Al Gore

Comparing Republican And Democratic Vice Presidents Since 1961!

America has had a total of 50 Vice Presidents in its history since 1789.

Fourteen of those Vice Presidents have served since 1961, with eight being Republicans, and six being Democrats.

Asssessing their significance, and perceptions of their performances, there is no comparison that would rate the Republicans as superior to the Democrats, and in fact, the differences are massive!

The eight Republican Vice Presidents include in order of service in the office:

Spiro Agnew
Gerald Ford
Nelson Rockefeller
George H W Bush
Dan Quayle
Dick Cheney
Mike Pence
JD Vance

The six Democratic Vice Presidents include in order of service in the office:

Lyndon B. Johnson
Hubert Humphrey
Walter Mondale
Al Gore
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris

Nobody in their right mind would claim that the Republicans come anywhere close in background, image, and significance to the Democrats.

Only Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, and George H W Bush are looked upon in a positive way, while all six Democrats “shine”, and particularly Walter Mondale, Al Gore, and Joe Biden.

LBJ and Humphrey do not look as “good” as Vice Presidents because their Presidents chose not to utilize their talents adequately, which is a criticism of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Harris had the extra disadvantage of being unique, as a woman and mixed race Vice President, in a country where there is still misogyny and racism, sad to say.

But the remaining five Republican Vice Presidents are really horrendous, with Spiro Agnew and Dan Quayle clearly so, and with Dick Cheney, while certainly competent, perceived as “Darth Vader”, overly autocratic and seen in a negative light.

And Donald Trump’s two Vice Presidents are perceived in a negative light, but already, JD Vance in just six weeks appears far worse than Mike Pence!

In any scholarly ranking of Vice Presidents, the top three Vice Presidents in history would be in order–Walter Mondale, Joe Biden, and Al Gore.

And in any scholarly ranking of Vice Presidents, the bottom three would include in order—Spiro Agnew, Dan Quayle, and likely JD Vance!

The fact that Dick Cheney and Mike Pence would be rated above these three disastrous Vice Presidents, is quite a testimony to how horrendous Agnew, Quayle, and Vance have been to the office, with Vance “accomplishing” this failure in six weeks and by his statements and viewpoints expressed making the possibility of his succeeding Trump in the future as quite scary, to say the least!

Another Disastrous Republican Vice President In A Long Line!

The Republican Party has had an amazing ability to find a group of horrendous, often unqualified, Vice Presidential nominees, many of them becoming Vice President of the United States, in the past six decades since 1964.

Barry Goldwater in 1964, himself a highly controversial Presidential nominee, selected New York Congressman William E. Miller, totally unqualified to be a heartbeat away, to be his Vice Presidential running mate. Thank goodness Goldwater lost to Lyndon B. Johnson and his highly qualified Vice President, Hubert Humphrey.

In 1968 and again in 1972, Richard Nixon had Spiro Agnew as his Vice President, until he was forced out due to scandal and resignation in October 1973. Agnew was a true nightmare, and the thought that had he not been forced out, that he would have been President in 1974, was a literal nightmare scenario!

Fortunately, Nixon appointed Gerald Ford as his Vice President to replace Agnew, a blessing, and Ford selected Nelson Rockefeller, former NY Governor and three time Republican Presidential contender as his Vice President, both appointed under the 25th Amendment.

When Ford selected Senator Bob Dole as his Vice Presidential running mate in 1976, while controversial for his utterances, Dole was at least qualified for the Vice Presidency, as was George H. W. Bush for the eight years of Ronald Reagan.

But then came Dan Quayle as Vice President under George H. W. Bush, a man who came across as not very bright and a bit terrifying to imagine him succeeding to the Presidency, when Bush had a heart issue, that thankfully was resolved successfully, and lived on to 2018.

In 1996, losing nominee Bob Dole had former Congressman and Housing Secretary Jack Kemp as his running mate, not horrible but not preferable to Al Gore, Bill Clinton’s two term Vice President.

Then, George W. Bush had Dick Cheney of Wyoming as his Vice President, certainly competent, and actually having a great impact in the first term of Bush, but seen as very arrogant, nasty, and corrupt, and having great responsibility for the Iraq War, based on false information.

Then, an all time low was Sarah Palin as John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate in 2008, the most scary and incompetent running mate in modern history, making even Dan Quayle look better.

This was followed by Mitt Romney in 2012 having Paul Ryan, later Speaker of the House, but seen as similar in right wing extremism to Cheney.

And then we had Mike Pence under Donald Trump, dutiful and obedient, but seen by many as a religious extremist, and yet repudiated by Trump, who endangered him at the time of the January 6 Insurrection for failing to stop the Electoral College Vote Count, and by Trump not calling off the mob attack that was threatening Pence’s life.

And now, we have JD Vance, who quickly is demonstrating how right wing extremist and undiplomatic he is on his first involvement in international affairs, along with his divisive domestic comments. His connection with powerful technology executives, including Peter Thiel, and Elon Musk, is totally horrifying!

The thought that Vance, at age 40, is a heartbeat away from the Presidency is terrifying!

Fourth Anniversary Of January 6 2021 Insurrection, And Kamala Harris Presiding Over Electoral Vote Count!

Today is the 4th Anniversary of the US Capitol Insurrection, which will NEVER be forgotten, and any attempt at Donald Trump to make it go away as a FACT of history will fail, and will, permanently, put him in the basement of rankings of American Presidents, no matter what he does in his second term!

It is a sad day also for Kamala Harris, who has to certify her own defeat as the losing Presidential candidate but being the Vice President in the term ending in two weeks, and having the responsibility of counting the Electoral Votes in a joint session of Congress.

This has only occurred before for Richard Nixon in 1961, Hubert Humphrey in 1969, and Al Gore in 2001.

This is a very depressing day, due to the circumstances, but in the long run of history, Donald Trump will always be condemned, even if he has not been held accountable with a criminal penalty due to circumstances and timing.

Danger Of American Fascism Greater Now Than Ever Before!

America has had the danger of Fascism before in its history, but never as great as in the present with Donald Trump!

In the past, we had Huey Long in the 1930s before 1936, with him being assassinated in September 1935.

We also had Strom Thurmond in 1948.

We also had George Wallace in 1968.

We also had Patrick Buchanan in 1992 and 2000.

The closest threat before now was Wallace in 1968, who ran as the American Independent Party nominee, and won 5 Southern states and 46 electoral votes. I cover the story of Wallace in my Presidential Assassinations book.

Strom Thurmond won 4 Southern states and 39 electoral votes in 1948 as the candidate of the Dixiecrats.

Long was a great potential threat to Franklin D. Roosevelt for 1936, but was assassinated in 1935, as I cover in my Presidential Assassinations book.

Patrick Buchanan weakened George H. W. Bush in 1992 primaries, and his name on the ballot in Florida in 2000 led to confusion, gaining votes that were meant to go to Democratic nominee Al Gore, affecting the election of George W. Bush.

But now, Donald Trump is a real threat, not only to immigrants, but also to critics, whether in the news media or opposition politicians, and calling for a dictatorship on Day One, leading General Mark Milley to declare Trump a Fascist, and the most dangerous threat to American democracy, the Constitution, and rule of law in all of American history!

Professor Allan Lichtman Prediction On Presidential Election Of 2024!

American University History Professor Allan Lichtman has become famous in his predictions about Presidential elections since 1984, being correct every time, except 2000, when he predicted Al Gore would win the popular vote, but saw George W. Bush win the Electoral College that year. He was correct in his prediction that Donald Trump would win in 2016, despite losing the popular vote.

Now, Lichtman predicts Kamala Harris will win the Presidency over Donald Trump, with Harris winning 8 of the 13 “keys” that Lichtman utilizes in deciding his predictions.

Only the fact that the incumbent President is not running; that the party in the White House did not gain seats in the midterm elections; and that the incumbent has charisma not applicable gives Trump 3 keys, with the final judgment on foreign and military success or failure undecided, but that would only make for 5 “keys” for Trump.

It will be fascinating to see if Lichtman is accurate in his projections!

Al Gore Was Correct On Climate Change And Global Warming Three Decades Ago; If Only He Had Won The Presidency!

Former Vice President and former Senator Al Gore was correct on climate change and global warming, which he warned us about thirty years ago.

Gore went on to concede, graciously, the Presidential Election of 2000, when the Supreme Court intervened in Bush V Gore, to award the electoral votes of the state of Florida to George W. Bush. His concession was a masterful example of statesmanship.

But had Gore, who won the popular vote by 540,000, become President, the history of America environmentally would have been transformed dramatically.

The Republican Party has continued to work against climate change and global warming incessantly for the past 25 years, while Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his activism, but for nought.

The battle on the environmental future continues, as the nation and the world are now suffering immensely from the stubbornness and resistance of the Right Wing Extremists who just continue to promote the use of oil and gas without any acceptance of the crisis the nation and the world have put themselves in by greed and the profit motive!

235 Years Since The Inauguration Of George Washington!

On this day in 1789, George Washington was inaugurated, 57 days late, as the first President of the United States, in the downtown Wall Street area of New York City.

Washington was the right person to start the Presidency of a new Republic, and he knew that it was essential that he give up power, in order to insure the survival and stability of the nation in the long term future.

We cannot thank Washington enough, or all of the later Presidents who knew when to leave!

And we can also be thankful that even in hotly contested elections in the future, Presidents who lost reelection—John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William Howard Taft, Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George H. W. Bush–followed the tradition Washington had set by leaving office.

Also, we have to be thankful that in close elections, such candidates as Samuel Tilden in 1876, Al Gore in 2000, and Hillary Clinton in 2016 were gracious in defeat, and that Vice Presidents who lost the succession to their President—Richard Nixon in 1960, Hubert Humphrey in 1968—also were gracious in defeat, as was Gore in 2000.

Sadly, the crisis today is due to the reality that Donald Trump would not accept defeat graciously, and provoked a violent mob on January 6, 2021, for which he must be held accountable!

Loss Of A True Statesman: Florida Governor And Senator Bob Graham!

The state of Florida and the nation has lost a true statesman, former Governor and Senator Bob Graham, who passed away at the age of 87.

Graham was a class act as Florida Governor from 1979-1987, and as a US Senator from 1987-2005.

A leader who was of Presidential stature, he was on the short list for Vice President for Bill Clinton in 1992 and Al Gore in 2000, and briefly sought the Presidency himself in 2004.

He was a very effective governor of the Sunshine state, a true star when compared to recent Republican governors Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis. His emphasis was on promotion of the environment and advancement of education.

Graham was Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee from 2001-2003, and worked to oppose the Iraq War under George W. Bush as based on faulty intelligence.

A half brother with the same last name, Phil Graham, came to own the Washington Post.

Florida has not been the same politically since Democrats such as Bob Graham left office, and as Republicans took over state government and domination of Congressional seats.

Senator Joseph Lieberman Passing Reminds Us Of His Significant Role In American History

Former Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman passed away yesterday at the age of 82, tragically as the result of complications from a fall.

This sad news reminds us of his significant role in American history and politics.

A comparatively conservative Senator for a Democrat, specifically on foreign policy, while quite liberal on most matters of domestic policy, Lieberman became the first Jewish candidate on a national Presidential ticket as the Vice Presidential nominee for Al Gore in the Presidential Election of 2000.

Coming to the Senate after defeating liberal Republican Senator Lowell Weicker in 1988, and backed by conservative advocate William F. Buckley, Jr, who called Lieberman his “favorite Democrat”, he lost the Democratic nomination for his seat in 2006, but ran as an Independent and defeated his Democratic and Republican opponents, serving his fourth and last term until 2012, when he retired.

Lieberman was closely associated with Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham as “hawks” on the Iraq War, and McCain considered him for the Vice Presidency in 2008, before choosing the disastrous Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Lieberman was always highly controversial, but also remembered as very principled and a major factor in American politics for more than a generation.

For a person such as this author who sees himself as “progressive”, Lieberman often irritated with his overly hawkish views on foreign policy, and he did not show adequate support for either Barack Obama or Joe Biden, including engaging in the NO LABELS movement, which seems, fortunately, to be going nowhere in the upcoming presidential election.

Iowa Caucus History, And Caucuses Elsewhere In 2024

In the past, there were up to 15 states that held Presidential Caucuses, with them first evolving in the 1970s.

Today, in 2024, there are only a few states that hold caucuses, with the overwhelming majority having Presidential primaries.

The only states in 2024 with caucuses being held by both major political parties are:

North Dakota

Two other states have Republicans having caucuses, while Democrats have primaries

Those two states with this odd situation are


Notice none of these total seven states have large populations, with Missouri being the largest.

At the same time, the Iowa Caucuses have NOT been a good example of accuracy as to who would be the nominees or winners of the Presidency.

The only Presidents who won in Iowa and went on to the White House were:

Jimmy Carter 1976
George W. Bush 2000
Barack Obama 2008

Walter Mondale in 1984, Al Gore in 2000, John Kerry in 2004, and Hillary Clinton in 2016 won the Iowa Caucuses but lost the Presidency for Democrats, while for the Republicans, only Bob Dole in 1996 won in Iowa and then lost the Presidency.