Amorality Of Donald Trump

Republicans And Male Sexual Assault And Abuse Becoming A Norm!

Republicans and Sexual Assault and Abuse are becoming a norm, and the lack of a moral and ethical standard surrounding Donald Trump is maddening!

Trump himself has been convicted of sexual assault and abuse, but apparently will not pay the price, since he was elected to return to the Oval Office.

But Trump is surrounding himself with a slew of immoral, unethical characters, who have a record of sexual assault and abuse, and or cheating on wives, including

Matt Gaetz
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Pete Hegseth

And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

In the past, people with such low morals would be prevented from serving in a President’s cabinet, and in many cases, their political career was destroyed by scandals.

One thinks back to Gary Hart and Al Franken, as just two examples of Democrats, who were destroyed by revelations of sex scandals, that were, actually, quite minor by comparison, but the Democratic Party worked against them, and their careers in public elected office came to an end!

But now, Republicans, particularly those surrounding Donald Trump, have no accountability for their misbehavior!

And yet, millions of Americans seem unphased by this reality, which demonstrates how ethical and moral standards have declined precipitously in recent years!

Trump’s Desire To Control Women Motivates Women’s Vote In Presidential Election!

Donald Trump has a well known record for abuses of women, including multiple accusations of sexual abuse, including a conviction in the E Jeanne Carroll case.

His whole life has been one of exploiting, degrading, and manipulating women, and he is certainly the master misogynist.

He has now declared that he is the person to “protect” women, whether they like it or not, part of his desire to dominate and control women, setting a horrendous example for males of how to mistreat and degrade women, as if they do not have the ability to control their own lives.

Trump is responsible for the loss of abortion rights, which has led to the deaths of women who could not gain medical treatment when pregnant.

The nerve of Donald Trump to wish to dictate to women, and it is great to see massive numbers of women are voting against Donald Trump and for Kamala Harris in the Presidential Election Of 2024!

Donald Trump And “Religious” Supporters: Pure Hypocrisy!

Donald Trump is a vile human being, totally racist, nativist, misogynist, a twice impeached, four times indicted, and convicted felon on 24 counts.

He has done tremendous harm in so many ways, and is the most massive liar ever in public office!

And yet, evangelical Christians invite him to their gathering, and laugh and applaud his horrendous, hate filled rhetoric!

And sadly, many so called “devout” Catholics, and Orthodox Jews, also seem to have no issue in backing such a despicable person, who disgraced the Presidency for four years, and pledges a dictatorship, and makes clear there is no need to vote in four years!

What is wrong with these supposedly devout hypocrites? 🙁

This is why organized religion is declining rapidly in America, and legitimizes the statement of Karl Marx two centuries ago, that “religion is the opium of the people”, a factor that has caused more hate, bloodshed, and death than any other human institution! One does not need to endorse Karl Marx to say he was correct in this regard!

America Is Now Really In The Greatest Crisis Since Richard Nixon And Watergate, But This Is Worse!

There has been discussion going on for two years now, since Donald Trump became the nominee of the Republican Party in the summer of 2016, and intensified when he won a surprising Electoral College victory, that we were as a nation entering a constitutional crisis. Tensions have since accelerated by his rash and reckless behavior and utterances in his 19 plus months in office.

But this year, first in Michael Wolff’s book; then in Omarosa Manigault Newman’s memoir; and this week in Bob Woodward’s new book and yesterday’s New York Times op-ed by a high ranking official of the Trump Administration, all warning of the dangers of Donald Trump, and his totally unhinged behavior being more than ever a national crisis, we have now reached a stage where it is clear that we are in a more terrifying moment than even Richard Nixon and Watergate!

It is time for the Republican Party to put aside politics, and join the Democrats in demanding that Donald Trump resign, or that the 25th Amendment Section 4 be invoked.

Trump is more crazy than ever in his rhetoric, unstable actions, his amorality, and in his volcanic fury, with half hour rants, that could cause a heart attack or a stroke in most people, if occurring regularly.

The nation’s national security and stability is at stake, and this is not a time to promote division and conflict, so Paul Ryan, Orrin Hatch, Mitch McConnell and other GOP leaders need to end partisanship, and unite with the Democrats to promote the nation’s welfare over partisan wrangling.

We are in danger of a insane man utilizing the nuclear codes, and of an economic depression, and even though many might not be happy with Mike Pence, at the least, he is not mentally unhinged, or incompetent, and is not a reckless person who would undermine the nation. And with a likely Democratic House, even if not the Senate being likely in 2019. Mike Pence would be controlled to a great extent, and he would not win the Presidency for a full term in 2020.