Day: August 1, 2024

Donald Trump Implodes At Black Journalists’ Gathering In Chicago

Donald Trump shocked the National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Chicago yesterday, with his unhinged behavior towards the three black women journalists who questioned him about his stands on race, and on his Vice Presidential runningmate, JD Vance.

Trump was nasty and abusive in his utterances about Kamala Harris, accusing her of claiming to be Black when he asserted, wrongfully, that all along, she identified as Asian Indian in ethnicity.

The concept of Harris being “mixed race” is not something that should cause controversy, as 10.2 percent of the population in the 2020 Census self-identified as such.

That has nothing to do with Harris’s qualifications to be President, but once again, Trump played the “race card”, as he always has done for many years.

Supposedly, Trump was trying to gain Black support for his Presidential candidacy, but his outragous behavior does not promote such gains.

Trump’s claim to be the best President for Black Americans since Abraham Lincoln is preposterous, ridulous, and insulting!

It is clear that Donald Trump is terrified of the growing support for Kamala Harris, and is unable to figure out how to attack her, except by personal and racist insults.

His racism and misogyny are beyond the pale, and it makes one wonder why anyone with any intelligence would still support him for President!