Kevin Roberts, Leonard Leo, Harlan Crow—Dangers To American Democracy And Rule Of Law!

The extreme Right Wing is in full bloom, with The Federalist Society and The Heritage Foundation on an extensive campaign to promote Project 2025, with its emphasis on revolutionary change to American government and society, with an emphasis on advocacy of white Christian Nationalism.

Kevin Roberts, the head of The Heritage Foundation has openly declared war, drawing attention to the evil plans of Project 2025, which this author and blogger has dissected in the past couple of weeks.

Leonard Leo has been engaged in promotion of an extreme right wing judiciary, including the Supreme Court.

Harlan Crow has corrupted Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas through gifts and favors for decades, creating a crisis for the Supreme Court reputation.

These men are super wealthy and represent a threat to the survival of American democracy and the rule of law. They will stop at nothing to impose their extremist views on America.

So this upcoming Presidential and Congressional elections are a battle for the future of America, more important than any election in close to a century!

4 comments on “Kevin Roberts, Leonard Leo, Harlan Crow—Dangers To American Democracy And Rule Of Law!

  1. Wayne Johnson July 27, 2024 7:43 pm

    OMG!!!!! Heritage Foundation/Project 2025 leaders, Kevin Robert’s and Leonard Leo(Clarence Thomas’ friend) have ties and follow the teachings of Opus Dei. They intend to force their radical religious beliefs onto American society. Robert’s called his political opponents, “vile and amoral current day barbarians, secularists and bigots” who are under the influence of the devil. core tenet of Opus Dei does not believe in the separation of church and state but they should have a symbiotic relationship.

  2. Wayne Johnson July 27, 2024 7:44 pm

    “Opus Dei” (Work of God) was founded in the Northern Spanish region, Sierra Nevada, in 1928 by a Reactionary Spanish Catholic Priest, “Josemaría Escrivá”

    It really gained a foothold during the Spanish Civil War in which the Represive Reactionary group sided with “General Francisco Franco,” the Spanish Dictator.

    To show his appreciation, Opus Dei was allowed to levy their own tax system within their region of Spain. This proved to be very lucrative for them.

    In the early 1960’s, the Opus Dei Finance Minister becomes Head of “The Bank of Spain.” Goverment backed loans flowed to companies belonging to Opus Dei. This is true even more so today with them now controlling Banking, Education, and the Justice Departments, under Opus Dei’s influence.

    I would summarize that this is why it is more important than ever, that with our Founding Fathers foresight of the “Separation of Church and State,” is more important than ever!

  3. Pragmatic Progressive July 28, 2024 11:11 am

    At a rally this weekend, Trump told voters they won’t have to vote any more if he wins.

    “You won’t have to do it anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians. I’m a Christian. … You gotta get out and vote,” the former president said. “In four years, you won’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

  4. Princess Leia July 28, 2024 11:11 am

    Trump’s telegraphing his authoritarian intentions in plain sight.

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