Donald Trump is clearly attempting to grab power from the US Senate in his move to make recess appointments to his Cabinet, bypassing the power of the Senate “to advise and consent”.
The idea of recess appointments has always been rarely utilized, and for Trump to just go ahead and pick his advisers, and ignore the Senate, is alarming.
One has to hope that enough Republicans are willing to challenge Trump, and prevent what would be the gaining of a new absolute power of Trump, and potentially, future Presidents, making the Senate a weakened legislative body.
There may be 53 Republican Senators, but if four of them resist Trump, they, hopefully, could stop this dangerous power grab.
Potential such Senators would likely include:
Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Senator Susan Collins of Maine
Senator Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
Senaator Thom Tillis of North Carolina
Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma
If the Senate allows Trump to do what he wants, and allows Billionaire Elon Musk to have a major power over Trump policies as well, without any resistance, it will be a massive step toward what Trump had called “Dictatorship on Day One”!
This is a battle for survival of American democracy, and no patriotic American can sit on the sidelines, and they must pressure the Senate and others on Capitol Hill to fight and resist in every way possible!
I don’t have any faith in the Senate. The Republican Senate is composed of MAGA cultists and/or invertebrate cowards who are going to try to blame the Democrats for making the confirmations difficult so they can say they have no choice but to allow Trump to give them all recess appointments.
Trump said he wanted to be a dictator. Looks like he’s starting early.
Trump may use something called impoundment to control spending without Congress.