Should Kamala Harris Go “Radical”, Or Stay Safe In VP Selection?

With the controversial JD Vance making waves in a negative way, and undermining Donald Trump, the question arises, with about a week until the decision on the Vice Presidential nominee for Kamala Harris, whether Harris should go “radical”, or stay safe in her selection.

If Harris were to choose to go “radical”, then Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan or Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation, will be selected, as choosing a woman or a gay male would be seen as “radical”.

A less “radical choice” would be Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania, or JB Pritzker, Governor of Illinois, as both are Jewish, and already with a potential Jewish First Gentleman Douglas Emhoff.

If Harris chooses to go traditionally, then the choice would be among Roy Cooper, Governor of North Carolina; Andy Beshear, Governor of Kentucky; Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota; or Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona.

There is also the issue of age, as Kelly, Walz, and Cooper are older than Harris, and Pritzker is only months younger, while Buttigieg, Beshear, Shapiro, and Whitmer are much younger, so any of them could be Presidential material after serving as VP under Harris.

37 comments on “Should Kamala Harris Go “Radical”, Or Stay Safe In VP Selection?

  1. Wayne Johnson July 29, 2024 8:50 am

    As I see it, she has to demonstrate being very stable, but point out and reiterate those unstable qualities of Trump. His mental failings, the Reactionary tenants he embraces, and also include his criminal transgressions.

    As far as her speeches and message…. she must be the inverse of Trump.

  2. Rational Lefty July 29, 2024 10:02 am

    It’s hard to decide. The Democrats have a very impressive bench.

  3. Pragmatic Progressive July 29, 2024 5:43 pm

    Harris released a statement Monday that supports Biden’s call to Congress to enact sweeping changes to the Supreme Court, including an enforceable ethics code and term limits for justices.

  4. Rational Lefty July 30, 2024 1:36 pm

    Sounds like Harris is going to be making her choice soon.

    Vice President Kamala Harris and her newly chosen vice presidential running mate will travel to a series of battleground states next week, a source familiar told CNN.

  5. Princess Leia July 30, 2024 1:37 pm

    Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has indicated that she is out of the VP sweepstakes as well.

  6. Southern Liberal July 30, 2024 1:42 pm

    The Republican Party, led by virulent racist/misogynist/etc. Convicted Felon Donald Trump, freaks out over wildly successful “White Dudes for Harris” call, the amazing surge in Democratic enthusiasm and fundraising over the past 9 days, etc.

  7. Rational Lefty July 31, 2024 9:43 am

    Politico is reporting Harris will announce her running mate before Tuesday, when the vice president plans to hold a rally in Philadelphia with her pick.

    Harris and her VP pick will then campaign together across several key states, including Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.

    While Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro is reported to be on the short list of possible contenders, a Harris campaign official told Politico that the location of the rally shouldn’t be taken as an indicator of who she’s picking.

    Reuters reported earlier Tuesday about the plan for Harris to hit swing states with her running mate. Reuters also reported Harris would make her pick as early as Monday.

  8. Rustbelt Democrat July 31, 2024 9:44 am

    Biden is expected to speak on the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, according to CNN and CBS citing sources familiar with the event’s planning.

  9. Former Republican July 31, 2024 10:19 am

    Fred Trump III, the son of Donald Trump’s late brother, Fred Trump Jr., threw his support behind his uncle’s opponent on Tuesday during an appearance on “The View.”

    “I believe in policy over politics,” he said. “And without question, Kamala Harris’ policies are what I get behind, so I will be voting for Kamala Harris.”

    He added: “If I’m asked, I will campaign for her without hesitation.” (The Harris campaign is aware of the offer, having shared a clip of his appearance on social media.)

    A memoir written by Fred Trump III called “All In The Family: The Trumps And How We Got This Way” was released Tuesday. Previously published snippets from the book revealed how the former president allegedly suggested that disabled people “should just die” and that he repeatedly used the N-word.

  10. Southern Liberal July 31, 2024 2:37 pm

    United Auto Works have endorsed Harris.

  11. Princess Leia July 31, 2024 2:45 pm

    After getting criticism for snubbing her, the Black Journalists’ Association is working to schedule a question-and-answer event with Harris in September.

  12. Pragmatic Progressive July 31, 2024 5:24 pm

    The Trump Q&A with the Black reporters was a disaster.

    He ranted off-topic for much of the discussion, and complained that the microphones weren’t working.

    In addition to insulting the Black journalists who interviewed him, the MAGA hopeful also claimed not to know the race of his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, whose mother was Indian, and whose father is Jamaican.

  13. Southern Liberal July 31, 2024 9:02 pm

    She had a rally in Georgia last night. It was the kind of to-the-rafters crowd Donald Trump lies about drawing.

  14. Princess Leia August 1, 2024 9:19 am

    At a Sigma Gamma Rho sorority event in Houston, Kamala Harris responded to Donald Trump’s comments Wednesday about her racial heritage, saying it was “the same old show” and that the “American people deserve better.”

  15. Former Republican August 1, 2024 9:25 am

    LOL! Trump’s campaign claims that the contentious Q&A at the National Association of Black Journalists conference was meant to “unite the entire country”.

  16. Rustbelt Democrat August 1, 2024 9:26 am

    Umm…more like divide the country…yet again.

  17. Rational Lefty August 1, 2024 10:11 am

    ‘Y’all got played’: Joy Reid issues ‘exactly 3 reasons’ Trump attended NABJ in scathing fact-check

    You can see the video here:

  18. Southern Liberal August 1, 2024 10:22 am

    It’s birtherism 2.0

  19. Pragmatic Progressive August 1, 2024 5:28 pm

    In terms of my personal favorites, go back and forth between Walz because he would probably help most with increasing turnout among progressive youth, Kelly because he and his wife have incredibly inspiring stories that the media could not resist writing powerfully positive news stories about, and Shapiro because he won Pennsylvania, the biggest and most evenly divided and thus crucial swing state, by 17% in the same 2020 election where Biden only won by a bit over 1%. But I think all three of them, and indeed all the top contenders, would be great.

  20. Former Republican August 1, 2024 5:34 pm

    I’m rooting for Mark Kelly.

    I’ve seen multiple polls in the last 2 days that show Harris ahead of or tied with Trump in the Blue Wall states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. She doesn’t need Walz in Minnesota because she’s winning that state and Walz looks old which undermines the campaign’s criticism of Trump now being the oldest candidate. (Yes, I know Walz is younger than Trump, but looks older.)

    Kelly could cut Trump’s lead in Arizona and put it in reach for Harris. That would give us 4 out of 7 swing states.

    Plus, we’d get Gabby Giffords as part of the VP package and he and Mark’s very inspirational life story. And Kelly is beloved by Arizona for his strong record on border security which is exactly what we need to combat Trump and the GOP’s attacks on Harris regarding immigration.

  21. Princess Leia August 2, 2024 9:41 am

    I personally think these attacks on Shapiro are unfair and have tinges of antisemitism.

  22. Rational Lefty August 2, 2024 11:19 am

    Sounds like her selection is going to be made soon. Mark Kelly, Josh Shapiro, and Andy Beshear are all cancelling events this weekend.

  23. Southern Liberal August 2, 2024 12:46 pm

    She’s meeting with about 5 or 6 of them this weekend. Her pick will be at the Philadelphia rally on Tuesday.

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