencies, the federal judiciary, military stability, Intelligence Agencies, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, all other international organizations, the potential of nuclear war, and every other imaginable group or issue.

Trump had the most corrupt Presidency by far in American history, and the danger is that the people he brings in would wield tremendous power, and have evil intentions, much of which could occur even without his personal knowledge and support, even more so as his mind deteriorates, and he is manipulated by them.

Al Gore Was Correct On Climate Change And Global Warming Three Decades Ago; If Only He Had Won The Presidency!

Former Vice President and former Senator Al Gore was correct on climate change and global warming, which he warned us about thirty years ago.

Gore went on to concede, graciously, the Presidential Election of 2000, when the Supreme Court intervened in Bush V Gore, to award the electoral votes of the state of Florida to George W. Bush. His concession was a masterful example of statesmanship.

But had Gore, who won the popular vote by 540,000, become President, the history of America environmentally would have been transformed dramatically.

The Republican Party has continued to work against climate change and global warming incessantly for the past 25 years, while Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his activism, but for nought.

The battle on the environmental future continues, as the nation and the world are now suffering immensely from the stubbornness and resistance of the Right Wing Extremists who just continue to promote the use of oil and gas without any acceptance of the crisis the nation and the world have put themselves in by greed and the profit motive!

Supreme Court Future At Stake In Presidential Election Of 2024!

Never has the future of constitutional law ever been more in danger than it is now in 2024, with a right wing extremist Supreme Court majority in process of reversing many of the constitutional advances promoted by the Warren Court and its successors.

President Joe Biden has brought to our attention the reality that it is highly likely that there will be at least TWO Supreme Court appointments in the next Presidential term.

This blogger and author believes, however, that it could, potentially, be up to FOUR appointments, not just two!

Four members of the present Court, based on age and Court longevity, may be leaving the Court by 2028!

Right wing extremists Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are seen as likely to retire after being on the Court for 33 and 18 years and being in their mid 70s.

Sonia Sotomayor has health issues, and is reaching 70, after 15 years on the Court, and may leave.

And Chief Justice John Roberts, on the Court for 19 years, will reach 70 early in 2025.

So the whole future of the Supreme Court is at stake in a massive way!

Massive Right Wing Attack On Biden’s Cognition, Covering Up Truth Of Donald Trump Deteriorating Before Our Eyes!

A massive right wing media attack on Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities is in full swing, based on lies, deceptions, and doctored videos, trying to claim that the President has lost cognitive abilities and is unfit to serve another term as President of the United States.

This is occurring when the truth of the rapid decline of cognitive abilities of Donald Trump is very evident, and makes clear that if he was to return to the White House, the nation would be in danger as Fascist authoritarian forces around Trump would be able to promote and advance the worst possible policies. They would install a dictatorship that would destroy the American Republic as it reaches its 250th anniversary!

Trump is constantly confused and makes egregious errors on a consistent basis, including before rallies of his supporters.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has given great speeches before Congress, is constantly a whirl of action at international meetings and public gatherings, and is a master of government policies. Even critic Kevin McCarthy, former Speaker of the House, while lying publicly, has admitted privately that Biden is sharp and knowledgeable, and perfectly capable cognitively, in reality!

The goal of Joe Biden is to emphasize and demonstrate that not only is Donald Trump dangerous, but he is also incapable to hold office in 2025, and instead would be used by dangerous supporters who would run his Presidency!

Away In DC For Father’s Day Weekend, Will Return On Tuesday

This author and blogger will be away in Washington, DC for the Father’s Day Weekend, and will return to commentary on Tuesday, June 18.

I hope all my readers and followers have a great Father’s Day Weekend!

Outrageous Miscarriage Of Justice In Tulsa Race Massacre 1921 Lawsuit!

In a time of much outrage on so many issues in public affairs, the decision of the Oklahoma Supreme Court to dismiss the case involving compensation for the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921, which killed about 300 African Americans, and destroyed a prosperous “Black Wall Street”, is infuriating!

After a century, there are still two women who are 109 and 110 years of age, who witnessed the horrors and the tragedy of that massacre, and wanted recognition and acceptance of responsibility, and symbolic modest financial compensation by the Oklahoma state government.

Instead, the state Supreme Court dismissed the case, failing to see the symbolism of those events, and the moral and ethical need to make a public accounting in a minor way of that horrible event.

In many states, including Oklahoma, with the attack on DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), the discussion in school of such a horrendous event puts teachers in danger of being fired.

This is a moment of great anger and fury as to the disgraceful dismissal of a legal case that even now calls for justice, but will never occur!

It adds to the horrendous record of the state of Oklahoma, not only against African Americans, but also against its native American indigenous population!

Rule Of Law Upheld By Joe Biden With Son Hunter Biden Conviction

President Joe Biden has demonstrated that he will promote the “rule of law” even when his own son, Hunter Biden, has been convicted on gun charges in a federal trial in Delaware.

This cannot be a happy moment for the President, who is very committed to his family, but he has made it clear there will be no pardon if his son is given prison time, which might not occur on a first offense on the charges he was convicted on.

One can be certain that Donald Trump, who has no ethics, morals, or scruples, would have no problem if faced with a similar situation involving his family, and certainly, did not prevent Trump from giving pardons to lawbreakers in his Presidency!

Donald Trump Rants A Sign Of Dangerous Mental Instability!

The mental state of Donald Trump is alarming, as he rants on Truth Social and at his campaign rallies with all kinds of weird, strange comments that have no relevance to reality.

While much attention has been given to Joe Biden’s verbal flubs now and then, most news media have tended to ignore the strange, odd behavior of Donald Trump.

More attention is starting to be paid to the crazy comments and threats that Trump has been displaying, growing ever more since his 34 felony convictions 12 days ago. His cognitive behavior is alarming to the extreme.

There are a whole slew of dangerous, authoritarian people surrounding Trump, who are only too willing to establish an authoritarian Fascist government if Trump somehow is elected.

The potential for violence and bloodshed is growing each day, giving sane, decent Americans a sense of great fear as to the future of the American Republic as we near the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence just two years away.

Trump Supporters Blind To Trump Selfishness, Many See Him As “Jesus”!

Over this weekend, Donald Trump spoke in Las Vegas in his first rally since his felony conviction ten days ago.

The weather was horrendous, over 100 degrees, and yet a crowd came out to see Trump.

His concern about himself came through, as he made it very clear, that he was more concerned about how the heat was affecting him, not his supporters, saying so openly.

As always, he was ranting, acting crazy and looney, and yet the crowd was not perturbed by his selfishness and his statement that he only wanted their vote, and nothing else.

Clearly, Trump has become a cult, and many of his followers and supporters are unable to distinguish the reality of how sick and self centered he is, and their lack of concern over his declaration of wanting to be a dictator.

The idea that many of Trump’s supporters see him as a “Jesus” indicates the extent of mental illness that is prevalent, and is a scary harbinger of the possibility of his winning the Oval Office once again.

The Massive Corruption Of Clarence Thomas

It is shocking how corrupt and greedy Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is, and has been in the past third of a century since his hearings for the Supreme Court in 1991 revealed sexual harassment of Anita Hill.

Selected to replace the only earlier African American Justice, Thurgood Marshall, by President George H. W. Bush, his appointment and career stand out as possibly the biggest blunder made by the 41st President.

Thomas has gained at least $4 million in “benefits” from conservative activists, most notably Harlan Crow and Leonard Leo, and has led the attack on the great advancements of the Chief Justice Earl Warren Court (1953-1969).

By all standards of behavior, Thomas should resign from the Court, and should be impeached, but of course, neither will happen, and his horrendous tenure on the Court as it moves far to the Right, undermines all respect for the Court as an institution.

Thomas, sadly, is on the path to the possibility of serving longer on the Court than anyone, if he stays a member for the next three years. If he does, he will surpass the 36 years of Associate Justice William O. Douglas (1939-1975). At this time, already, Thomas is the 10th longest serving member of the Court in its history.

Thomas’s impact on constitutional law is also the fact that many of his law clerks are now federal district court judges, so his right wing views will carry on beyond his own time on the Court.

And sadly, his wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, was involved in promotion of the January 6 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, as indicated by research into the behind the scenes events of that tragic day.