Professor Allan Lichtman Prediction On Presidential Election Of 2024!

American University History Professor Allan Lichtman has become famous in his predictions about Presidential elections since 1984, being correct every time, except 2000, when he predicted Al Gore would win the popular vote, but saw George W. Bush win the Electoral College that year. He was correct in his prediction that Donald Trump would win in 2016, despite losing the popular vote.

Now, Lichtman predicts Kamala Harris will win the Presidency over Donald Trump, with Harris winning 8 of the 13 “keys” that Lichtman utilizes in deciding his predictions.

Only the fact that the incumbent President is not running; that the party in the White House did not gain seats in the midterm elections; and that the incumbent has charisma not applicable gives Trump 3 keys, with the final judgment on foreign and military success or failure undecided, but that would only make for 5 “keys” for Trump.

It will be fascinating to see if Lichtman is accurate in his projections!

6 comments on “Professor Allan Lichtman Prediction On Presidential Election Of 2024!

  1. Rustbelt Democrat September 8, 2024 11:45 am

    He probably wants to change the 25th to get rid of Vance, in case Vance becomes disloyal to him.

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