51st State

Donald Trump, The Full Blown Imperialist! :(

Donald Trump was thought to be an isolationist in his foreign policy views in his first term.

But now in his second term, Donald Trump is a full blown imperialist, who has no concern for our relations with nations that have been America’s allies since after World War II.

So Trump is making clear that he intends, even by military force if necessary, to seize control of the Panama Canal, which was legally handed over by treaty in the Jimmy Carter Administration, effective in the year 2000, and with Republican and Democratic backing in the signing of the treaty in 1977. Such action will cause a major rift with Latin America.

So Trump is continuing to assert that Canada will be the “51st state”, and is imposing heavy protective tariffs, and acting aggressive and abusive toward our northern neighbor. This is causing great stress and the rise of antiAmericanism in Canada, which has no intention of giving up its sovereignty.

So Trump is claiming that Greenland, which has been semi-autonomous from Denmark for a long time, will become a territory of the United States, causing hostility and alarm in Denmark, the European Union, and among our NATO Allies.

So Trump is claiming that the Gaza Strip needs to be emptied, and redeveloped with American investment, a totally loony idea, which would cause the spread of Middle East terrorism to all Americans who would work or live in territory that America has no right to claim.

Donald Trump is, clearly, a full blown imperialist, similar in many ways to authoritarian leaders, including Vladimir Putin of Russia, with his attempt to justify invasion and seizing of territory in Ukraine!

This makes the 47th President “a clear and present danger” to international peace!

The Deteriorating US-Canada Relationship

The United States has been blessed with having the best possible neighboring nation in Canada, which it shares a boundary of 5,525 miles, the longest boundary between any two nations in the world.

There has been no major issues between Canada and the US for nearly two centuries, just the “normal” disagreements that any two neighbors might have over time.

But now, the United States under President Donald Trump is creating conflict with its policy of promoting economic war through imposing tariffs, which only harm both nations.

Additionally, Trump has promoted the idea of Canada becoming the “51st State”, totally preposterous idea, and if anything, Washington DC SHOULD be the 51st state!

It has caused growing hostility between Canadians and Americans, whether at sports events, or just promoting a new wave of Canadian nationalism, resentful of the unnecessary provocations which undermine both nations, not only economically, but also regarding national defense and security of both nations.

Canada may stop sharing intelligence information with the United States as a result of Trump’s cozying up with Russia and Vladimir Putin in its war with Ukraine, as well.

There is the danger that the nations America is closest to (all of which share the English language)–not just Canada, but also the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand–will stop such shared intelligence, which would be a major tragedy in international relations against authoritarian regimes around the world that undermine security of all of those nations! This alliance has been known as the “Five Eyes” alliance.

It could also affect other major democracies, including France and Germany, to be more cautious in their dealings with the US government.

The recent news that new Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney has denounced Donald Trump and that Canada will match tariff for tariff is something all decent Americans will support wholeheartedly!

Time For Washington DC To Become 51st State!

It is long overdue for Washington, DC to become the 51st state, as was attempted by amendment from 1978 to 1985, but falling short by only having 16 states, 22 short of the number needed for ratification.

Now it can be done by vote of Congress, as has happened for every other state, and the only reason it did not occur in the 1978-1985 period was pure racism, because a majority of the federal district are African American citizens, which is a disgraceful excuse, and time to overcome!

If Washington, DC were to become the 51st state, it would likely have two Democratic Senators and one Democratic Congressman, which is why the Republican Party, which was founded on opposition to slavery, but has now become a racist, white supremacist party, opposes it, but also did decades ago for the same reason!

The District of Columbia would be 49th in population; First by Gross Domestic Product per Capita; First by Median Household Income; 34th by Total Domestic Product, and the first new state since Alaska and Hawaii were added to the Union as the 49th and 50th states in January and August 1959.

Both Alaska and Hawaii had much of their population being “minorities”, and it is time to overcome racial issues, and accept that residents in Washington, DC deserve statehood.

The residents are first in educational attainment with nearly 60 percent having a bachelor’s degree; and 34 percent having an advanced degree.

It has the greatest population density, nine times more than New Jersey, which is second, and 11,000 times more dense than Alaska, which has a density of one person per square mile!

And 46 percent of DC residents are white, and more whites have moved into DC in recent decades. And finally, DC residents pay more taxes than 19 states, so they deserve representation!