Age Of Earth

Marco Rubio Revives His Future, Admitting Earth Is 4.5 Billion Years Old

Florida Senator Marco Rubio has successfully revived his political career by correcting himself on his ridiculous comment last week about the age of the earth.

Rubio, trying not to antagonize the Christian Evangelical Right, which often contends the earth is 6000-9000 years old, stated that he was not a scientist, and did not know the age of the earth.

Yesterday, in an interview, he admitted that he accepted the earth as being 4.5 billion years old, while stating that theology experts disagree on the matter, but that he acknowledges the age of the earthy as being accurate.

This was a rapid recovery from what had made people look at Rubio as a moron, and his political skills have shown themselves to be brilliant, as everyone is entitled to a mistake, as long as a person does not double down on such moronic viewpoints, so Marco Rubio has a future, as long as he can control his tongue in the future, and avoid future flubs and gaffes that make him look like Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania Senator, who makes himself look dumber and more idiotic every time he opens up his mouth, and yet thinks of himself as a serious Presidential candidate in 2016, because he was the “runner up” to Mitt Romney in the primary battles of 2012!

Advice To Senator Marco Rubio: Separate Yourself From Christian Right Wing “Know Nothings”, Or Your Presidential Future Is Over!

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is an attractive, intelligent, 41 year old Senator with a theoretically bright future, who will make an impact on American politics with a long career in the Senate.

But since he has Presidential ambitions, and has already visited Iowa, the first caucus state and earliest Presidential vote in 2016, he will be watched with a microscope and fine tooth comb, and he is, sadly, on the way to self destruction in his quest for the Presidency.

At this point, it is not an issue of whether one believes in all of the viewpoints of Marco Rubio.

Rather, it is a question of his basic acceptance of the validity of Science, and one does have to be, personally, a scientist, to reject the craziness and looniness of evangelical Christians who believe in what they call Creationism!

Marco Rubio told GQ Magazine in an interview that he was not a scientist, and that there is debate among scientists over the age of the Earth!

Come on, Marco, there is NO such debate at all, and scientists agree that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and the study of our earth by geologists and astronomers and others, all brilliant men and women, is that the age of the Earth is extremely accurate.

Sure, it is hard to conceptualize 4.5 billion years, but that does not mean that, therefore, it is not accurate.

But instead, the religious right wing says that the Earth is 6,000 years old, and that dinosaurs walked the Earth alongside mankind!

What a stupid, inane idea that is, but it is portrayed as such in a museum in Kentucky, backed by public funds, not far from the Cincinnati, Ohio airport!

We KNOW that Dinosaurs were exterminated some 65 million years ago by an event called The Big Bang, and there is no debate about that!

Study of dinosaur bones and other fossils confirm their age as way earlier than 6,000 years ago!

History, written records, begin about 6,000 years ago, and mankind had evolved to the form of organized societies by the time when “History” began.

We know that different breeds of man developed from earlier cave man times, and this is all connected to evolution and Charles Darwin, but of course, the religious right denies all of this!

The Christian Right is also refusing to believe that Global Warming and Climate Change exist, a detriment to our future on this Earth.

It comes down to the reality that Religion is based on Faith, but with no factual basis, while Science is based on Observation, Research, and Fact, and the two should not be mixed.

So, Senator Rubio, if you continue to deny that the Earth is older than 6,000 years old; if you continue to deny Global Warming and Climate Change; if you continue to deny Evolution; if you continue to question Science and favor evangelical Christianity over Science; if you continue to come across as ignorant, stupid, and a “Know Nothing”, you may continue your career in the Senate, and might even be a leading figure in the Senate, but you will NOT be a future President of the United States, as the vast majority of intelligent, knowledgeable people in this country will repudiate you, and your decision to permit Christian extremists to attempt to propagandize their desire to advocate mind control over the educated Americans.

Educated and intelligent Americans will not allow the narrow mindedness of Christian extremists to stop the advancement of Science!