Adolf Hitler

Donald Trump Uses Independence Day To Promote A Culture War Rather Than Unite Us!

President Donald Trump spent Independence Day promoting a culture war, rather than uniting us on our national patriotic holiday.

He demonstrated that promoting the retention of Confederate statues, monuments and symbols is more important than convincing Americans of the need to wear masks and promote public health and safety.

He applauds the law enforcement community and the military, while ignoring the horrible record of law enforcement toward racial minorities. He also claims that evidence of Russian payments to the Taliban in Afghanistan to kill American soldiers is a hoax, rather than stand up to Vladmir Putin as part of promoting national security and protection of Americans fighting overseas.

As with his Inaugural in 2017, Trump promotes darkness, pessimism, fear, conspiracy theories, and demonstrates his total lack of understanding of totalitarian leaders who undermine American democracy.

He does not even know what Fascism is, when he speaks about “left wing Fascism”, when any expert who is not a right wing extremist knows that Fascism refers to right wing totalitarianism, such as Benito Mussolini of Italy, Adolf Hitler of Germany, Juan Peron of Argentina, and Francisco Franco of Spain, among others. While all of them might at some point seemed to appeal to so called “Socialists”, all worked to undermine, persecute, and torture and kill those groups on the Left, all of which vehemently opposed them.

Donald Trump’s aim is only to divide and conquer, and to spread lies and deceit, including making his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton out to be a monster, a crook, an extremely corrupt and tainted person, much like he is now attempting to portray Joe Biden as the same. And the reason for this is that both Clinton and Biden are connected to Barack Obama, which brings out the total, maniacal, and racist hatred of Trump for his predecessor.

D-Day Plus 76: America Fought Fascism, But Now Has Fascist President Who Wants To Destroy The Constitution, And Must Be Stopped!

Tomorrow is the 76th Anniversary of D-Day, the invasion of France in 1944, as the beginning of the final defeat of Fascism, as represented by Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, and to a lesser extent, Benito Mussolini, who had lost control of Fascist Italy in 1943, but was under Hitler’s protection.

We commemorate the sacrifice of Americans, Canadians and British on that day, often called “The Longest Day”.

Now, there are only a small percentage alive who invaded on that morning three quarters of a century ago plus one, as they are all in their 90s or are centenarians.

Part of the honor of celebrating D-Day is to fight the new Fascism, that of President Donald Trump, on display this week in Washington, DC, and his threat of the use of force in the states, with the US military being unleashed upon the American people and their right to demonstrate for redress of grievances.

The use of tear gas, pepper spray, and a low lying helicopter, and the President holding a Bible at the Episcopal Church next to the White House after the routing of the demonstrators, is a sickening image, that has made many former military leaders condemn Trump for his words and actions.

This is the biggest constitutional crisis since the Civil War, and yet we have reluctance of Republicans to speak up and resist, and we have Trump having praised foreign dictators and autocrats, including the leaders of Russia, China, North Korea and other nations.

There is no more significant event that will occur in 2020, than the quest to remove Donald Trump from office, as our constitutional system is in danger, and we cannot afford a second term of Donald Trump, who instead, belongs in federal prison for his crimes in office!

May 7, 1945 And May 7, 2020: The End Of One Crisis And The Growth Of The Worst Threat In 75 Years!

Seventy five years ago, World War II in Europe ended with the German surrender, although it was not officially announced to the world until the next day, which, coincidentally, was new President Harry Truman’s 61st birthday, only in office for 26 days, upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, 1945.

It is true that the war against Japan did not end until after the atomic bomb was used in August 1945, with surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945. But the dire threat of Adolf Hitler was over on May 7, 1945.

Now, 75 years later, America is in the worst crisis since World War II, with 33 million people out of 155 million employed before the CoronaVirus Pandemic hit, now unemployed, and many losing their homes, having no food to eat, many in mortal health danger, and we have a President and administration sitting by and doing nothing, only interested in reelection.

And on this day, 75,000 Americans have died in about two months, more than the Vietnam War or the Korean War, and each day now, about as many are died on Pearl Harbor Day (December 7, 1941) or September 11, 2001!

Trump and his cronies in the Republican Party seem to live in an alternate world, where one can kick around the population and yet think they are going to be given power again, to do ever more damage to the American people.

The only way that Trump can be reelected is by foreign government collusion; state governments who promote illegal gerrymandering; and state government purging the voter rolls, promoting voter suppression by other tactics, including fewer voting locations and dates, and denying felons who have completed their debt to society the right to vote as in Florida and a few other states.

The Republicans know that they cannot win honestly, and that the future of their party is dim, but they will engage in any form of corruption to promote nativism, racism, Islamophobia, and gay bashing.

The Democrats have a massive job on their hands to insure a truly fair election, including voting by mail for those who wish to use that method of voting, for any reason!

Six Months To The Presidential Election Of 2020: A First Assessment

With six months and three days until the Presidential Election of 2020, it is time to make a first assessment of the upcoming election.

This author has just published an article on History News Network under my blog “Ronald L Feinman” stating that this upcoming election is the most important since 1940, and one of the five most significant elections in American history, along with 1860, 1864, 1932, and 1940.

Donald Trump is reported going totally off the rails on this, the 75th anniversary of the suicide of Adolf Hitler, and it gets one to think about what may yet happen, as Trump is falling behind Joe Biden in every imaginable poll nationally, and in the “swing” states, including the crucial state of Florida with its 29 electoral votes.

If Trump loses Florida, where many senior citizens retire and are dying in the midst of this CoronaVirus Pandemic, there is no practical way for him to win reelection.

With the pandemic which he is refusing to deal with rationally, only thinking about his election, and willing to endanger any crowd that might gather in Arizona or Ohio in coming weeks, and also wanting children back in school even if it undermines and threatens the lives of their parents and grandparents, Trump is clearly on the road to a massive defeat in November!

So, subject to change, here is my assessment of the upcoming election:

Joe Biden will win the 20 states that Hillary Clinton won:

All 6 New England states and add the second district of Maine, which went to Trump in 2016–33 electoral votes

Middle Atlantic States of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia, plus Virginia–72 electoral votes

Midwest States of Illinois and Minnesota–30 electoral votes

Mountain States of New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada–20 electoral votes

Pacific Coast States of California, Oregon, Washington State, and Hawaii–78 electoral votes

So the “base”, adding the second district of Maine to the total, is 233 electoral votes of 270 needed.

Adding to that are the crucial states that Hillary Clinton lost in the Midwest—Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania (really considered more Northeast but also considered in western section as Midwest)—46

That brings the electoral vote total to 279, enough to win the Presidency for Joe Biden.

However, the trend is strongly in favor of other states turning “Blue”, with the Second Great Depression upon us, along with the CoronaVirus Pandemic, and the reality that Trump policies have alienated many groups:

Senior Citizens

Suburban Women

College Educated

Lower and Middle Income Voters

Racial Minorities (African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans)

Jews, Social Justice Catholics, Mainline Protestants

Young People Under 35


Moderate Republicans

Conservative Intellectuals

Of course, one is not saying that all of these groups will vote “Blue”, but it seems highly likely enough will vote that way and cause a smashing defeat for Donald Trump!

So what other states seem likely to go Democratic, in some cases, by small margins?

In order as follows:

Arizona–11 electoral votes

North Carolina–15 electoral votes

Florida–29 electoral votes

Nebraska–2nd Congressional District–1 electoral vote

Ohio–18 electoral votes

Georgia–16 electoral votes

Iowa–6 electoral votes

Montana–3 electoral votes

Kansas–6 electoral votes

Texas–38 electoral votes

So my estimate at this time, six months before the election, is a maximum of 32 states and DC for Biden and 18 for Trump, and 422 electoral votes to 116 for Trump.

The 116 electoral votes for Trump in 18 states would be:

West Virginia 5

Kentucky 8

South Carolina 9

Alabama 9

Mississippi 6

Louisiana 8

Arkansas 6

Tennessee 11

Missouri 10

Indiana 11

North Dakota 3

South Dakota 3

Nebraska 4 (not including 2nd District)

Oklahoma 7

Utah 6

Wyoming 3

Idaho 4

Alaska 3

But actually, Missouri (10) and Indiana (11) could, by earlier history, surprise, and also vote against Trump and support Biden by small margins, meaning there could be 34 states and a grand total of 443 to 95 in the Electoral College for the Democrats!

Remember that Indiana voted for Barack Obama in 2008, and Missouri was always with the winner since 1900, except in 1956, 2008 (both by small margins of about 4,000 votes) and 2012 when the margin was larger for the defeated candidate, Mitt Romney!

So the exact parameters of the Donald Trump defeat are not final, but this would seem to be the maximum, as another nearly 4 million Americans today filed for unemployment, a total of about 30 million, one out of five workers in the nation, approximately, which would mean a 20 percent unemployment rate, and growing.

If it goes over 25 percent in coming weeks, it will be worse than even the Great Depression of the 1930s, and the American people soundly defeated Herbert Hoover in 1932, and elected Franklin D. Roosevelt!

And realize that the average family size can be considered probably a family of four although there are many households of fewer than four, but if one considers that as a statistic, that means one out of three people directly are affected by unemployment, an astounding 33-35 percent rate, unimaginable and horrific!

The next President will have a challenge on the level of FDR and Abraham Lincoln!

Donald Trump: Compulsive, Massive Liar,Obsessed With Money And Profit, And No Conscience

Donald Trump is the most compulsive and massive liar in modern American history, and rivals Adolf Hitler in his use of the Big Lie Technique, that the more one lies, the more gullible people believe. what he utters.

Trump has a cult like a religion, including evangelical Christians, who distort and manipulate the teachings of Jesus Christ, and overlook all of his egregious sins, including his lack of concern for human life, in the quest and obsession he has with money and profit. He will throw any group under the bus in his quest for economic advantage, including children, the poor and disadvantaged.

If it comes to taking a stand for morality and ethics, for common decency and empathy, Donald Trump is long gone.

He is a very evil man who will go down in history as a true villain, and will be condemned in history for the human suffering and lack of concern for the harm he has done and is doing daily.

Racist, White Nationalist,White Supremacist Donald Trump Has Blood On His Hands, And Anyone Who Still Supports Him Does Too!

It is time to stop having excuses for those who support Donald Trump.

The El Paso and Dayton Massacres are finally a time to come to reality: that anyone who apologizes for, or excuses for, or thinks Donald Trump has viable ideas about race, nativism, white supremacy, white racism, is clearly one himself or herself.

Donald Trump has promoted racial animus for four years now, and has led to the worst outbreak of violence by impressionable young white men, a far greater threat than Islamic terrorism has wrought upon this nation.

Donald Trump talks about an Hispanic invasion, and defies history, that Texas and the Southwest have been Hispanic for centuries, and it was the United States which took half of Mexico away in the mid 19th century. It was the United States which fueled violence and bloodshed in Central America under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, creating the turmoil in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, which has led to the mass of victims trying to escape bloodshed, violence and terror in those nations, which has fueled desperate women and children to try to escape for their lives, as much as Jews and other refugees in Europe tried to escape Adolf Hitler three quarters of a century ago.

Donald Trump has encouraged violence and inspired crowds of racists, nativists, white supremacists, white nationalists to chant horrible utterances that for Hispanics in America, whether legal or undocumented, make them fear for their lives. And the Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has become no better than a Gestapo in Nazi Germany, rounding up people and separating children from their parents, who are being blamed for wanting to give their children a better life, something anyone who has children would want.

Imagine the horror of those Hispanics in El Paso, who now have to fear that ICE will hunt them down after the massacre, and separate their family members for deportation after such a tragic event! Does any person deserve to have that fear of their government, and yet, this is just the beginning!

Who cares if the economy is going well, although most of it was due to Barack Obama’s stewardship, who actually revived the American economy, and Trump is simply benefiting from that? The economy was great in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, but we know what that led to, mass murder!

When one saw Trump laugh in the Florida Panhandle when someone in the audience said “Shoot Them” after his comment about the so called “Caravan” that never existed, one wonders what kind of message is that to the younger generation. Is it an endorsement of murdering Hispanics or Muslims or Jews or African Americans, who threaten the dominance of white Christians, who will, indeed, be a minority of America in the 2040s and beyond?

It is finally time to say no more excuses! If you, reading this, can justify and defend Donald Trump, you are yourself a racist, nativist, white supremacist, white nationalist, and deserve no defense, as you are a terrible human being who backs the demagogue in the White House, who does not give a whit about you, except to use you as a method to destroy the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the image of the Statue of Liberty.

Were Trump, God Forbid, to be reelected by this chanting mob of despicable human beings, who can say that extermination of “undesirables” would not be the next step? Look in your heart and spend some time thinking about that and repent for your sins!

Donald Trump Does The Unforgivable: Attacks Joe Biden And Barack Obama On Foreign Soil, And Lies About The Obama-Biden Economic Record

Donald Trump did the unforgivable by attacking former Vice President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama on foreign soil, while in Japan this past weekend.

It is a known rule that no President deals with domestic politics while overseas, and no President embarrasses his host by putting them on the spot as he criticizes political rivals.

But this is Donald Trump, who does not believe in any rules, regulations, or common decency.

Calling Biden a low IQ individual, agreeing with totalitarian dictator Kim Jong Un of North Korea, and claiming that both Obama and Biden presided over a disastrous administration in every way, including the economy, is the continuation of an attack on opponents that began with John McCain. It has now included everyone imaginable, and not just individuals that are well known, but also victims as in Puerto Rico after the hurricane, and groups of vulnerable people, such as refugees, gays and lesbians, transgender people, disabled people, and so many more.

The massive lie about Obama, Biden, and the economy is beyond belief, when the facts are that Obama presided over the greatest economic recovery in American history, greater than Franklin D. Roosevelt before World War II resolved the Great Depression.

From 10 percent unemployment, and the worst economic conditions in 70 years in 2009, inheriting the Great Recession under George W. Bush, to Obama and Biden leaving office in January 2017 with unemployment under 5 percent, we have now seen more than eight years of constant economic growth, an all time record. The continuation of economic growth under Donald Trump would have continued if Hillary Clinton was in the White House.

The stock market also recovered more than 250 percent from what it was when Obama-Biden came in during 2009 until the beginning of 2017. And all this was done without being engaged in a major war.

Trump can lie, and his minions can believe his use of the Big Lie technique of Adolf Hitler, but “the truth shall set us free”, and history will record Barack Obama and Joe Biden for their economic accomplishments.

Donald Trump: From Roy Cohn, Joseph McCarthy Henchman To Stephen Miller, Trump Henchman

Donald Trump learned how to be mean, nasty, unprincipled, vain, and obnoxious, along with many other adjectives, from Roy Cohn, Jewish born aide and henchman to Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s, during the second Red Scare, also known as “McCarthyism”.

Cohn was a wretched human excuse for a being, who set out to destroy many people’s lives and fortunes with accusations of being “Red” and “Pinko”, and he went on beyond McCarthy’s downfall and death, to represent Organized Crime figures, and persecute gays while himself being a closeted gay man.

Cohn met the young Donald Trump, and taught him well, and although Cohn has been dead since 1986, his impact on Trump was massive.

Now Donald Trump has a new young Jewish born henchman, Stephen Miller, age 33, who has disgusted all decent Americans by his hardline prejudice and promotion of an intolerant attitude toward any immigrants. Miller is now the survivor in the battle over an ever tougher immigration policy, including the separation of children from their parents, and declaring the borders closed to all who wish asylum, undermining the history of the United States as a place of tolerance and acceptance of refugees.

Trump has adopted Miller as his Cohn, and now has created a new crisis of ever more hardline attitudes and policies, which are an abuse of executive power, and puts America into the camp of tyrants such as Benito Mussolini, Juan Peron, and even Adolf Hitler.

The only thing that could be worse is to have mass loss of life of these women and children and also male immigrants. Already there have been a few, and who can say that it will not happen, since Donald Trump is totally out of control and has no regard for how human beings are treated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security.

Even when Japanese Americans were put into internment camps in World War II, the families were not split up, as happened and is now to continue with the new maniacal attitude of Donald Trump.

This is just another of many reasons why action must be taken against the tyrant in the White House, who will stop at nothing to gain absolute power, and has threatened he will not leave if he loses the Presidential Election of 2020.

Trump Declaring National Emergency On Mexican Border When There Is No National Emergency: A Grab For Absolute Power Like Adolf Hitler And The Staged Reichstag Fire

After two years of unconstitutional actions by Donald Trump, he is now going a step further.

He is declaring a national emergency on the Mexican border when there is no national emergency.

This is a grab for absolute power like Adolf Hitler and the staged Reichstag Fire in 1933, which led to the centralization of power in Nazi Germany.

There is no national emergency, and illegal immigration has declined rapidly in recent years, and this is just the continuation of the racism and nativism that Trump has promoted over many years.

Congress should pass a law over the President’s veto to prevent such action, and it is certain that the federal courts will block immediate enforcement of such national emergency.

All this action is doing is stirring fear, trepidation, and hysteria among the one third of the nation that are Trump supporters.

Those who support Trump should think twice about the long range effect of a national emergency which is unnecessary.

A future Democratic President may very well declare a national emergency on climate change, and on gun violence, and those are REAL issues, not fake ones!

The Danger Of A Manufactured Or Real September 11 Equivalent Crisis Leading To Donald Trump Declaring Martial Law And Suspending The Constitution And Bill of Rights

After the debacle of yesterday, all Americans must be concerned about the danger of a manufactured or real September 11 equivalent crisis leading to Donald Trump declaring martial law, and suspending the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The danger of a terrorist attack is still present, but also, no one can trust Donald Trump in planning a “Reichstag Fire” incident to allow him to become an authoritarian dictator, as occurred in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler in 1933.

The one third base would willingly give up their civil liberties and civil rights, with their blind and inane loyalty to Trump, and we could see a crackdown much greater than the two “Red Scares” that occurred in 1919-1920 under Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer after World War I, and under Senator Joseph McCarthy from 1950-1954, as well as the civil liberties violations under Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.

It is urgent that more Republicans in Congress speak out and demand action against the abuses of power of Donald Trump, and his national security and intelligence officials need to work together to force Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet to meet and take action under the 25th Amendment, Section 4, but it seems highly unlikely that any of this will happen.

So civil war is a terrifying possibility, not out of the realm of reality, and could make the Civil War of 150 years ago repeat itself, with the danger of widespread bloodshed, something that all government officials should work to avoid, by putting the nation over the loyalty to one man. Trump is a true demagogue who is the greatest danger to our nation in American history, as a lackey of a foreign power that wishes to weaken and divide us.

Why did Donald Trump insist on being alone with Vladimir Putin of Russia, and making decisions that no one else can be aware of, and his refusal to listen to top officials who warned him against what he was doing? What deep, dark secret is Donald Trump harboring that endangers our nation? Why is he giving aid and comfort to our enemies, a clear sign of treason?

This is not hyperbole, but real time alarm being expressed not just by this author, but by millions of patriotic Americans who treasure our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and all of the strides forward that have been made over two centuries to make the Founding Fathers’ experiment improve the lives and fortunes of our nation in both domestic and foreign policy.