Asian Continent

43 Years Since Richard Nixon Resigned: Time For Push To Force Donald Trump Out As Totally Dangerous And Incompetent!

Today, August 9, marks 43 years since the resignation of Richard Nixon, and as Gerald Ford said, a “great national nightmare” was over.

Who would think that now, in 2017, we would have to come to grips with a man in the Oval Office who makes Richard Nixon’s good points stand out, as Nixon had real accomplishments, while Donald Trump has NONE, other than Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch!

Donald Trump is far more dangerous than Richard Nixon ever was, and he knew when it was time to go.

It is time for Donald Trump to go, but he will not go quietly, if at all, and would probably have to be moved bodily from the White House, as he has no dignity or class!

We could be on the verge of a nuclear holocaust as we commemorate the bombing of Nagasaki today, 72 years ago.

We could see massive loss of life on the Asian continent and Japan, due to the maniacal behavior of the 45th President!

The present horrifying crisis emerging with North Korea, made worse by the tone, choice of words, and belligerence of Donald Trump, has created a nightmare far worse than Nixon.

Realize Trump has set out to destroy the domestic legacy of Richard Nixon, and his work to promote peace through negotiations with the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China, while Trump is destroying our NATO alliance, and cozying up to Russian hoodlum and bully Vladimir Putin, endangering our national security.

Speed in the Robert Mueller investigation is urgent to rid this nation of this national nightmare as soon as possible!