Day: July 1, 2024

Further Reflection: Trump V US Creates Constitutional Crisis Of Massive Proportions!

This author and blogger, upon further reflection, reverses his earlier assessment today, and has come to the conclusion that the Supreme Court has created a long term constitutional crisis in Trump V US, making the likelihood of an uncontrollable Presidency long term!

The last few days have been a whirlwind, since the disastrous Presidential debate of June 27.

It has turned everything we thought was stable and manageable into a massive crisis, only made worse by the recklessness of the extremist right wing Supreme Court, which has granted shocking executive authority and immunity to the Presidency beyond all past limits!

President Joe Biden just gave a five minute Oval Office Address to condemn the Trump V US Supreme Court decision, but made it clear he would not use that decision to abuse his powers.

Ultimately, what can stop this abuse is the American people voting in November to repudiate the threat of Donald Trump, and it raises the stakes on the Presidential Election Of 2024, clearly the most dangerous moment since the Civil War!

Trump V US Supreme Court Case A “Mixed” Result!

The case of Trump V US has finally been issued by the Supreme Court, and it is a disappointing decision, but despite strong criticism by many, it is a “mixed” decision, that allows for future prosecution.

It makes “official” acts of a President immune, but does not claim that all acts are official, and there are aspects of Donald Trump’s behavior around the Presidential Election Of 2020 that are clearly not protected.

So while some actions of Trump cannot be prosecutable due to the decision, the ability to move forward and prosecute Trump can only be prevented if Trump wins the Presidency again.

Otherwise, the actions around the Florida case of documents illegally at Mar A Lago, and the Georgia case of pressuring the Secretary of State to find votes to change the results, and some of the actions around January 6 can still be pursued in court.

The crucial action is to insure Donald Trump does not win the Presidential Election Of 2024, and that means the Democrats must do everything possible to insure victory, not only in the race for the White House, but also for the future 119th Congress!

Also, future Supreme Court and other judicial appointments are determined by who wins the White House, and the only way to reform the courts is more Democratic Presidential appointments, so another reason for the urgency to insure victory for the Democrats at all levels!