Month: June 2024

Potential VP Picks For Trump Contrast With Kamala Harris

There has been relentless criticism over the years of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Critics have said she is not bright, that she laughs too much, and that she is difficult to work with.

What it comes down to, however, is that she is a mixed race woman of India and Jamaica ancestry.

Harris has had great experience as District Attorney of San Francisco, California Attorney General, California US Senator, and now the 49th Vice President.

If suddenly called upon to assume the Oval Office, she would be far better qualified by experience and accomplishments than many of her predecessors.

When one examines the potential VP choices of Donald Trump, none match her experience, intelligence, and concern for average Americans.

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik of New York is a lightweight sycophant, abandoning her once moderate views.

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott lost all respect when he said he “loved” Trump, while Florida Congressman Byron Donalds has made a fool of himself, in trying to justify “Jim Crow” racism. Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is an embarrassment to be on the list at all.

Ohio Senator JD Vance, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, and Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton are among the worst MAGA Republicans in the Senate.

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, mostly unknown nationally but very wealthy, is also on the list.

This list makes former Vice President Mike Pence look great, but unlike Pence, they are all willing to bend to every whim and fancy of Donald Trump.

More Corruption Scandals Under Donald Trump Than Any Other President!

It is, sadly, now clear, that when the entire history of the Donald Trump Presidency is written, that his administration will be seen as the most corrupt in American history.

Just the fact that Trump has been twice impeached, four times indicted, and so far, one time convicted of crimes, puts Trump in a special category.

But earlier Presidents also have had a tawdry reputation to different degrees, including:

Ulysses S. Grant 1869-1877
Warren G. Harding 1921-1923
Richard Nixon 1969-1974
Ronald Reagan 1981-1989
George W. Bush 2001-2009

All of the above, along with Donald Trump, have been Republican Presidents!

But only Nixon comes across as personally involved in so many corrupt actions of this group, so was considered the “worst” President on corruption until Donald Trump came along.

Democratic Presidents, by comparison, have had minor, insigificant scandals, with the most prominent being the Monica Lewinsky scandal under Bill Clinton, but which was easily matched by Donald Trump with the Stormy Daniels and other scandals involving women.

And Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama had NO serious violations of the law in any way considered significant.

80th Anniversary Of D-Day Reminds Us Of The Constant Struggle To Maintain Democracy

Today is the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, arguably the most important day in modern world history for the survival and prosperity of democracy.

America and Europe were fighting the evil of German Nazism and Adolf Hitler, just as now America and Europe face the evil of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin in the third year of war in Ukraine.

And domestically, America is facing its greatest crisis in maintaining democracy at home, by the threat of Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans.

The Presidential Election Of 2024 is the most significant since the Presidential Election Of 1940, when Franklin D. Roosevelt faced a primarily isolationist Republican Party and its nominee, Wendell Willkie, who like Donald Trump, had zero government experience. However, Willkie was not as reckless and dangerous as Trump is, although most of the Republican Party was strongly unconcerned about the war in Europe and Asia.

D Day reminds us of the reality that democracy is never a given in any society, and that people need to be willing to sacrifice to insure its survival and sustaining nature.

Republicans In Congress Plan Wrecking Ball On Democrats, Presaging Civil War!

The Republican Party at large, in both the House of Representatives and Senate, are planning a “wrecking ball”, open revenge on Democrats, due to the felony conviction of Donald Trump.

The Republican Party is declaring war on civility, and advocating open insurrection against the Constitution, the judicial system, and the rule of law, and this is being led by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and the multitude of MAGA Republicans.

In so doing, unstable American right wing extremists are being incited to rise up in rebellion, with the potential for mass bloodshed and violence throughout the nation.

The likelihood of a new wave of assassinations of public leaders, as occurred in the 1960s, but on a much greater scale, is becoming a reality, as we commemorate today the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, two months after the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. in April 1968.

This level of threat is a clarion call that could make for a level of violence reminiscent of the pre Civil War period in the 1850s.

This is no laughing matter, as the breakdown of law and order would also endanger America’s position in a world with major threats from Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.

Mind Boggling That Convicted Felon Is Allowed To Run For President!

Only a few days since the felony conviction of Donald Trump, it is mind boggling that a convicted felon is allowed to run for President, and is gaining the support of over 90 percent of Republican officeholders, who are attacking the judicial system and the rule of law.

It is also mind boggling that members of the Supreme Court are willing to undermine American democracy and their own reputations in service of a man who has made clear that he wants to destroy the US Constitution, American democracy, and to seek retribution on his enemies, and declare a dictatorship on Day One and beyond.

It is also beyond understanding why the judge, prosecutor, jury and witnesses in the Donald Trump trial are facing constant threats to their personal security and that of their family members, and yet no condemnation by Republicans to this threat to public order.

The American nation also has allies in NATO and other friendly nations around the world who are truly alarmed at the prospect of a second Donald Trump Presidency, and have told Joe Biden that he must insure that Trump, a menace to the world, is not permitted to retake power.

The concept that Donald Trump still keeps millions of supporters makes one wonder what is wrong with the mental health of the American people.

How could any decent person who is Jewish, African American, Latino American, Asian American, and any person who professes to true Christian faith be able to overlook the record of destruction and hatred of Donald Trump, and vote for authoritarian Fascism just before the 250th anniversary of the American Republic?

Republican Party Destroying Its Future

While there are a small number of Republicans who are refusing to support Donald Trump in his Presidential campaign, the vast majority have decided to drink the Kool Aid and are sacrificing their principles, honor, and historical reputation in backing a convicted felon.

The hypocrisy is massive, and they have no sense of shame, ethics or morals.

The day will come when they will regret their decision to work against democracy and the rule of law, and they will go down as the villains who destroyed the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, Reagan, the Bushes, Romney, McCain, and many moderate, mainstream Governors and Senators of recent decades.

A true, principled conservative party will rise from the ashes of the 170 years old party, now in its death knell!

Back From Costa Rica Vacation, And Republican Party Continues To Self-Destruct!

Having just returned from a Costa Rica vacation, I return to a nation embroiled in turmoil by the conviction of Donald Trump, and the Republican Party, with few exceptions, continuing to self destruct its history and legacy.

Costa Rica is a successful democracy, with people that are very happy, and committed to an environmental legacy, opportunity for all, and with a very high life longevity, a model nation which lowers blood pressure by its primary commitment to education and health care for all, and has no standing army, and the most successful long lasting democracy in Latin America.

America, on the other hand, is moving toward its 250th anniversary as a nation, divided by greed, corruption, and many evil leaders who only care about their own aggrandizement, and promotion of the undermining of American democracy and the rule of law.

America is in its greatest crisis since the Civil War in the 1860s, and no certainty of its survival as a beacon for the world!