Andrew Cuomo New York

Second Wave Of COVID 19 Virus Is Coming, And Restrictions On Religious Services And Public Places MUST Be Enforced!

A second wave of the CoronaVirus Pandemic is emerging, and yet we have Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, and a multitude of other Republican leaders refusing to face reality, and therefore, contributing to mass loss of life!

Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and other Democratic Governors, and some Republicans, including Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, and Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, are acting responsibly, and what Cuomo is mandating in New York is proper.

Orthodox Jewish synagogues are being informed of tight restrictions, along with other fanatically religious Catholics, that if they do not enforce limits, the fines are $15,000 per offense, and that is what is required, as public health and safety must rule over those who are claiming to be “religious” but are willing to see major loss of life with their crazy fanaticism. The same goes for all public places, including bars, gyms, restaurants, stadiums and other such places of public gatherings!

Religion can be controlled when it endangers public health and safety, and this is such a time, with the greatest health crisis in a century, affecting the entire planet!

Key Democrats To Elect As State Governors: Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams, Ben Jealous, Gavin Newsom, Richard Cordray, J. D. Pritzker, Tony Evers, Gretchen Whitmer

It is urgent that Democrats, who at present, only have 16 state governorships, win a majority of the 36 gubernatorial races taking place this November.

Among the crucial races to win are the following:

Andrew Gillum in Florida

Stacey Abrams in Georgia

Ben Jealous in Maryland

Gavin Newsom in California

Richard Cordray in Ohio

J. D. Pritzker in Illinois

Tony Evers in Wisconsin

Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan

With other large states in Democratic hands and likely to remain so, including:

Andrew Cuomo in New York

Tom Wolff in Pennsylvania

it would mean that Democrats would control most of the larger states’ executive branches, crucial for reapportionment of seats in state legislatures and the US House of Representatives after the Census in 2020.

Only Texas of the top ten states in population would be likely to remain Republican, and with North Carolina (Roy Cooper) and New Jersey (Phil Murphy) and Virginia (Ralph Northam) and Washington State (Jay Inslee) all under Democratic Governors, it would mean 12 of the top 13 states with nearly two thirds of the nation’s population would be controlled by Democrats.

Add Democratic states likely to remain so, including Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Louisiana, Minnesota, Montana, Oregon, Rhode Island, and the possibility of winning in Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, and New Mexico, and you have a majority of Democratic run state governorships. Finally, Nevada and Arizona seem long shots, but could, in a “Blue Wave” be won by Democratic nominees for governor in those states.

But even if not a majority of states, if the large populated states are won, it will benefit the Democrats in the coming reapportionment of seats in the House of Representatives.