American Stability

Donald Trump Threatens Death And Destruction: Time For Arrest As “Clear And Present Danger” To America!

Donald Trump has caused mayhem and havoc since his announcement for President in June 2015.

He believes he is above the law, and will stop at nothing to undermine American democracy and the rule of law.

He is under investigation on multiple matters, and has threatened retribution against all prosecutors and investigations.

But now, he has gone ever further, threatening “death and destruction” against all those who pursue the rule of law.

It is time to say, “Enough is enough”, as he is inciting, by his rhetoric, bloodshed and violence, as he did on January 6, 2021, with the attack on the US Capitol.

Trump needs to be arrested and incarcerated as a “Clear and Present Danger”, as his so called “freedom of speech” is undermining American stability and national security!

Donald Trump is the ultimate “domestic terrorist”!

No one else could escape accountability for such incendiary rhetoric, so time for action, not words!