Anti Semitism

Jimmy Carter, A True Christian!

There is so much Christian hypocrisy by most politicians, who fail to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Racism, Nativism, Misogyny, Anti Semitism, and just plain hypocrisy is the norm for most Republicans and conservatives.

And then there was Jimmy Carter, who was a “true Christian” in his commitment to make life better for his fellow human beings.

Carter spent his life, particularly 44 years in retirement, promoting the protection and advancement of his fellow human beings, not just in America but worldwide.

So when he won the Nobel Peace Prize, long overdue in 2002, it was a true testimonal to a great man, who set an example that should be followed by all, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist!

Stunning Reality: About 10 Million Fewer Americans Voted In 2024 As Compared To 2020!

One of many shocking realities of the 2024 Presidential Election is that an estimate 10 million FEWER Americans voted in 2024, as compared to the Presidential Election of 2020.

This, with a growing population, and millions of new potential voters, and it seems inexplicable!

And clearly, those who did vote based their decision on lies, deceit, ignorance, and thinking only OTHER people would be hurt by what Donald Trump proposes to do!

And clearly, no matter what is denied, there are many millions of Americans, who have no issue with white supremacy, racism, nativism, anti semitism, and misogyny, and this in a nation in which many profess to be “religious”, but do not believe in or follow the teachings of Jesus Christ!

The only hope is that once Americans see the reality of the second term of Donald Trump, that the reaction against it will affect the Congressional Elections of 2026 and the Presidential Election of 2028, and lead to a Democratic Party revival.

Mark Robinson, NC Republican Gubernatorial Nominee: A Major Right Wing Extremist!

The Republican Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, who is African American, is the party nominee for Governor in November 2024, running against North Carolina State Attorney General and Democrat Josh Stein.

This upcoming election is a crisis for the state of North Carolina and the nation, as Mark Robinson is an out of control right wing extremist.

His past record and utterances demonstrate the following:

He is a strong supporter of the National Rifle Association, and spoke out against gun control legislation after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Massacre in Parkland, Florida in February 2018.

He is vehemently anti abortion; denies climate change as reality; wants to promote charter schools and school voucher programs at the expense of public schools; and wants to remove science and social studies from the curriculum for first graders through fifth graders.

He has promoted Holocaust denial, and has made strongly antisemitic statements, alarming the Jewish community in North Carolina and nationally.

He has been harshly critical of African Americans who are Democrats, and bitterly denounces Barack Obama and has called Michelle Obama a man, and called Martin Luther King Jr a Communist, along with the Civil Rights Movement.

He has been strongly anti gay and anti transgender, and is also strongly anti Muslim, and a nativist against various immigrant groups.

He has strongly denounced the COVID 19 Pandemic as a threat, and has praised past dictators, including Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Fidel Castro, while at the same time calling his critics “Communists”!

He also has a record of bankruptcies, owing back taxes, and having misused campaign funds for his 2020 campaign for Lieutenant Governor.

This character is a clear and present danger, and it is essential that Democrat Josh Stein be elected Governor, to succeed Democrat Roy Cooper, who has had to deal with the nightmare of his Lieutenant Governor being totally uncooperative and confrontational in the past four years!

Tucker Carlson Gone From Fox News Channel: Good Riddance!

A literal nightmare has come to an end, with the decision of Fox News Channel to part ways with the most watched cable show host, Tucker Carlson.

Carlson should be held legally responsible and prosecuted for his lies about the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, and his own promotion over the years of racism, nativism, misogyny, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, homophobia, and support of Fascism authoritarianism and autocratic dictators around the world, including Vladimir Putin. He has also promoted conspiracy theories about the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Carlson lied incessantly, and it was revealed that he despised Donald Trump, and yet continued to embrace the “Big Lie” about the election of Joe Biden in 2020, that the election was stolen.

Carlson is a very evil, vain excuse for a human being, and it could be argued since he was on Cable that he was even more dangerous and divisive than the leading radio talk show host, the late and despicable Rush Limbaugh!

If there is justice, he should be sued for his wealth, and incarcerated for a prison term for the rest of his life, as he provoked violence, bloodshed, and hatred at an obscene level!

If there was justice, he would never have his voice heard again on radio or cable, but sadly, he is likely to find a new home at another right wing cable channel, or will set up a podcast.

Or he might seek public office, spreading his venomous poison, but all efforts to prevent him gaining a new power position must be pursued!

There are no virtues to Tucker Carlson, and anyone who would defend his disgusting behavior should be vilified and be spurned in society!

And this event should start the process of ridding the nation of hateful political leaders who have no conscience and only wish to divide the nation!

And Fox News Channel has other hateful cable talk show hosts, and faces further legal challenges regarding its promotion of lies about the Presidential Election Of 2020, leading to the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

The Republican Party Has Gone Fully Racist, Nativist, Misogynistic, Homophobic, And Willing To Ignore Anti Semitism In Its Midst!

In the past, we had elements of racism, nativism, misogyny, homophobia, and anti Semitism emerge among some members of both political parties.

But now, as the Republican Party is about to take control of the House of Representatives in January, the party that once was graced by Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H W Bush, has gone fully racist, nativist, misogynistic, homophobic, and ignoring elements of anti Semitism in its midst!

What used to be veiled and secretive is now openly displayed, with no sense of shame or embarrassment!

This shows up every day by the utterances or actions of those who admire Donald Trump, and Republican politicians who overlook his extremist behavior and promotion of hatred and violence and inciting domestic terrorism!

Members of the Republican Party in Congress and in many states accentuate their narrow mindedness and willingness to ignore the Constitution and Bill of Rights!

As things stand, the party is in its death throes long term, as those who are conservatives but have decency in their veins, are abandoning what has become an extremist right wing party!

So we have individuals such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Larry Hogan, and a small number of others in the party who still uphold common decency.

But the cancer of Donald Trump and his supporters permeate the party, and the disaster of Kevin McCarthy as the likely Speaker of the House, or being replaced by someone even more horrendous, make clear that the party, as we once knew it, is in its death throes.

It must be replaced by a respectable, dignified Conservative Party, that does not promote as part of its plaform the evils of racism, nativism, misogyny, homophobia, and anti Semitism!

Republicans Very Slow To Condemn Donald Trump Over Dinner With Nick Fuentes!

The Republican Party has been very slow to condemn Donald Trump over the dinner he hosted at Mar a Lago with supremacist, anti Semitic, and Holocaust Denier Nick Fuentes, as well as the looney Kanye West.

Former Vice President Mike Pence said Trump should apologize.

Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader, said that the behavior was reprehensible.

Others made it clear they were uncomfortable, but would not say they thought an apology by Trump was required, including Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Tommy Tuberville, Senator Joni Ernst, and Senator Roy Blunt.

Former Governor Chris Christie, Governor Asa Hutchinson, Senator Mitt Romney, and Senator Bill Cassidy were stronger, but also did not insist on an apology.

Future likely Speaker Kevin McCarthy tried to defend Trump, while saying Fuentes and West should not have been invited to dinner at the White House.

Clearly, the Republican leadership lacks guts and principle, and continues to bow to the Fascist authoritarian Donald Trump!

Kevin McCarthy Unable To Criticize Trump If He Is To Become House Speaker, So Morally Compromised!

With five weeks to go until the new 118th Congress meets on January 3, 2023, Kevin McCarthy is “between a rock and a hard place!”

He cannot afford to alienate the House Freedom Caucus, the most extremist right wing Republicans in the House of Representatives.

So therefore, as all along for the past two years, McCarthy cannot criticize Donald Trump for his having white supremacist and Holocaust Denier Nick Fuentes and another anti semite, Kanye West, at dinner at Mar a Lago!

McCarthy has flirted with Donald Trump since January 6, 2021, and by all rights, should not be Speaker of the House, which should go instead to an honest conservative Republican who has condemned Donald Trump.

Liz Cheney or Justin Amash would be the more appropriate choice, but the Republican Party has been flirting with extreme right wing Fascism, and seems ready to self destruct!

Donald Trump Stoops Yet Lower: Dinner With Kanye West And Nick Fuentes At Mar a Lago!

Donald Trump has committed every outrage imaginable in word and action in his life, particularly since he announced his Presidential candidacy in June 2015.

But now he has managed to stoop even lower, by having dinner at Mar a Lago with anti semites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, who is also a white supremacist!

Clearly, Donald Trump is mentally ill, that he cannot realize how having dinner with these pieces of trash, undermines his reputation yet further!

How, one wonders, does Kanye West associate with Nick Fuentes and his white supremacy beliefs, with Fuentes also proclaiming denial of the Holocaust, and how does Donald Trump associate with two antisemites, while proclaiming his love of Israel?

And Fuentes himself is Mexican-American on his father’s side, so being a white supremacist is a sign of self hate on his part!

Donald Trump’s son in law, Jared Kushner, is Jewish, and his daughter converted to Judaism, and yet, Trump associates with these characters!

One wonders how any Jewish person could continue to support and believe in Donald Trump!

Infuriating Attack Of Mike Pompeo On Randi Weingarten And Teaching Profession!

There are many outrageous, irritating utterances that emanate from Republicans and conservatives about all kinds of issues and individuals.

But the attack of former Secretary of State and former CIA Director, and future Republican Presidential contender Mike Pompeo against Randi Weingarten and the American Federation of Teachers is the most infuriating statement imaginable.

Pompeo, insanely, termed Weingarten the most dangerous person in the world, more than Kim Jong Un of North Korea, Chinese President Xi Jinping, or Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Pompeo must be considered totally crazy with such an utterance, and should be disqualified from running for or winning the Oval Office.

This is not just a personal attack on a woman who has dedicated her life to education, as head of the United Federation of Teachers from 1998-2008, and as head of the American Federation of Teachers from 2008 to the present. Weingarten has devoted herself to promoting the rights and conditions of the teaching profession.

This is a field in which we are losing more teachers than replacing them, due to the effects of the COVID 19 Pandemic. But also there is the outrageous interference of right wing groups and ignorant parents who think they know more about what the curriculum should be in science, history, literature than educators who are trained to promote knowledge, truth, facts instead of myths, and to promote empathy, compassion and tolerance of others who are different than any of us.

Pompeo, like many right wing extremists, does not want students to learn about the truth of American history, the mistreatment of native Americans, African Americans, and other marginalized groups, but he is promoting narrow mindedness and intolerance, a threat to future harmony in this multi racial, multi ethnic society.

He is also, for sure, attacking Weingarten because of her liberal Jewish heritage and promoting Christian nationalism, which sees Jews as a group that should be proselytized to convert to Christianity. His pro Israel advocacy is phony, and he is supportive of the extremism in Israeli society, which has now led to Benjamin Netanyahu coming back as Prime Minister, while under criminal indictment. One can be pro Israel and support its right to exist, but does not require that all Jews or other decent people must accept the injustices represented by Netanyahu and his Orthodox extremists who look at Arabs as subhuman.

There is also an element of misogyny and homophobia that is part of Pompeo’s mantra, as Weingarten is a lesbian, and married to a Reform woman rabbi.

So all of the ugly elements–anti intellectual, Christian nationalism, misogyny, homophobia—of Mike Pompeo are to be condemned as horrendous.

And by attacking Weingarten, Pompeo also endangers her life and safety, and likely will cause threats that will require security, totally beyond the pale.

Donald Trump’s Attack On American Jews, Encouraging Anti Semitism!

Donald Trump is questioning American Jews and their loyalty to Israel, and has consorted with anti Semites over his career!

About a third of American Jews admire Donald Trump, due to their so called “conservative” values, which include the fact that he supported the Israeli government of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Also, no question that Trump accepted Jerusalem as the capital of Israel; the annexation of the Golan Heights; and the Abraham Accords, which normalized relations of Israel with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco.

But Trump used foul language against Netanyahu when Netanyahu “had the gall” to congratulate Joe Biden on his victory in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Israel was able to influence Trump, but Trump is constantly denouncing American Jews, who are not always supportive of the Israeli government’s policies, and with about 70 percent supporting the candidacy of Joe Biden in 2020!

While Trump was supportive of Israel, so have been other American Presidents, including the often not appreciated efforts of Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter in particular!