Month: August 2024

Psychiatric And Cognitive Concerns About Donald Trump Grow, As Harris Makes Major Gains In Polls

Psychiatric and cognitive concerns about Donald Trump are growing, as he is becoming more delusional by the day, lashing out even at his own contributors, and obsessing about size of crowds for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, claiming false AI (Artificial Intelligence) photos!

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris has surged to a lead over Trump in polls for Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and signs that she is gaining in Arizona and Nevada, including massive crowds showing up, despite 100 degree weather.

Trump is having trouble conceiving of how Harris replacing Joe Biden, and taking on Tim Walz, is having such a surge for three weeks, and with the Democratic National Convention coming in one week, an event very likely to boost Harris and Walz ever further in public support.

Major amounts of funds and volunteers continue to skyrocket, and more white men than expected are shown to be willing to move toward support of the Democratic ticket, to add to that of minority support, women, and young people.

With 226 electoral votes seen as assuredly Democratic, IF Harris can win Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, she would end up with exactly 270 electoral votes, the magic number to win the Presidency, even without Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, and North Carolina, the other so called “battleground” states!

16th Anniversary Of “The Progressive Professor”!

Today, August 11, 16 years ago in 2008, this blog was created by this college professor, author, and lecturer.

In those 16 years and counting, there have been 8,218 postings, and 24,388 comments by readers, amazing statistics!

Many individuals have contributed these comments and thoughts, including most notably in recent times such individuals as the following:

Princess Leia
Rustbelt Democrat
Pragmatic Progressive
Former Republican
Rational Lefty
Southern Liberal
Wayne Johnson

Others have also added equally insightful comments over the years.

I want to thank the above list of contributors and others, who have helped to enrich this blog.

I still teach one course each term on the American Presidency at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton; give lectures before senior citizens at various venues; as well as keep disciplined to contribute my thoughts and insights on a daily basis on this blog, except when traveling on vacation.

I hope to continue this blog for many more years, but am pleased by my accomplishment in spreading discussion and debate, and congratulate my readers and contributors for helping to make this blog worthwhile!

50th Anniversary Of Gerald Ford Becoming President

In the midst of commemorations of the 50th Anniversary of the Richard Nixon resignation from the Presidency, not as much attention is devoted to the accession of Gerald Ford to the Presidency for the next two years, five months and 11 days, as the only President NOT elected President or Vice President.

Ford was approved to be Vice President under the recently enacted 25th Amendment to the Constitution, upon the resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew, arguably the most corrupt, scandalous, and obnoxious Vice President in the history of that office.

Agnew’s involvement in scandals, corruption, and in attacks on the news media and common decency, was horrifying, and it was a great sense of relief that he was forced out in October 1973.

The selection by the compromised President, Richard Nixon, at a time when the Watergate Scandal was metastasizing, was a relief as Ford, the House Minority Leader, was well respected and admired by members of the House of Representatives and the Senate in both political parties.

Ford conducted himself honorably as Vice President for about eight months from early December 1973 until his elevation to the Presidency on August 9, 1974.

And while Ford would lose election for a full term to Jimmy Carter in 1976, looking back on Ford, it seems clear that he has been underestimated in history, and deserves a better shake from the American people and Presidential scholars.

His wife, Betty Ford, was a major contributor to the history of First Ladies, often considered the “best” Republican First Lady of modern times.

While many would not agree with all of Gerald Ford’s views and stands on issues and policies, he comes across as the most decent Republican President in the past six decades!

Donald Trump And Crowd Sizes: Totally Unhinged!

Donald Trump held a press conference at Mar a Lago on Thursday, rambling on for 75 minutes. His performance was clearly a melt down of major proportions.

He told a ton of lies, but what stood out even more was his obsession, as always, with the size of his crowds at public rallies and other events.

Trump has claimed that his 2017 Inauguration crowd was larger than that of Barack Obama in 2009, a total lie. This blogger and author was actually present at that historic inauguration, and knows personally how massive that crowd was on a very cold day, but people were willing to tolerate the cold weather.

Trump is now contesting, against reality, that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz only had about 2,000 people at their rallies in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, when the totals were between 12,000 and 15,000 at each rally, with the last two outside and in very hot weather.

And even more crazy, Trump is claiming that his crowds at many events, including his inauguration, were greater than on August 28, 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. spoke before a crowd of 250,000 at the March on Washington!

Trump came up with absolutely insane numbers much higher than that date’s 250,000.

One has to say that seriously, Trump is in rapid decline, as the oldest Presidential nominee in American history!

If somehow he is elected, JD Vance will be the nightmare who is our President, despite the fact that he is a massive phony, who is a chameleon willing to say anything to advance himself!

50 Years Since Richard Nixon Resignation In Watergate Scandal!

It has been a full half century since President Richard Nixon resigned, due to the Watergate Scandal, and the clear abandonment of his Republican Party in the House of Representatives and Senate to support him in his quest to avoid an impeachment and conviction.

Now, a half century later, we have a former President who is far worse than Richard Nixon, with far fewer accomplishments, and facing the likelihood of being incarcerated in Federal prison for his crimes on January 6, 2021, when he incited the US Capitol Insurrection.

Trump is desperately attempting to come back to the Oval Office, and his party has sold its soul, with most Republicans bending the knee to him, despite his massive corruption, two impeachments, four indictments and 34 convictions so far.

Even Richard Nixon, were he alive, would be astounded by the massive crimes and sins of Donald Trump!

Donald Trump’s Flailing Campaign

As the campaign of Democrats Kamala Harris and Tim Walz draws large crowds at rallies, and raises massive amounts of funds and volunteers for the battle ahead, Republicans Donald Trump and JD Vance are flailing in their campaign.

Donald Trump has made many blunders, including:

His selection of JD Vance as his Vice Presidential running mate.

Racist attacks against Kamala Harris, and his disgraceful performance at the National Association of Black Journalists gathering in Atlanta, particularly against ABC News correspondent Rachel Scott.

His bragging about ending abortion rights, through his gaining the end of Roe V Wade by his Supreme Court appointments.

His involvement and connection with the extremist right wing Project 2025, and Vance’s authorship of the Introduction to the 922 page document.

His attack on fellow Republican, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, for having refused to back his attempt to interfere with the election results in the Presidential Election of 2020.

His praise of Russian leader Vladimir Putin for making the deal for release of Americans wrongfully held, rather than praising Joe Biden and the US Government for bringing home those individuals.

The momentum is definitely toward the Democrats at this point, with some public opinion polls showing Kamala Harris ahead of Donald Trump for the first time.

Harris-Walz Ticket On Offense Before Large Crowds!

There was a sense of electricity and destiny in the massive crowd of 14,000 that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz spoke before yesterday evening in Philadelphia.

And today, in Wisconsin, in very hot weather in Eau Claire, before a crowd in a rural part of that Midwestern state, 12,000 showed up, with the sense of destiny continuing.

Donald Trump and JD Vance are unable to draw crowds anywhere near these sizes at Republican rallies, and it is driving Trump crazy!

It seems clear that the Harris-Walz ticket has gained an energy that was lacking when President Joe Biden was still running for another term.

And the more the nation learns about Tim Walz—the teacher, the coach, the National Guardsman, the Congressman, and the Governor–the more it inspires the Democratic Party to a sense of optimism and confidence about the upcoming Presidential Election of 2024!

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz Surprise VP Choice, But Excellent Selection!

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is a surprise Vice Presidential choice for Kamala Harris, but is an excellent addition to the ticket, and will know how to go after the jugular vein of both Donald Trump and JD Vance.

Tim Walz is in the Democratic progressive tradition and heritage of Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale, Eugene McCarthy, Paul Wellstone, Al Franken, and Amy Klobuchar.

Walz will help insure electoral support from next door Michigan and Wisconsin, attract rural and small town American support in the Midwest, and has a exceptional record of accomplishment as Minnesota Governor for the past six years, after serving in the House of Representatives for twelve years from 2007-2019.

Walz was an educator and football coach after serving in the National Guard, and is proud of his progressive agenda in Minnesota, and will know how to take the fight against the right wing Republicans to the nation at large.

Walz is a genuine and decent human being, unlike the impression that JD Vance and Donald Trump give in public image!

Many “Republicans Against Trump” Are Starting To Move Toward Open Support Of Kamala Harris!

An active and engaged group that is gaining notice in the Presidential campaign of 2024 are those known as “Republicans Against Trump”, which includes many former Trump administration Cabinet members, and many in the intelligence, defense,state and justice department communities.

And now, former elected officials are openly endorsing and announcing they will vote for Kamala Harris in November.

So far, it includes Geoff Duncan, former Georgia Lieutenant Governor; former Virginia Representative Denver Riggleman; and former Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger, who was a crucial member of the January 6 committee that investigated the attack on the US Capitol.

And the multitude of others who are against Trump are seen, in many cases, likely to announce eventually that they will vote for Harris.

They would say that it was urgent to do so, while reserving right to be critical of government policies in the future under a President Harris.

Republican Attacks On Joe Biden Totally Disingenuous!

With President Joe Biden having withdrawn from the Presidential campaign, opposition Republicans have displayed a total lack of respect, and being totally disingenuous about his time in office.

It is understandable that for political reasons, Republicans would be critical of Biden, but they are going beyond the pale, and asserting totally ridiculous and preposterous comments about Biden.

We see Donald Trump, but also many other Republicans, asserting that Joe Biden is the worst President in American history, which demonstrates not only the horrible character of all concerned, but also, a total lack of knowledge of Presidential history!

It is a fact that no reputable Presidential scholar or expert would rate Joe Biden at the bottom of the 45 Presidents America has had, while many have made it clear that, indeed, it is Donald Trump who is the worst ever occupant of the Presidency.

So for Donald Trump to make such a stupid, moronic statement, is again an example of the psychological definition of “projection”!

But beyond that reality, how can any intelligent person say Biden is the worst, when he is rated as the “best” domestic achieving President in 60 years, since the time of Lyndon B. Johnson?

Biden was rated number 14 in the recent assessment of the American Political Science Association!

And what about such Presidents as Andrew Johnson, James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, Franklin Pierce, Herbert Hoover and a multitude of other Presidents who have been correctly rated as “disasters” or “tragedies” in office?