“Unitary Executive” Is Term For Dictatorship And Plutocracy!

With “Project 2025” now in effect during the Donald Trump Presidency in his second, nonconsecutive term, the term “Unitary Executive” is now officially the rationale for Trump asserting himself in an authoritarian manner!

This is a direct attack on the history of the Presidency, and if not challenged effectively, it means we are under a dictatorship and plutocracy, with billionaires, led by Elon Musk, but also most of the Cabinet members and other advisers around Trump, being in total control of domestic and foreign policy.

The federal courts, so far, are challenging this reality, but the question is whether the Supreme Court will assert itself with its present membership, when cases arrive at the Court in the future.

The News Media also is, courageously, making clear the threats to all Americans by this new “GILDED AGE” mentality.

And the Democrats in state governments and many in Congress are also making clear they will not sit on the sidelines as the basic concepts of American democracy are under attack.

But with growing public demonstrations developing across the nation by average citizens, the question is will the Trump Administration abuse the rights under the First Amendment—Freedom of Speech, Press, and Assembly—and use violence to suppress popular opinion and outrage at the revolutionary changes being brought about against our entire constitutional history!

Trump’s recent statement–“He who saves his country does not violate any laws”–is an alarm bell in the night, and must be resisted, as America does not have or need a King or dictator!

America has a system of “checks and balances”, and Donald Trump must be controlled in his powers for the good of the nation and its future!

26 comments on ““Unitary Executive” Is Term For Dictatorship And Plutocracy!

  1. Rustbelt Democrat February 17, 2025 9:41 am

    Musk’s DOGE seeking access to taxpayer data is WILDLY unacceptable!

  2. Princess Leia February 17, 2025 1:51 pm

    That’s one holiday I refuse to celebrate!

  3. Former Republican February 17, 2025 1:58 pm

    I second how you feel, Rustbelt.

  4. Princess Leia February 17, 2025 4:20 pm

    Robert Hubbell explains on Substack, “We must do everything, everywhere, all at once” – “Leadership and coordination are welcome and desperately needed—but we must stop waiting for Democratic leaders to tell us what to do. Continue to do whatever you are doing. Do more, if possible, but do not exhaust your physical, emotional, or mental reserves. We are in a marathon and the winner will be the group that is still running four years from now. Endure. Abide. Outlast. Persist.”


  5. Rustbelt Democrat February 17, 2025 4:24 pm

    Robert Hubbell nails it!

    A persistent disconnect separates the Democratic base and its leaders. Grassroots activists feel a sense of urgency and immediacy that seems to escape the leadership of the Democratic party. That disconnect has left Democratic faithful feeling leaderless and a bit lost.

  6. Former Republican February 17, 2025 4:32 pm

    Rustbelt, I second your anger at the media as well.

    One of the issues with the media is their terrible headlines – Saying something like “Trump flexes authority” is such a vague, whitewashed way of saying that Trump goes 100% lawless, unconstitutional, authoritarian, etc.

  7. Southern Liberal February 17, 2025 4:46 pm

    For Presidents Day, people are protesting against Trump and Musk all across the US.

  8. Pragmatic Progressive February 18, 2025 9:04 am

    A lot of media companies are trying to appease Trump. ABC settled a Trump defamation lawsuit. CBS is trying to settle with Trump’s team over the 60 Minutes brouhaha.

  9. Princess Leia February 18, 2025 9:07 am

    CNN tries to be Fox News lite. They put pro-Trump Republicans on their panels, which then devolves into shouting matches.

  10. Rustbelt Democrat February 18, 2025 11:49 am

    UVA Professor/ director of the Center for Politics Larry Sabato nails it on Trump claiming, “He who saves his country does not violate any law.”

    He also talks about Dems dong “a terrible job, so far at least, of mobilizing opposition to Trump”.


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