16th Amendment

Rick Perry, The Democrat: The Ultimate Phoniness, Exploiting For His Own Ambition!

The author has never really understood how adults, who should have their political and philosophical views settled by the mid to late 20s at the latest, can suddenly have an “epiphany” in their 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond and change their views 180 degrees!

This has happened to many former Democrats who will claim that the party “left them”, an easy but ridiculous excuse, since if one believes the basic values of the Democratic Party, then to switch to the Republican Party is purely opportunism, cynicism, naked ambition, and willingness to exploit people’s fears and insecurities!

So enter Texas Governor Rick Perry, a former Democrat, who was Texas state director of the Al Gore Presidential campaign in 1988!

And enter Rick Perry, who in 1993, wrote an extremely supportive letter to First Lady Hillary Clinton, supporting, with great enthusiasm, the Clinton Health Care Plan, which failed of passage in 1994!

And enter Rick Perry, who now cannot have a decent word for ANY federal social safety net program, including Medicare and Social Security, and has proposed Texas secede from the Union! He has also condemned the whole 20th century series of social and economic reforms, and wants the 16th Amendment, the Federal income tax, to be repealed!

Does Rick Perry have any principles? If you believe that, the author will offer up a bridge that he is willing to sell to you–the old joke about the Brooklyn Bridge!

The Texasfication Of America: Is This What We Want?

Governor Rick Perry of Texas has come out charging like a bull as a Presidential candidate, offering Texas as a model for America, but is it?

Texas is low down in the list of states in the following areas:

1. Educational spending and attainments and curriculum accuracy
2. Health Care spending and coverage
3. Minimum Wage Jobs
4. Environmental Protection from pollution
5. Corporate Regulation in the public interest
6. Stratification of wealth between rich and poor.
7. Mistreatment of Mexican American citizens
8. A backward legal system with high crime rates and execution numbers.

Besides all of the above, Rick Perry would like to wipe out most of the reforms of the 20th century, including:

1. 16th Amendment–Federal Income Tax
2. 17th Amendment–Direct Election Of Senators
3. National Labor Relations Act
4. Federal Education Programs
5. Environmental Protection Agency
6. Consumer Products Safety Commission
7. Medicaid, Medicare as we know it, and Obama Health Care
8. Occupational Safety And Health Administration
9. Food Stamps and Unemployment Compensation
10.Corporate and Banking Regulations
11.Repeal of Social Security

We will be learning a lot more about Rick Perry as time goes on, and as research by journalists is completed, but is not the above enough reason to reject Rick Perry for President of the United States?

It is clear that Rick Perry would be the most reactionary, right wing candidate for President since Barry Goldwater in 1964!

Enough said!

The Boston Tea Party Anniversary: Time To Reflect On The Tea Party Extremists Who Want To Destroy The Constitution They Say They Revere! :(

Today, December 16, 237 years ago (1773), the event revered since then, the Boston Tea Party, took place, and galvanized the American colonists into the eventual movement for independence.

But one must remember that it still took two and a half years before the “Founding Fathers” agreed to move toward independence, as the Boston Tea Party crowd were considered radicals who were reckless and uncontrollable and irrational by many.

It is ironic, therefore, that many intelligent, thoughtful people consider today’s so called Tea Party Movement to be similarly radical, reckless, uncontrollable and irrational, and for good reasons!

Tea Party spokesmen in the differing movements that call themselves that title have called for radical actions, while claiming they revere the Constitution. But advocacy of measures such as the following belie what they claim to be their beliefs and goals.

These extremist statements and views include the following:

1. Modifying the 14th Amendment guarantee of citizenship to all born in the United States or its territories.
2. Repealing of the 16th Amendment which provides for a progressive federal income tax.
3. Repealing of the 17th Amendment, which provides for direct election of the United States Senate by popular vote, and returning the election to the state legislatures.
4.Repealing of legislation long established by federal law as an entitlement, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Unemployment Compensation.
5. Elimination of the Departments of Education and Energy.
6. Wiping out of the legislation passed under the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
7. Elimination of the Federal Reserve System set up under the New Freedom of Woodrow Wilson.
8. Ending of the numerous reforms passed under the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson.
9. Termination of the agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, Consumer Product Safety Commission, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration signed into law by President Richard Nixon.
10. Promotion of “Nativism” by reviving fear of immigrants, and trying to ban immigration from “undesirable” parts of the world.
11. Promoting States Rights and Secession 150 years after Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War was supposed to have settled that issue for all time.
12. Advocating Christianity as a national religion, and a church and state alliance, while the Founding Fathers specifically avoided that idea, instead promoting separation of church and state.

The Tea Party Movement is not a reform group designed to improve this nation, but instead to take it back to the reactionary realities of the past, which were overcome by a growth in power and influence by the national government, including the Presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme Court, to make the country truly a nation “of, by, and for the people”.

The Tea Party Movement does not offer “change”, but rather negativism and a return to the Gilded Age and the 19th century, before this nation became the great country that it is, a beacon of freedom, progress, and opportunity for the world!

The Right Wing Attack On The Constitution! Proposals To Destroy The 16th, 17th, And 14th Amendments! :(

Conservatives and Republicans keep on claiming that liberals and progressives are destroying the Constitution, but in actual fact, it is the right wing that is setting out to distort and eviscerate the Constitution by eliminating constitutional amendments that they do not support!

There has been an attack in recent years on the 16th Amendment, the so called “progressive” federal income tax amendment of 1913, which if it was really enforced properly, would be taxing the rich much more than they have been, due to all kinds of loopholes and favored treatment of the elite throughout our history! But now, many right wingers want to wipe out the 16th Amendment altogether, and have a national value added tax or sales tax instead, which would victimize the middle and lower classes more than they are now, in favor of the elite evading taxes further! 🙁

Some right wingers have also proposed a wipe out of the 17th Amendment of 1913, which provided for direct popular election of the United States Senate! The argument is that the state legislatures should resume selection of the Senate, so as to wipe out popular participation (which is code language for preventing all those “undesirable” liberals and minorities playing a role in the selection of the upper chamber, which is already highly unrepresentative because of Senate rules, but would be more so if returned to the corrupt system that prevailed until 1913)! Is there anything more undemocratic than this desire to take away the power of the vote from the people? 🙁

Now, there are proposals by Republican Senators to reconsider the 14th Amendment, so as to prevent children born in the US of visitors and immigrants who are not citizens, from becoming citizens at birth as was clearly stated in that amendment upon passage in Congress in 1866, and ratified by 1868! Instead of America being the “land of opportunity and hope”, they want to separate children from citizenship by the circumstances of their birth! 🙁

The point to be made about all three of the above amendments is that this is basically all just political propaganda, as an amendment change or new amendment would require a two thirds vote of both houses of Congress, and passage by majority vote in both houses of the state legislature in three fourths, or 38 of the 50 states!

So the odds of any of this happening is near zero, but it is a great way to divide America and win elections!

To even imagine that we would ever have a nation where two thirds of both houses of Congress and a majority vote in both houses of the state legislatures in three fourths of the states would occur to bring about these changes is a literal nightmare scenario! 🙁

If that were to happen in reality, then America would be seen as having lost its way and the purpose of its existence–as the last best hope for oppressed people and average, everyday Americans who just want a fair shake!