Andrew Johnson

Presidents Day 2023: The Changes In Rankings Occurring

Every Presidents Day is a time for reflection on rankings of Presidents by Presidential scholars and by ordinary citizens.

As more evidence comes out about Donald Trump, it just moves him closer to the bottom of the list with James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson.

Neither of them, as horrendous as they were, took action to stage a coup by inciting violence and bloodshed at the US Capitol, and no President was as immoral and unethical as Trump, not even Richard Nixon.

The reputation of Jimmy Carter, even before his announcement of going into hospice, has been on the rise, as it is understood that he was horribly underestimated, because of his loss in 1980 to Ronald Reagan.

The record of Barack Obama also looks better all of the time when compared to the Presidents before and after him—George W. Bush and Donald Trump!

Joe Biden is in midstream, but his record of accomplishments and his common decency and empathy are causing him to be seen in sympathetic eyes by most observers, except the hate mongers, of which there are, sadly, too many!

Gerald Ford’s reputation is also improving, as the Republican President truly seen as saving the Presidency after the tragedy and corruption of Richard Nixon. His pardon of Nixon cost him in rankings, but in recent years, Ford is seen in a different light!

Donald Trump The Most Corrupt President In American History By Far!

Sadly, America has had Presidents whose time in office included scandals and corruption on a wide scale.

But no President has been as corrupt personally and politically as Donald Trump.

It is also telling that the Presidents whose administrations stand out for their corruption are all Republicans!

The list would include Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877); Warren G. Harding (1921-1923); Richard Nixon (1969-1974); Ronald Reagan (1981-1989); and George W. Bush (2001-2009).

But the closest in level is Nixon, and yet, if he were here today, he would be shocked at the level of corruption, most of it personal, of Donald Trump!

Trump out of office faces legal challenges in Florida, Georgia, Washington DC, and New York, and he is the only President to be impeached twice, and have some members of his own party vote to convict him of impeachment charges!

That is why Trump has already been rated by scholars as in the bottom three of all Presidents in history, only ahead of James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, who battle each other for last place!

Donald Trump, The Most Character Flawed President In American History!

America has had 45 men who have been President.

All of them had human frailties, as all of us have.

Some have been seen as horrible in their time in office, and lacking character.

This would include Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, and Richard Nixon for sure.

And others would be seen as failures in other ways, including Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, and Herbert Hoover for sure.

But there is no President quite like Donald Trump!

This is the “truthful” President, who has lied more than 30,000 times since 2015, more than any President by far!

This is a “genius” who hides his college grades!

This is a “businessman”, who had six bankrupticies!

This is the “billionaire” who continues to hide his tax returns!

This is the “Christian” who never goes to church!

This is the “father” who has been a terrible role model for his children!

This is the “philanthropist” who has defrauded charities!

This is the “patriot” who dodged the draft!

This is the “playboy” who pays for sex, and has had three wives, while ‘cheating” excessively!

This is the “employer” who cheats those he employed for his properties!

This is the “innocent man” who refuses to testify, utilizing the 5th Amendment!

And beyond these eleven statements, there are so many more, and that the total is uncountable!

The question is how Donald Trump can be so horrendous in character, and live within his own skin!

Clearly, he has no conscience, and the thought that he could become President again is a literal nightmare!

The Historic Nature Of March 4 In Presidential History

March 4 is an historic date in Presidential history, as it was the Inauguration Day for every President through the first Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.

It also was the beginning of the government under the Constitution in 1789, as Congress met for the first time.

The inauguration date was changed late in 1933 by the 20th Amendment, and January 20 became the new Inauguration Day, starting in 1937.

Every Inauguration Day was the day for every President except George Washington at the first inauguration, which was delayed to April 30, 1789 by Washington’s delay in arriving to New York; and also the succession to the Presidency of John Tyler in 1841, Millard Fillmore in 1850, Andrew Johnson in 1865, Chester Alan Arthur in 1881, Theodore Roosevelt first term in 1901, and Calvin Coolidge first term in 1923.

The most historic March 4 inaugurations are considered to be Thomas Jefferson in 1801, Andrew Jackson in 1829, Abraham Lincoln both in 1861 and 1865, Woodrow Wilson in 1913, and Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, and Lincoln’s Second Inauguration and FDR’s First Inauguration are considered to have been the times of the two greatest Inaugural Addresses!

The Presidency And Native Americans

A recent article on History News Network has rated Presidents on “Integrity and Humanity in Dealing with Native American Nations”, a significant analysis of how the “original” Americans have been treated by American government.

It is not a positive picture overall, and we have had Presidents who were particularly horrid in their treatment of native Americans, and others who had a more open minded and considerate reaction to the plight of native Americans.

The list of Presidents who are seen as villains includes:

Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
James Garfield
Theodore Roosevelt
Donald Trump

The list of Presidents who are seen as reformers includes:

John Quincy Adams
Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Lyndon B. Johnson
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

Overall, sadly, native Americans were treated with violence, disrespect and paternalism, with their lands stolen, and forced out of their ancestral lands!

C-Span Presidential Historians Survey 2021 Announced Today!

For all Presidential followers, including scholars and specialists in the American Presidency and Presidential history, today is a great day, as C-Span announced its Presidential Historians Survey results for 2021!

It will take time to analyze the results, but a few points stand out:

Barack Obama went up from 12th to 10th in the overall listings.

Donald Trump ended up tied for 42nd out of 44, with Franklin Pierce, with only James Buchanan at 44 and Andrew Johnson at 43 below him.

Woodrow Wilson slipped from 11th to 13th as he continues to decline in overall rankings.

Andrew Jackson slipped dramatically from 18th to 22nd, and is now just in the middle of the overall rankings.

James K. Polk slipped from 14th to 18th, a continued decline in overall rankings.

John Adams and John Quincy Adams both rose four points from earlier rankings.

Bill Clinton dropped from 15th to 19th, a dramatic decline after having risen in earlier rankings.

Jimmy Carter ended up tied with James A. Garfield at 26th, and in the “battle” of Gerald Ford vs Carter, Carter came out ahead for the third time in the four C-Span surveys, in 2000, 2008 along with 2021, with Ford ahead in 2017.

The Record Of Donald Trump

Donald Trump has “many” accomplishments that no other President has had over the long haul of American history.

He is the first President not to serve a second term in the past 28 years, since George H. W. Bush, and only the 11th in history.

He is the first President since Herbert Hoover to lose the Presidency, the House of Representatives, and the US Senate.

He is the first President to lose hundreds of thousands of Americans to a pandemic since Woodrow Wilson a century ago.

He is the first President to lose the popular vote twice since Benjamin Harrison in the Gilded Age, and by massive margins unlike Harrison.

He is the first President to boycott his successor’s inauguration since Andrew Johnson a century and a half ago.

He is the first President ever elected with the help and collaboration of a foreign government, the Russian Federation.

He is the first President ever to fail to gain a majority popular vote approval rating since polling began in the late 1930s.

He is the first President to be impeached twice in the same term of office.

He is the first President ever to have a member of their own party vote for conviction in an impeachment trial, in both trials.

He is the first President ever to refuse to concede defeat.

He is the first President ever to insure a peaceful transfer of power.

He is the first President ever to actively incite a terrorist attack against his own government.

He is the first President in the Social Media age to be banned by Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram from posting, because he incites right wing domestic terrorism.

He is the first President who will be indicted and go to trial for criminal and civil violations in American history.

He is the President who will have more convictions of people engaged in corruption in his name, even more than Richard Nixon.

He is the first President who is mentally deranged and a danger to the Constitution and rule of law, and to the future of American democracy.

Donald Trump Is Both Paranoid And Pronoid At Same Time! He Has Delusions About How Others See Him!

Donald Trump is a paranoid, someone who thinks, without any basis in reality, that everyone is out to “get” him!

But, Donald Trump is also a “pronoid”, someone who thinks, without any basis in reality, that everybody likes him!

For instance, Donald Trump thinks the foreign governments around the world admire him. And he has delusions that the American people really wanted him despite all of the facts that show otherwise. He cannot accept the concept that his reputation is in tatters, and that those who support him in the political world do so more out of fear and concern of crossing him, than true loyalty!

Donald Trump thinks he is a popular person, even though he NEVER hit 50 percent of the population of America voting for him, rather losing both national elections by a total of 10 million votes, but the Electoral College kinks gave him, with Russian collusion, the election in 2016!

Donald Trump is not admirable in any sense, and certainly not a “gentleman” as he perceives, wrongly, that he is!

A “gentleman” is a man who is modest, well mannered, self deprecating, quietly intelligent, considerate of other people’s feelings, and well informed, but Donald Trump does not fit any of these descriptions!

Instead, Donald Trump is vulgar, inflated in his own belief in himself, vain, boastful, noisily ignorant, bullyish, sleazy, mean spirited, and is no model for young people to emulate!

Donald Trump is an obnoxious human being, a womanizer, a person who ridicules disabled people, a white supremacist, a full scale nativist, a promoter of conspiracy theories, a sore loser, and has no capacity for empathy, compassion, and concern about anyone but himself! If he had to abandon his own wife or children, he would do so to save his own skin!

Donald Trump is seriously mentally ill, a danger to America as he has incited domestic terrorism, and even now, six months after the election he clearly lost massively, he refuses to concede, and clearly never will!

Donald Trump insures that he will rank at the bottom of the list of all Presidents for anyone who has any sense of what Presidential leadership and personality means, in analyzing Presidents. Already, in the American Political Science Association Poll in 2018, and the Siena College Research Institute 2018 Presidential Survey, Trump is rated at the bottom of the listings of all Presidents. So much has happened since, including the two impeachment trials of Donald Trump!

Even those Presidents who have major character flaws, including most notably Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon, are elevated by the horrors America has gone through, and the damage done by a man who should never have been allowed in the Oval Office, and has done lasting harm to the institution of the Presidency!

Presidents Day: A Day To Celebrate And A Day To Mourn, At The Same Time!

Today is Presidents Day, a holiday to celebrate and commemorate America’s Presidents.

With 45 men having served as President, about one third stand out as accomplished and heroic in many ways.

Another third are clearly less outstanding but yet have virtues and accomplishments.

And the other third have some Presidents who are seen as mediocre, but others who are truly failures and disasters.

And then, there is Donald Trump, who besmirched the office of the Presidency, and for anyone to think that he will rise from the basement, absolute bottom of the list, requires a delusional mind and lack of ethics, morals, and decency!

Even James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, the usual two Presidents who inhabit the basement of the Presidency, by comparison to Donald Trump, they look like wrong headed and weak leaders, but cannot be put in the same category as the 45th President,

who was impeached twice;

failed to win the popular vote in either election he participated in;

failed ever to have a 50 percent public opinion rating at any time in his Presidency;

presided over the greatest loss of life in one year of any President with the COVID-19 Pandemic;

had the most corrupt cabinet and other officials around him;

purposely declared war on democracy, humanity, decency, compassion, and empathy;

promoted racism, nativism, misogyny as a national policy;

stirred up right wing forces that are still a domestic terrorism threat into the long term future;

Stirred a mob to attack the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, threatening his own Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, all members of Congress, and harmed Capitol Hill Police, with a few deaths and over 100 severely injured in the Insurrection;

and has destroyed the party of such luminaries as Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and many others who were governors or senators of a reputable party in past history!

The Most BiPartisan Impeachment Trial In American History

Donald Trump may have been able to avoid conviction in his second Impeachment Trial yesterday, but it was the most bipartisan impeachment trial in American history, nevertheless.

11 Republican House members moved to impeach Trump for his inciting of the January 6, 2021 Capitol Insurrection, including Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger as the most prominent, and 7 Senate Republicans (Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Pat Toomey, Bill Cassidy, Richard Burr) vote to convict Trump.

The vote of 57-43 to convict was ten votes short of the two thirds required, but if this was a piece of legislation, or an election, a percentage of 57-43 would be seen as a landslide!

Donald Trump has poisoned the Republican Party, and sadly, the state committees in the states where Republicans showed principle, have gone ahead and censured those courageous House and Senate members.

But in the long run of history those 11 House members and 7 Senators will stand tall, and the Republican Party is doomed for its allowing itself to become the party of Trump, and the effort to preserve democracy and the future, if any, of the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike and Reagan, must be waged for the security and safety of the nation in the future!

Donald Trump will go down in the long run as the worst President in American history, lower than James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, because he will be seen as a Fascist authoritarian who endangered the nation, and he will face prosecution as an ordinary citizens for many crimes, including the events of January 6, 2021!