Donald Trump Implodes At Black Journalists’ Gathering In Chicago

Donald Trump shocked the National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Chicago yesterday, with his unhinged behavior towards the three black women journalists who questioned him about his stands on race, and on his Vice Presidential runningmate, JD Vance.

Trump was nasty and abusive in his utterances about Kamala Harris, accusing her of claiming to be Black when he asserted, wrongfully, that all along, she identified as Asian Indian in ethnicity.

The concept of Harris being “mixed race” is not something that should cause controversy, as 10.2 percent of the population in the 2020 Census self-identified as such.

That has nothing to do with Harris’s qualifications to be President, but once again, Trump played the “race card”, as he always has done for many years.

Supposedly, Trump was trying to gain Black support for his Presidential candidacy, but his outragous behavior does not promote such gains.

Trump’s claim to be the best President for Black Americans since Abraham Lincoln is preposterous, ridulous, and insulting!

It is clear that Donald Trump is terrified of the growing support for Kamala Harris, and is unable to figure out how to attack her, except by personal and racist insults.

His racism and misogyny are beyond the pale, and it makes one wonder why anyone with any intelligence would still support him for President!

12 comments on “Donald Trump Implodes At Black Journalists’ Gathering In Chicago

  1. Princess Leia August 1, 2024 3:52 pm

    Trump is continuing to go after her heritage. This morning he posted a photo on his Truth Social platform of Harris seemingly wearing a saree along with the caption, “Thank you Kamala for the nice picture you sent from many years ago! Your warmth, friendship, and love of your Indian Heritage are very much appreciated.”

  2. Princess Leia August 1, 2024 3:54 pm

    In a rant posted Thursday afternoon on Truth Social, Trump questioned the details of the U.S.’s prisoner swap with Russia.

    “So when are they going to release the details of the prisoner swap with Russia,” Trump posted. “How many people do we get versus them? Are we also paying them cash? Are they giving us cash (Please withdraw that question, because I’m sure the answer is NO)? Are we releasing murderers, killers, or thugs? Just curious because we never make good deals, at anything, but especially hostage swaps.”

    “Our ‘negotiators’ are always an embarrassment to us,” he continued. “I got back many hostages, and gave the opposing Country NOTHING – and never any cash. To do so is bad precedent for the future. That’s the way it should be, or this situation will get worse and worse. They are extorting the United States of America. They’re calling the trade ‘complex’ – That’s so nobody can figure out how bad it is!”

    The U.S. and its allies returned eight Russian nationals as part of the deal in return for 16 people imprisoned in Russia.

  3. Former Republican August 1, 2024 4:02 pm

    Trump can’t help himself. This is who he is. That goes all the way back to the 70s and 80s when he was sued for racial discrimination and demanded that innocent Black kids be given the death penalty. It’s not a mystery, And he believes he won the 2016 election because he wasn’t afraid to be a crude, angry sexist and racist white guy standing up for “Real Americans.” His political rise was fueled by birtherism, after all. He believes it’s his super power.

  4. Pragmatic Progressive August 1, 2024 5:00 pm

    Give Trump a platform and he’ll remind people how unlikable he is.

  5. Princess Leia August 1, 2024 5:26 pm

    Trump is dividing Jewish Americans against each other ahead of the November election. Trump is asserting that Jewish people who don’t support him are bad Jews.

  6. Princess Leia August 3, 2024 10:31 am

    Trump has made some more remarks questioning why he should participate in a debate.

    Trump told Fox Business Network host Maria Bartiromo this week that he wants to debate his likely Democratic opponent, but added, “I mean right now I say, why should I do a debate? I’m leading in the polls. And, everybody knows her, everybody knows me.”

  7. Former Republican August 3, 2024 10:36 am

    Trump is chicken.

  8. Pragmatic Progressive August 4, 2024 11:31 am

    That’s because Fox will be more friendly to him.

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