Rationale For Joe Biden To Retire

Joe Biden has been an excellent President, but it was a mistake for him to decide to run for reelection at age 81.

The fact that he had a disastrous debate performance in the June 27 Presidential debate, while tragic, was a blessing that it happened now, not in September, when it would be too late to withdraw, and likely, would be a fatal situation.

The odds of him finishing a second term alive under the stresses of the position are not good, and he could be incapacitated, whereby he would have to leave office, or be in the kind of condition that Woodrow Wilson was in his last two years in office.

His wife, Dr. Jill Biden, is very devoted to her husband, but needs to be realistic, and wish for her husband to have peace of mind, and have the burdens of office taken off him, so he can have a pleasant and, hopefully, prolonged, retirement period.

Every President since 1900, with the exceptions of Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy have retired, and every President since Herbert Hoover has had a Presidential Library open while he was alive, other than JFK, with even FDR starting the planning of his library in his second term, and “founding” it in his third term in office.

It is time for Joe Biden to retire, enjoy private life, and hopefully, live to write his memoirs and open up his Presidential Library.

He has nothing to be ashamed of, as he saved America from Donald Trump, and now it is time to pass on that responsibility to others, with Kamala Harris ready to take the charge and attack against Donald Trump and everything evil that the Republican Party stands for.

17 comments on “Rationale For Joe Biden To Retire

  1. Southern Liberal July 5, 2024 11:05 am

    Trump has cognitive issues as well. Why aren’t pundits demanding a sit-down prime-time interview with Trump?

  2. Rational Lefty July 5, 2024 11:21 am

    Good point, Southern Liberal. The media gives Trump a pass on almost everything while obsessing over Biden’s every stutter, as if they’re equating stuttering with mental deficiency while ignoring the very real fact that Trump is unfit to be president because he is utterly corrupt, has no ethics or integrity, and believes he is completely above the law. Yes, Biden had a bad day at his debate, but one bad day versus a lifetime of unethical business practices and Trump’s promise to upend our economy by deporting all undocumented workers and replacing the federal income tax with tariffs on every import that consumers will pay should be enough to scare voters, but the media just gives it all a pass. They have also barely mentioned Project 2025, the Republican manifesto similar to Mein Kampf that establishs a dictatorship with Trump as an imperial president instead of doing their journalistic jobs and actually reporting on its full implications for overturning democratic rights and wrecking our economy.

  3. Pragmatic Progressive July 5, 2024 11:29 am

    The national press is on a Joe Biden feeding frenzy because they know that their coverage will have an impact on the Democrats, the politicians and the public and that they will read what ever they write on the subject.

    They do not bother to go after or even mention Trump’s behavior because no one in the Republican party cares what the press says and will not bother to read what they erite. Thus, in their pursuit of clicks they by default create a very biased public profile against Biden and in favor of Trump.

    The press in the digital age has become obsessed with clicks just like the rest of social media and are no longer concerned with unbiased objective reporting.

    Publishers and Editors should do some profound soul searching and stop being so smug about their own behavior.

  4. Princess Leia July 5, 2024 11:32 am

    President Biden and his team continue to serve the American people. Should he become unable to serve as chief of his administration, he will voluntarily step down, or his cabinet will invoke the 25th Amendment, and his Vice President will take over. Panicked calls for a different candidate at this juncture have as much potential for harm as any alternative.

    Jennifer Rubin astutely commented:

    “All of this comes after President Biden’s debate performance, which sent shock waves of panic through the Democratic Party. Those who rushed to call for him to step down without poll evidence to substantiate their predictions of disaster and without affording him the chance to course correct acted irresponsibly and arguably only made the dilemma worse. Pundits’ arrogant effort to boot out a party’s democratically selected nominee with no care for the chaos it might unleash or the relative merits of dumping the advantage of incumbency didn’t help. Such overreach [was] coupled with the media’s ongoing effort to normalize Trump (despite his obvious mental liabilities, personality defects and tyrannical plans) …”

    Be careful what you wish for.

  5. Former Republican July 5, 2024 11:33 am

    The parties are treating their respective candidates differently. No surprise there. Republicans always present a united front no matter what their candidate says and does. They mean to win no matter who or what gets in the way. Democrats also argue among themselves and do not know when to rally around their candidate. Instead of the media covering the candidates’ mental and physical health — both are old and neither can finish a sentence — it would be better to talk about the issues and what each hopes to accomplish in a second term and the stakes in the election. Trump was a terrible president and promises retribution and ending democracy. Biden has been a good president, delivering for the American people and promising to preserve democracy and the US Constitution. When I look at the issues, there is no contest. I will vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

  6. Rustbelt Democrat July 5, 2024 11:42 am

    Yeah, Biden was difficult to watch and he clearly was way off but quite frankly, I was far more disturbed by a man who for 90 straight minutes didn’t utter a single word of truth other than his name.
    Yeah Biden is old but I know that if all fails, he has an extremely capable VP and outstanding cabinet members. We and democracy will be fine with a second Biden term, another four years of King Donald and it’s over. It will be catastrophic for the US and it will be a disaster for the rest of the world as well.

  7. Southern Liberal July 5, 2024 11:53 am

    If the party and the Biden family decide that Biden bowing out gives Dems the best chance to win in November, I disagree, but I’ll support the nominee and fight like h— to get them elected, and you should too.

    If Biden stays in, I’ll support the nominee and fight like h— to get them elected, and you should too.

    Nothing changes for me. This election is too important to lose.

    You could put a department store mannequin in a suit and superglue it to a podium and I would vote for that over Trump 100 times out of 100.

  8. Southern Liberal July 5, 2024 2:41 pm

    Various commentary I’ve heard on Joy’s show is why I’m critical about Dems wanting to dump Biden after one bad night.


  9. Former Republican July 5, 2024 2:56 pm

    Biden is getting ready to speak at a rally if y’all want to tune in and see how he does.

  10. Rustbelt Democrat July 5, 2024 4:10 pm

    I watched it. Biden is defiant, vowing to stay in.

  11. Rational Lefty July 5, 2024 6:01 pm

    Several of the shows on MSNBC are urging Dems to remain calm and not make a rushed decision.

  12. Former Republican July 5, 2024 8:25 pm

    That interview didn’t help matters any. He seemed rather dismissive of the concerns about him.

  13. Pragmatic Progressive July 5, 2024 8:26 pm

    Mark Warner is gathering a group of Senate Democrats to possibly tell Biden to drop out.

  14. Pragmatic Progressive July 5, 2024 10:13 pm

    Hakeem Jeffries is having a meeting on Sunday with committee chairs.

  15. Princess Leia July 6, 2024 9:47 am

    Five Democrats in the House are urging Biden to exit the race.

    Also, more states are up for grabs: Minnesota, Virginia, New Hampshire, New Mexico.

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