Day: July 30, 2024

Biden’s Supreme Court Reform Proposal A Great Idea For Long Term!

Joe Biden’s Supreme Court Reform Proposal makes sense for the future.

Eigthteen years should be the term for future members of the Court, with two new appointments for every future President in each four year term.

The idea of Justices staying in office at advanced years is something that should be prevented for the future.

At the same time, it is not possible to limit the number of years of present members of the Court.

But adding more members to the Court is perfectly sensible until and when the present membership of the Court retires.

The idea that one party should constantly control and dominate the Supreme Court is reprehensible, as it should a Court based on the vote of the people as to who they want for the Presidency.

Some sense of political party balance is essential for the Supreme Court to overcome the horrible reputation it has presently, the worst ever in modern history!

And Biden’s proposal for a binding ethics code for the Court and its membership is urgent, after the revelations of the corruption of Clarence Thomas in particular!