American Public Opinion

Joe Biden, Despite Low Public Opinion Ratings At End Of Presidency, Will Rise In History!

President Joe Biden leaves office in three days, with low public opinion ratings, despite his multitude of accomplishments in his one term of office.

This is a sad state of affairs, but clearly, the American people at large are not very knowledgeable or good at making judgments about Presidents as they leave office.

History records that Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Jimmy Carter left office under the cloud of negativism.

But now, Truman is generally rated 5th or 6th among all Presidents in ratings of Presidential scholars and experts.

Eisenhower is generally rated 5th or 6th among all Presidents, either ahead or behind Truman.

Lyndon B. Johnson, despite Vietnam, is rated in the bottom of the top ten, and in one survey, ahead of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

Jimmy Carter is rated in the mid 20s, but it is clear his stature will rise, possibly to the bottom of the first third, or 15 Presidents.

Joe Biden has already been rated number 14 in one scholarly survey, and despite low public opinion ratings now, it seems assured he will remain in the top third or fifteen of the Presidents.

Sadly, American public opinion is ill informed and ignorant in many respects, and when it comes to being asked who are the greatest Presidents, invariably, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan are rated at the top, not Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Many experts would say that while Kennedy and Reagan consistently are in the lower part of the top ten Presidents, that both are somewhat overrated.

So it will probably, sadly, take until Joe Biden’s life has ended, before he will be completely appreciated for all the good he did!

Republican Party On Wrong Side Of History And Public Opinion On Abortion And Guns!

The 2023 Republican Party is clearly suicidal in nature, resisting the tide of American history and public opinion toward the concept of tolerance, freedom, and advancement.

Clearly, public opinion is for abortion rights to be retained; acceptance of different ethnic, racial, and religious groups; and for protection of society from weapons of war being limited as a danger to all Americans!

And yet, the Republican Party has bowed to the extremist religious and conspiracy groups, in taking away the rights of women; of racial and religous minorities; and the right of Americans to protection from the evils of the gun lobby, which promote a state of war in America waged by evil forces that insist on total access to weapons of war in the hands of demented and dangerous criminal elements!

Only a smashing defeat of Republicans in 2024 and beyond will end the cancer of a party beholden to Donald Trump, and against the best interests of the American people at large!