American Federation Of Teachers

Trump And Vance “Going Off The Rails”!

The Republican Presidential campaign, running scared, as public opinion polls show a definite move in the direction of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, is going off the rails.

Trump is employing crude sexual innuendo language toward Harris on Truth Social.

Trump went to Arlington National Cemetery on the third year anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal, but inappropriately became engaged in a controversy about taking photographs to be used as campaign fodder,that was not allowable under cemetery rules.

Meanwhile, JD Vance said publicly that Kamala Harris should “go to hell”, when Harris was being criticized for something she did not say, and the idea of using such language in public is shocking!

Vance also continues to attack “Cat Ladies”, and to criticize Randy Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers for not having biological children of her own!

This crazy stuff could not be made made up in fiction, but it is reality in nonfiction!

Vance has a lower public opinion rating than Sarah Palin had at this point in 2008, and is a drag on the Republican ticket.

And Trump has again been indicted by Jack Smith, to modify charges after the Supreme Court decision on July 1 (Trump V US) that limited Trump to being indicted only on non Presidential actions, not official actions.

Infuriating Attack Of Mike Pompeo On Randi Weingarten And Teaching Profession!

There are many outrageous, irritating utterances that emanate from Republicans and conservatives about all kinds of issues and individuals.

But the attack of former Secretary of State and former CIA Director, and future Republican Presidential contender Mike Pompeo against Randi Weingarten and the American Federation of Teachers is the most infuriating statement imaginable.

Pompeo, insanely, termed Weingarten the most dangerous person in the world, more than Kim Jong Un of North Korea, Chinese President Xi Jinping, or Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Pompeo must be considered totally crazy with such an utterance, and should be disqualified from running for or winning the Oval Office.

This is not just a personal attack on a woman who has dedicated her life to education, as head of the United Federation of Teachers from 1998-2008, and as head of the American Federation of Teachers from 2008 to the present. Weingarten has devoted herself to promoting the rights and conditions of the teaching profession.

This is a field in which we are losing more teachers than replacing them, due to the effects of the COVID 19 Pandemic. But also there is the outrageous interference of right wing groups and ignorant parents who think they know more about what the curriculum should be in science, history, literature than educators who are trained to promote knowledge, truth, facts instead of myths, and to promote empathy, compassion and tolerance of others who are different than any of us.

Pompeo, like many right wing extremists, does not want students to learn about the truth of American history, the mistreatment of native Americans, African Americans, and other marginalized groups, but he is promoting narrow mindedness and intolerance, a threat to future harmony in this multi racial, multi ethnic society.

He is also, for sure, attacking Weingarten because of her liberal Jewish heritage and promoting Christian nationalism, which sees Jews as a group that should be proselytized to convert to Christianity. His pro Israel advocacy is phony, and he is supportive of the extremism in Israeli society, which has now led to Benjamin Netanyahu coming back as Prime Minister, while under criminal indictment. One can be pro Israel and support its right to exist, but does not require that all Jews or other decent people must accept the injustices represented by Netanyahu and his Orthodox extremists who look at Arabs as subhuman.

There is also an element of misogyny and homophobia that is part of Pompeo’s mantra, as Weingarten is a lesbian, and married to a Reform woman rabbi.

So all of the ugly elements–anti intellectual, Christian nationalism, misogyny, homophobia—of Mike Pompeo are to be condemned as horrendous.

And by attacking Weingarten, Pompeo also endangers her life and safety, and likely will cause threats that will require security, totally beyond the pale.