Anti Abortion Activists

Texas Governor Greg Abbott And Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Should Be Prosecuted For Mistreatment Of Immigrants At The Border!

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott is at it again, sending undocumented immigrants at the Texas border who are escaping persecution, violence and poverty from Central America, to Washington DC and the home of Vice President Kamala Harris, without any notice to authorities at a time of extremely cold weather and inadequate preparation!

The governor, who is in a wheelchair, shows zero compassion for the plight of immigrants, including many young children and babies, and is playing a political game, thinking it will boost his own credentials for President in 2024.

Abbott is in a competition with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has used similar tactics, with both men having no common decency, compassion, and concern for human life, although both are anti abortion activists.

They profess to be “good Christians”, but this is not the teachings of Jesus Christ, or Pope Francis.

The response should be arrest and prosecution of Abbott and DeSantis for cruel, reckless mistreatment, and neither should be given any possibility of running for President on such a racist, nativist, extreme right wing philosophy, which promotes hate and division!