Anti Science

200 Days Since Donald Trump Left Office, And Nine Months Since Joe Biden Declared President-Elect, And The Insurrection Continues!

Today marks 200 days since Donald Trump left office, and the Insurrection continues, as Republicans plot to hide the truth of January 6, 2021, and to do everything they can to fix future elections so that they can win, despite promoting policies and ideas that undermine American democracy!

Today also marks nine months since Joe Biden was declared the winner of the Presidential Election of 2020!

The Republican Party is also promoting anti science by ignoring the COVID 19 Pandemic and its growing hospitalization and death rate, even though they claim to be the party of Pro Life, which is proof of their hypocrisy!

Never have we had so many crazy, delusional, dangerous members of Congress, who spout forth conspiracy theories, and advocate racism, white supremacy, nativism, and xenophobia, while having no regard for the sufferings of millions of Americans who are in danger of being evicted from their homes, and their struggles to keep up with their student loan repayments.

Thank goodness for the good heart, compassion, and empathy of President Biden, who has extended the rent moratorium and student loan moratorium, while Republicans have no concern about these matters.

Fox News Channel, One America News Network, Newsmax All Undermining Fight Against COVID 19

The three right wing cable news channels—Fox News Channel, One America News Network (OANN), and Newsmax—are involved in a competition to undermine the fight against COVID 19.

In effect, they are in the process of killing off many of their own crazy, clueless, ignorant loyalists!

The anti science, anti medicine channels are undermining public health and safety, and are being promoted by a vast majority of Republican members of Congress and many reckless, irresponsible state governors and legislators, including Ron DeSantis of Florida; Greg Abbott of Texas; and Kristi Noem of South Dakota, among others.

Social media, and in particular, Facebook, are also engaging in this disgraceful spreading of lies, myths, and conspiracy theories!

This is undermining the ability of the United States to move forward on the long list of problems the nation faces, with no sense of patriotism or loyalty to the nation, on the part of these treasonous, seditionist forces!

Dr. Anthony Fauci Attacked By Right Wing Media And Republican Politicians: Totally Reprehensible!

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been a true hero and treasure in this COVID 19 Pandemic, in his role as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden, after having been ignored and rebuked much of the time by former President Donald Trump.

If Trump had followed the advice of Fauci in 2020, we would not today have reached the horrifying figure of 600,000 dead from COVID 19!

Trump was responsible for the greatest loss of life in one year in American history, and yet Republicans, many of them anti vaccinators and anti maskers, have the gall to attack Fauci, and call for his resignation.

Right Wing Media, including Fox News Channel, and Tucker Carlson, and others, have joined in the demand for resignation of Fauci!

Just look at who is calling for this—Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and many others, all who are well known to be anti science and anti truth!