The Republican Party from the 1930s until now, the 2020s, has opposed and attempted to destroy the major successes of the Social Safety Net.
Social Security was adopted in 1935 under Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt, as part of the New Deal reform programs, which transformed the nation.
Medicare was adopted in 1965 under Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson, followed my Medicaid in 1966, as part of the Great Society reform programs.
The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) was adopted under Democratic President Barack Obama in 2010, as part of his attempt to promote medical care availability for millions of people that had no medical coverage.
So for 90 years; 60 years; and 15 years, with some individual exceptions, the Republican Party’s aim has been, and remains under Donald Trump and Elon Musk today, that the Social Safety Net, that has worked so well, and is so humane, should be scuttled, with the aim being to enrich wealthy people through massive tax cuts.
The Republican Party is shameless, and reprehensible, as they have always been, but the battle by the Democratic Party and all decent people, must be to continue to fight to defend programs that in many European nations, are much better than ours!
If people truly want to make this country “Great Again,” dump the clown and his circus of lesser thans, and find me the:
Alan Turings
Katherine Johnsons
Nikola Teslas
Richard Feynmans
J. Robert Oppenheimers
Albert Einsteins
Werner Heisenbergs
Dorothy Vaughans
Mary Jacksons
And let’s get back to some productive reality!!