News and Politics

Discussion about news and politics

Donald Trump, The Full Blown Imperialist! :(

Donald Trump was thought to be an isolationist in his foreign policy views in his first term.

But now in his second term, Donald Trump is a full blown imperialist, who has no concern for our relations with nations that have been America’s allies since after World War II.

So Trump is making clear that he intends, even by military force if necessary, to seize control of the Panama Canal, which was legally handed over by treaty in the Jimmy Carter Administration, effective in the year 2000, and with Republican and Democratic backing in the signing of the treaty in 1977. Such action will cause a major rift with Latin America.

So Trump is continuing to assert that Canada will be the “51st state”, and is imposing heavy protective tariffs, and acting aggressive and abusive toward our northern neighbor. This is causing great stress and the rise of antiAmericanism in Canada, which has no intention of giving up its sovereignty.

So Trump is claiming that Greenland, which has been semi-autonomous from Denmark for a long time, will become a territory of the United States, causing hostility and alarm in Denmark, the European Union, and among our NATO Allies.

So Trump is claiming that the Gaza Strip needs to be emptied, and redeveloped with American investment, a totally loony idea, which would cause the spread of Middle East terrorism to all Americans who would work or live in territory that America has no right to claim.

Donald Trump is, clearly, a full blown imperialist, similar in many ways to authoritarian leaders, including Vladimir Putin of Russia, with his attempt to justify invasion and seizing of territory in Ukraine!

This makes the 47th President “a clear and present danger” to international peace!

Republican Congressional Sycophants: A Disgrace To Their Oaths! :(

It is shocking and a disgrace beyond all belief that the Republican Party in both houses of Congress is acting in a totally sycophantic matter!

No matter what Donald Trump and Elon Musk say or do is accepted without protest, except by a very small number of Congressional Republicans.

No matter how cruel and inhumane and uncaring Trump and Musk are, it has little to no effect on the party that once stood for strong conservative principles, but now has become the equivalent of a Fascist Party!

History will not look kindly on these Republicans who seem to have no concern about the damage perpetrated daily and long term on both the American economy and all domestic programs, and the terrifying swing toward a pro Russian foreign policy, unprecedented in American diplomacy.

Trump and Musk have no issue with antagonizing our neighbors, Canada and Mexico, and the European Union and NATO, as well as our Asian allies.

This is a literal nightmare with no end in sight!

Civil Liberties Under Attack With Arrest Of Palestinian, Mahmoud Khalil, Activist From Columbia University!

Civil liberties are under attack in the Trump Presidency, and the recent arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, a Columbia University graduate student of Palestinian descent, is an alarm bell, as there is no justification for his arrest by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), and his detention in secret in a prison in Louisiana.

Khalil may have political viewpoints about the Israel-Gaza War that are unpopular and opposed by many American Jews and other supporters of Israel, but that is not justification for the move to deport, when he is here legally on a green card, a permanent resident card with the permission to work,and has not committed any felonies.

Khalil led student demonstrations last spring, but when did we declare there is no freedom of assembly, and freedom of speech, just because some of us may not agree with one’s viewpoints?

This was not the way that demonstrations at the University of Virginia in 2017 by white supremacists and Nazi sympathizers were treated, by Donald Trump!

Trump is acting like a dictator threatening all Americans’ rights to the First Amendment, and this case must be fought to restore the basic principles of the Bill of Rights.

This was abrogated by President John Adams in the 1790s, Woodrow Wilson during and after World War I, and Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, most infamously among our Presidents, and it is not a political or partisan view to oppose violations of the rights under the First Amendment to the Constitution!

Censorship Is Harming Journalism And Truth! :(

Journalism is being harmed by the decision of news media to bend to the will of Donald Trump, and to put controls on criticism and exposing the truth.

The Washington Post publisher, Jeff Bezos, has bent to threats from Trump, and has changed the editorial independence of one of the premier newspapers in America, leading to resignations by major contributors, many with a long, treasured history with the second most prominant newspaper in America.

CNN has pushed out well known figures, including, notably, Jim Acosta, who has caused antagonism with Trump, since the first Trump Presidency.

MSNBC has dismissed Joy Reid, a major critic of Trump, and like CNN, is perceived as reacting to Trump criticism by “bending the knee”.

Trump has also called for Rachel Maddow and Nicolle Wallace to be fired, but it seems that they are “safe” at this point, but clearly, there is pressure on that news channel.

Trump has also called for revoking FCC authorization for the major networks of NBC, ABC, and CBS.

The thought that a President could wield such threats is horrifying, and an indication that Trump is ready and willing to bring enough pressure to end the concept of a free press.

But the resistance to such a situation must be unrelenting, that no further concessions can be allowed to occur!

The Deteriorating US-Canada Relationship

The United States has been blessed with having the best possible neighboring nation in Canada, which it shares a boundary of 5,525 miles, the longest boundary between any two nations in the world.

There has been no major issues between Canada and the US for nearly two centuries, just the “normal” disagreements that any two neighbors might have over time.

But now, the United States under President Donald Trump is creating conflict with its policy of promoting economic war through imposing tariffs, which only harm both nations.

Additionally, Trump has promoted the idea of Canada becoming the “51st State”, totally preposterous idea, and if anything, Washington DC SHOULD be the 51st state!

It has caused growing hostility between Canadians and Americans, whether at sports events, or just promoting a new wave of Canadian nationalism, resentful of the unnecessary provocations which undermine both nations, not only economically, but also regarding national defense and security of both nations.

Canada may stop sharing intelligence information with the United States as a result of Trump’s cozying up with Russia and Vladimir Putin in its war with Ukraine, as well.

There is the danger that the nations America is closest to (all of which share the English language)–not just Canada, but also the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand–will stop such shared intelligence, which would be a major tragedy in international relations against authoritarian regimes around the world that undermine security of all of those nations! This alliance has been known as the “Five Eyes” alliance.

It could also affect other major democracies, including France and Germany, to be more cautious in their dealings with the US government.

The recent news that new Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney has denounced Donald Trump and that Canada will match tariff for tariff is something all decent Americans will support wholeheartedly!

More Widespread Presidential Corruption In Next Four Years Than At Any Time In American History! :(

The United States has had many periods of political corruption on the national level in its nearly 250 year history.

It is clear that at least six Presidents–all coincidentally Republicans–have presided over high levels of corruption.

In the Gilded Age 1870s, under President Ulysses S. Grant, there was the first example of a widespread corruption, generally called the Credit Mobilier Scandal, but encompassing much more than that specific scandal. However, there is no indication that Grant personally was involved, but he is criticized for having made poor choices for appointees to various cabinet and other positions. The corruption helped to lead to the Civil Service reform bill known as the Pendleton Act of 1883.

Approximately a half century later, under President Warren G. Harding in his brief less than two and a half year administration, the most prominent scandal was known as the Teapot Dome Scandal, but the level of corruption was much greater than just that, with three key Cabinet and other appointees involved in major scandals. Additionally, and not known at the time, Harding had his own personal scandals, and he was judged the worst President of the 20th century, due to his incompetence and poor judgment. His successor, Calvin Coolidge, cleaned up the scandals, instead of trying to cover them up.

Until the time of Donald Trump, clearly, under President Richard Nixon in the 1970s, there were more scandals and abuse of power, most famously known as the Watergate Scandal, than any other President. Nixon was the first President who was clearly involved on a personal level in many of the scandals and indictments of his Presidency. The fortunate development, however, was that his own Republican Party held Nixon accountable, as he faced impeachment, and he resigned from office, succeeded by Gerald Ford, who elevated the level of the Presidential office.

During the 1980s, under President Ronald Reagan, there were a whole series of scandals, with the best known being the Iran-Contra Scandal, but with Reagan claiming no knowledge, and apparently not directly involved in them, but plenty of indictments and some convictions, with Reagan giving the excuse that he was not aware of malfeasance, and being given a pass, as many observers thought there were signs of mental deterioration in his second term. Reagan’s personal popularity also aided him in overcoming accusations, as suggestions of moving toward impeachment did not have much support.

Then, under George W. Bush in the early 2000s, there were plenty of examples of abuse of power, particularly surrounding the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, but also the indictments of many people appointed by Bush, and also, the perceived abuses of power by Vice President Dick Cheney. But suggestions of impeachment were pushed to the side, despite much conflict and concerns at the time.

Despite all of these earlier Presidential scandals, it has been much greater under Donald Trump in his first term, with him being impeached twice; inciting the US Capitol Insurrection of January 6, 2021; facing indictments on four different cases after leaving office; being convicted on one set of charges involving financial matters; and yet, protected by the Supreme Court in Trump V US in July 2024, giving him ability to evade responsibility for his actions.

And now, in his second term, Trump is abusing power in ways far greater than his first term, and yet, so far, he seems to be moving toward authoritarian control, and American democracy is in crisis, as he looks to go after his enemies, and purge what he calls “the deep state”!

Trump’s use of pardons and clemency, and his setting a record for massive executive orders, along with many incompetent appointments, and indication that he plans to disobey any federal court orders, is an alarm bell of troubles ahead!

Some readers of this blog entry might think it is unfair to label these six Republican Presidents as scandalous, and ignore Democratic Presidents.

But the record, at most, shows comparatively minor “scandals” under Democratic Presidents, nothing on the level of these six Republican Preaidents, with Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden having nothing substantial occurring during their administrations, despite Republican attempts to besmirch them. And Bill Clinton’s major scandal was his private love life, which was exposed and reprehensible, but does not match the government corruption under the six named Republican Presidents above.

And notice, not included as having major scandals are Republicans Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush.

Early Estimation Of Potential Republican Presidential Nominees In 2028

The Washington Post just published an article on ten potential Republican Presidential contenders to succeed Donald Trump in 2028.

It is a literal horror list!

At the top of the list are Vice President JD Vance, and Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump, Jr.

Vance, already, in six weeks, has compiled a public persona that has not gone over well in public opinion polls, and makes earlier Republican Vice Presidents look better by comparison, including not only broadly respected Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush, but also far less impressive Vice Presidents, including Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney, and Mike Pence. Only Spiro Agnew, at this point, would rate lower than Vance.

Trump Jr. is not a very smart or impressive individual, who clearly has been harmed over his life by the parental abuses his father visited upon him, with many stories of their difficult relationship.

Once we go beyond these two top contenders, we have Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as number 4; and Kristi Noem, former South Dakota Governor and now Homeland Security Secretary as number 8—both having many negatives in their public record.

Secretary of State Marco Rubio (formerly Senator from Florida) as number 5 and Nikki Haley (former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador) as number 6, are comparatively more palatable, but one cannot accept that either really has a great chance for the future. Rubio surving in the Cabinet for four years seems unlikely, and Haley has aliented Trump supporters by her fierce campaign against Trump in 2024.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp at number 3 was a major Trump critic in the past, and outgoing Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin at number 7 did not meet the expectations of many that he was a major player.

Finally, at the bottom two slots of ten listed are former Fox host Tucker Carlson at number 10, and enterpreneur Vivek Ramaswamy (who is running for Ohio Governor in 2026) at number 9. Needless to say, they are both obnoxious beyond the pale, and make everyone else on the list comparatively palatable.

This is an indication of how horrendous the future of the Trump dominated Republican Party looks at this moment in 2025.

But the question is can the Democratic Party recover and offer a real alternative in the future?

Any chance of the survival of the American Republic beyond Donald Trump is a real question, without a clear-cut answer!

Trump Trying To Bring Back The 1920s, But Worse!

After 45 days of the second Trump Presidency, it is becoming clear that Donald Trump is trying to bring back a century ago, the 1920s, in his domestic and foreign policies.

Domestically, the 1920s under Presidents Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover promoted high protective tariffs to advance the interests of powerful corporations.

Also, restrictive immigration laws were adopted against “undesirable” ethnic groups, including Jews and Catholics from eastern Europe, and banning of Asian immigration, particularly from Japan.

In foreign affairs, isolationism was the dominant policy, including refusing to join the League of Nations; evading the alliances that America had with foreign nations during World War I; and ignoring the idea of reacting against authoritarian governments around the world.

Nativism, racism, and misogyny were a normal part of America, and the belief that our oceans protected America against any foreign threat.

Today, in the mid 2020s under Donald Trump, we are seeing the promotion of high protective tariffs; promoting the interests of powerful corporations; promoting restrictive immigration laws against people from much of the “third world”; attacking international organizations that promote peace and international cooperation; rejecting alliances against authoritarian governments; advocating nativism, racism, and misogyny; and believing that our borders can be protected by building of walls.

Trump’s War On Federal Government: Young Civil Servants, Higher Education, Veterans, And More! :(

Donald Trump’s war on the federal government is an attack on the future and on so many other areas of life.

It is a war on young people who have and wish to enter public service, with many thousands of probationary workers now unemployed, due to major cutbacks in many federal agencies.

It is a war on higher education, cutting funding for training and educating an intelligent work force in the sciences, the humanities, and all other areas of public knowledge.

It is a war on our patriotic veterans, who are losing many government jobs, and a cutting of programs to help veterans who risked their lives, and now are being denied adequate consideration of their health and welfare needs.

It is a war on protection of our national security, with mass purges of dedicated intelligence, foreign policy, and defense personnel who have dedicated their lives and careers to protecting the homeland from foreign threats of authoritarian government, including Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.

It is a war on health care, science, and medicine, and endangers all Americans when it comes to threats from many diseases worldwide, that now will not be dealt with in an efficient matter, and will cost a multitude of lives.

It is a war on the environment, conservation, and the realities of climate change, guaranteeing worldwide disasters that will threaten human existence in the future.

It is a war on our long held alliances with democracies in Europe and in Asia, and antagonizing, unnecessarily, our neighbors, Canada and Mexico, and inciting anti Americanism in Latin America. It is causing our closest allies in NATO and in Asia to reconsider sharing intelligence information.

It is a war on public virtue, with a certainty that we will witness the greatest level of corruption and concentration of wealth in the hands of a few evil individuals, ever seen in American history, far surpassing the earlier corruption that took place under Presidents Ulysses S. Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and even the first term of Donald Trump.

The Trump Presidency is setting America back to an earlier time before all of the great reforms that took place from the Progressive Era of Theodore Roosvelt and Woodrow Wilson; the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt; the Fair Deal of Harry Truman; the New Frontier of John F. Kennedy; the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson; the movements forward under Republicans Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon; the accomplishments under Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton; and the advancements under Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Trump State Of The Union Address: Highly Divisive And Lies, Lies, Lies! :(

Donald Trump gave the longest State of the Union speech ever delivered last evening, about 9,900 words lasting about 100 minutes, surpassing Bill Clinton’s State of the Union speech in 2000.

The speech was highly, extremely divisive, unusual as Presidents usually try to promote a sense of unity when giving the State of the Union address, even with the opposition party, but instead Trump was gloating about his victory, which he exaggerated regarding its magnitude.

Trump, as usual, lied, lied, and lied some more, distorting and exaggerating reality, facts, and truth.

Trump lied about Joe Biden’s record, calling him the worst President in US History (which was an example of projection about himself).

Trump also took a dig against Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, the primary promoter of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, that became law under Barack Obama, but now is on the chopping block.

Trump also claimed that there are people over 100 years of age, up to 300 years old, who are collecting Social Security, a clearcut attack on that program that has existed for 90 years since the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt. There is fear that Social Security may not be paid in future months, due to the claims of waste, fraud, and abuse that are totally preposterous, and with layoffs of civil service employees in that agency.

Trump also promoted the idea of seizing the Panama Canal and taking over Greenland from Denmark, which will antagonize Latin America and NATO respectively, as Trump promotes “imperialism”.

Watching the smirks of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and Vice President JD Vance was infuriating, as the nation clearly is evenly divided, but there was no interest in crossing the aisle and promoting cooperation, with the Congress more divisive and the majority unconcerned about compromise and negotiation.

Trump’s promotion of tariffs with Canada, Mexico, and China will raise the cost of living dramatically, and soon, and goes against the record of history, that tariffs are counterproductive.

Plaudits to newly elected Michigan Senator Elissa Slotkin, who gave the Democratic response to the State of the Union, and introduced herself to the nation as a legislator who should be respected and paid attention to in the future of the Democratic Party.

The battle ahead for the average American taxpayer and families will be a long, bitter struggle, but the Democrats must not sit on the sidelines, but instead march, demonstrate, organize, and vigorously fight with every bone in their bodies against the extreme right wing tilt of the Republican Party, which has repudiated so much of their heritage over 170 years of their history from Abraham Lincoln to Theodore Roosevelt to Dwight D. Eisenhower to Ronald Reagan!